The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1141

Liu Qing pondered with a smile: "you know that I want to get blood jade, but you still want to get blood jade from me. Don't you think this is very contradictory?"

The man said, "no contradiction, I help you get the blood jade, and then, you give me the blood jade!"

Liu Qing was disgusted with this dialogue. He felt that the cold man in front of him was very proud. He could even say this. Is this called negotiation? Isn't this an open robbery?

But he still endured the discomfort in his heart and asked, "I got the blood jade, and I want to give it to you. What did I get in the end? Nothing, my friend

The man said, "you can get whatever you want."

"Oh ho, what a big voice!" Liu Qing said with a smile: "I want Lin Feng to die, I want to make his woman, I want the Liu family to be brilliant again, OK? Well, you're a big talker

"Yes!" The man is light to say: "very simple!"

"What?" Liu Qing looked at the man in amazement: "this... Is very simple?"

"It's a piece of cake!" The man said, "as long as you are willing to rob the blood jade in your name, I will secretly help you get the blood jade, and then, I will give you everything you want!"

Liu Qing looked at the man carefully, frowned and said, "who are you?"

Generally, a man who has such a tone but is stable must have an extraordinary origin.

Moreover, in the process of talking with a man, Liu Qing also felt the dignity of this man.

It is a kind of awe inspiring atmosphere, as if you stand by his side, he will be invisible suppression, he does not have to say anything, do not do any action, just a look, is enough to make you feel his power.

Liu Qing feels that this man is not pretending to be. From the beginning to the present, the bodyguards behind him have been left in the sun and the wind, and they have not moved at all. Like the mannequins in the wax museum, this quality can not be trained by ordinary families or organizations.

The man took a deep breath and was obviously impatient with Liu Qing's questions. He said, "this stupid question, please don't ask again in the future. I'm a person who helps you. Just remember that."

"People who help me?" Liu Qing turned his lips and said, "my Liu family wants blood jade, and you want me to give you the blood jade. Are you helping me? Aren't you stealing the fruits of my labor? "

The man shook his head and sneered, "I asked you, do you have the ability to handle Lin Feng?"

Liu qingseli neiran said: "yes... Yes, I'll go back and ask some powerful people to come and kill Lin Feng. Have you heard of death alliance? There are so many experts in the death alliance. As long as the money is enough, all the powerful people can be invited...

"if the death alliance can kill Lin Feng, the price is not what you can afford!" Said the man.

"How do you know?" Liu Qing asked.

At this time, the man really wants to slap the 100000 why in front of him. He himself is the man of the alliance of the gods of death. Of course, it can't be clearer.

The man walked towards Liu Qing and approached Liu Qing. A powerful atmosphere poured out to Liu Qing in an instant.

Liu Qing instantly felt a burst of depression, and even the whole person felt a feeling of powerlessness, fear and despair. He said with difficulty: "I... I don't ask, I believe you!"

The man took back his body and said faintly, "so, you have no ability to kill Lin Feng, but I have the ability. You need my help!"

Liu Qing adjusted her breath and said, "well, since you are so powerful, why do you want to cooperate with me? You just go and kill Lin Feng and take away the blood jade! "

Liu Qing's words are reasonable, and the bodyguards behind him have always had this question.

But the man did not reply, but was cold in the face of this Liu Qing, that pair of eyes behind the sunglasses, it seems that to project the essence of murder.

Liu Qing suddenly a burst of fear, he has never been so timid, why to face this person, always have no reason to be guilty?

He said quickly, "well, I won't ask."

But think about it and feel the loss, this transaction is not clear, how can we cooperate?

He added: "however, I feel that the reason for me to transfer the blood jade to you is still not sufficient. My Liu family has always wanted to find this blood jade stone. I am the only blood vein of the Liu family. This matter falls on my shoulder. So, I give the blood jade to you. Then I betrayed the Liu family? You are trapping me in injustice and betraying my ancestors

The man took a deep breath, and the conversation with Liu Qing seemed to be challenging his patience. After a long time, the man said, "I asked you, Liu Jiazu asked you to take blood jade. Did you say, why did you take blood jade?"

Liu Qing said: "this thing is a rare treasure. It's priceless. With this thing, you can sell it for a sky high price in private. Then my Liu family will take off with the economy."

"So, what kind of sky high price you want, I'll give it to you. Do you have to get blood jade, is there any need?" Said the man."You are right, but my grandfather said that there is a secret hidden in the blood jade. I also want to know what the secret is." Liu Qing said.

The man sighed, and finally lost his patience. He said coldly, "Liu Qing, don't forget that your life is here with me, even ants are inferior. As long as I gently move my hand, you will die."

He came forward again and said in a more gloomy and cruel tone: "I'm here to talk about cooperation with you because I understand politeness, but don't take my politeness as a chip for you to talk nonsense. My patience is limited. If you agree to cooperate, I will find someone to sign a secret agreement with you. If you don't agree, I'm sorry, there will be no Liu family in the world from now on!"

The weight of these words is very heavy, each sentence is like a sharp knife, pierced into Liu Qing's heart.

Liu Qing is not stupid. On the contrary, he is also very smart. He knows that it is important to protect his life. So he quickly said: "big brother, brother, I don't mean that. You are like this. What price do you say? The price is OK. I believe my ancestors have a spirit in heaven and can rest in peace."

The man said, "what price do you want, just open your mouth."

Liu Qing had no idea.

Since he was a child, he has been living abroad, spending money like land. After his father died, he left him a lot of property, with tens of millions of dollars.

It can be said that he doesn't have a lot of ideas about money now. He looks back at the four bodyguards behind him and comes up with an idea. He calls the four bodyguards and discusses them.

"How much do you think it costs to revitalize a family?"

The four bodyguards are not educated for several years, and they don't know how to charge. Look at me and I'll see you. One of them said, "one hundred million! One hundred million for him

Liu Qing Yiba palm fan in the back of his head, said: "I am now worth more than 100 million, you and he are very hard, just want 100 million?"

The bodyguard looked aggrieved and said in his heart that I paid tens of thousands of yuan a month, and 100 million yuan was certainly more for me.

At this time, the man was impatient. He patted Liu Qing on the back and said, "you can talk about the money. I'll give you a word today. As long as you dare to ask for it, I can afford it. Just give me a number behind you!"

Liu Qing was happy to hear this, and he quickly and repeatedly thanks: "thank you so much, brother. In fact, I won't want too much, because I have an unkind request!"

"What kind of invitation?"

Liu Qing pursed his lips and said, "can you help me kill Lin Feng and give me that little girl beside Lin Feng? It's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. She's the most beautiful woman I've ever met , the fastest update of the webnovel!