The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1143

Unfortunately, today is Qingcheng's birthday.

It was just because it was close to Qingcheng's birthday that Jin Lengyu took Qingcheng to the shopping mall outside, and also took Qingcheng to the noodle shop to eat a bowl of long-lived noodles in advance. Therefore, she met a dirty uncle Guo DA in the noodle shop.

Lin Feng almost forgot Qingcheng's birthday, so in order to make up for his fault, he chose today to celebrate Qingcheng's birthday.

He decided to have dinner with Qingcheng alone, and more luxurious.

He is a 3S VIP of longta in Jiangzhou city. He can take Qingcheng to the dome restaurant on the top floor for dinner.

He felt that the elder martial sister had been on the mountain for so many years. She did not get involved in the world and did not enjoy the prosperity of the world. A woman at her most beautiful age should have the most romantic experience, otherwise it would be a waste of youth.

Therefore, although it is in this more urgent moment, Lin Feng still decided to take the time to let the elder martial sister have a good experience of romance.

Lin Feng made a temporary location in the dome restaurant of the Dragon Tower. At about 7 o'clock in the evening, he drove Qingcheng to the Dragon Tower.

Qingcheng didn't want to go at the beginning, but after careful consideration, it seems that the days of getting along well with younger martial brothers are becoming less and less.

Seize the time in front of you, don't be so fidgety as before!

So Qingcheng agreed to Lin Feng, and they came to the Dragon Tower for dinner.

Longta is the most luxurious restaurant in Jiangzhou City, which is funded by the local government of Jiangzhou city. All the people who come here are also Jiangzhou celebrities.

Lin Feng asked the parking boy to park the car well. In the surprised eyes of the pink Santana, he took Qingcheng's hand and walked into the Dragon Tower.

What Qingcheng is wearing today is not so formal. It is a one-piece white skirt. But her clear lotus temperament, which is muddy but not dyed, makes her gain everyone's eyes as soon as she enters the Dragon Tower.

People's first reaction is, whose fairy came to eat?

Qingcheng, however, sometimes has that kind of fairies coming down to the earth. At first sight, it makes people feel that the beauty is irresistible, and pure can't bear to get close to it. It's like a fairy coming, and you can only see it from a distance.

Lin Feng didn't care about the eyes of those people. You don't have to look at them. You must be thinking of a group of words - beauty and beast.

Every time Lin Feng brings beauty, these people are the same eyes, Lin Feng has been numb.

While taking Qingcheng to the inside, he said: "elder martial sister, now we are in Jiangzhou City, which is the most prosperous place here. You can make do with it first, wait for the next birthday, I will take you to the most prosperous place in Kyoto for your birthday!"

Qingcheng looked at Lin Feng with a smile, but she suddenly felt a little sad: "younger martial brother, in three days, there will be masters in the yuan Shen period who will take away your family treasure. What should we do then..."

"senior sister, don't think about these, you can have a good birthday, my business, I will deal with it!" Lin Feng beamed and patted his chest: "it's on me!"

The more Lin Feng is like this, the more miserable it will be for Qingcheng. He knows that Lin Feng likes to carry everything on his own. Even if it is something he can't decide, he will resist. He won't tell others that when he practiced together on the mountain before, he had the same temperament, and has not changed now.

The lobby manager came to pick up Lin Feng in person and watched him go up the elevator.

There are also two attendants in the elevator, one is carrying drinks and the other is guiding Lin Feng.

After arriving at the dome restaurant, the waiter took Lin Feng out, chose a window seat, led him to sit down with Qingcheng, and then put the aperitif on the table, and politely said: "Sir, if there is any service, just ring the bell on the table, I will come up immediately. I wish you a happy evening!"

Thank you Lin Feng smiles and nods.

When the waiters go down, only Lin Feng and Qingcheng are left at the table. Where they gather for more than ten meters, there are several other tables where people are eating and drinking, but they can't be disturbed. There is a screen between them.

The dome restaurant is also an ancient style building, which is very popular in Qingcheng. Looking around, Qingcheng couldn't help exclaiming, "nature has ghost axe craftsmanship, but human wisdom is also extraordinary!"

"Pretty?" Lin Feng smilingly pointed to the top of his finger: "elder martial sister, look up again!"

Qingcheng follows the direction of Lin Feng's finger and looks up.

At this time, the sky is late, and stars have been hanging on the sky. Through the extremely bright and transparent crystal cover of the dome restaurant, you can look into the night sky with a unique flavor.

The inverted "U" shape design of the crystal cover will make it produce some magnifiers, so it feels that the stars are very close to themselves. It really corresponds to the ancient poem, "you can pick stars with your hands!"

Qingcheng did not see such a scene, and was immediately intoxicated. Her beautiful big eyes blinked and her cherry mouth opened slightly. Her face was a little surprised, with a little surprise, but also with a trace of expectation and satisfaction. From the perspective of Lin Feng, the beauty of this woman is beyond description.

However, Qingcheng's face suddenly became depressed. She lowered her head as if she had lost her mood.

"What's the matter, sister?" Lin Feng asked."Younger martial brother, I heard from my master that it's not easy for you to walk along the way. Your parents have been gone since you were a child. You can only bear the hardships by yourself, so you have developed your independent and strong personality." Qingcheng said, "but now there are master and I, I hope we can share some for you. Don't let you work so hard!"

"Elder martial sister, I understand your kindness. Your younger brother is just like this. I am not used to others interfering in my work. What's more, it's a matter of my family, and I don't need help from others!" Lin Feng sincerely looked at Qingcheng: "elder martial sister, I just ask not to implicate you and master!"

Looking at Lin Feng's twinkling eyes, a burst of heartache in Qingcheng's heart. Although this man looks like a small child on the surface, he shoulders the responsibility, but few people can compare with him.

However, he is so sunshine, so strong, even if the danger is near, there is no trace of sadness on his face.

Perhaps, only in the dead of night, only his own time, he will show the most sad side.

Qingcheng more want more heartache, once upon a time, she has been when Lin Feng is a child, but at this moment, she really understand Lin Feng, Lin Feng is not a child, Lin Feng is a real man.

"Elder martial sister, don't think so much about your birthday today. Come on, what do you like to eat? I haven't given you a birthday for many years, so I'll make it up to you once!" Lin Feng has a warm smile on his face.

Qingcheng heart is also a burst of moved, but she did not know what she wanted to eat, looking at the colorful menu, very dizzy.

Just at this time, a disdainful voice came: "Oh, isn't this Lin Feng? Did you come to the dome for dinner? "

Lin Feng followed the reputation to see Liu Qing with a man, toward him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!