The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 113

"NIMA's, does Lao Tzu look very easy to provoke?" Kim Tae's hair style has gone a little bit. He wiped his remaining hair. He took out the phone angrily and said to the other end of the phone: "you two come up. There is a security guard who is not sensible. Give me a lesson to him!"

Hearing that Jin Dazheng was angry, Xiangxiang hurriedly begged for mercy: "boss Jin, don't be angry, you have something to say."

But seeing Jin Dazheng's apathy, he turned to Tony and said, "Tony, please advise boss Jin not to do it. It's not good to hurt people."

Xiangxiang is still a kind-hearted person. She will be beaten when she sees Lin Feng. She really doesn't want to see this scene.

"You cheap skin, let you accompany boss Jin, you have to put it off till now. This time, boss Jin is angry. I can't control this matter!" Tony said coldly.

"Boss Jin, I beg you. I'm going with my sister. Please don't send anyone to beat him!" Xiangxiang asks for Jin Dazheng again.

"It's impossible. If I get angry, it will cost me!" Kim Tae is proud.

"Xiangxiang, come back!" At this time, Wei Yichen called out: "don't worry about this matter!"

Wei Yichen has long been unhappy with Jin Dazheng. She knows the strength of the boss. So far, she hasn't seen who can beat the boss.

The other little beauties around her had already been scared and stood aside.

They looked at Lin Feng one after another, and were shocked.

Lin Feng is almost in danger, but he is not worried at all. He is still lying on the sofa and ordering songs with the remote control. He orders a song by Naying, and then the prelude starts. Lin Feng still shakes his head and shakes his head with the rhythm, which makes the little beauties around him very anxious.

That JINDA is just angry enough, this boy dare not to put himself in the eye, will certainly let him know, and his pretending to force the end of how miserable!

At this time, Jin Dazheng's two hitchmen went upstairs.

These two thugs, who graduated from martial arts school and could not find any good jobs, came to JINDA as a proper driver. In addition to driving, they were the bodyguards of Jin Dazheng.

These two bodyguards are big and three thick. They seem to be bluffing. When they enter the door, they have great momentum. One person directly asks Jin Dazheng: "boss, who are you going to hit? We haven't done it for a long time. Our hands are itching! "

"That boy, the one singing there!" Jin Dazheng pointed to Lin Feng and yelled.

"Stinky boy, dare to anger our boss, I'll kill you today!" A strong man kicked Lin Feng directly.

Lin Feng held the microphone in one hand and didn't even look at the man. When the man kicked him, he released a hand and directly caught the man's foot, then lifted it forcefully.


The bodyguard was unexpectedly overturned and fell to the ground.

"Ouch The bodyguard didn't look up to Lin Feng at first, so when he started, he didn't pay attention to him.

But Lin Feng's a set of actions, fast as lightning, this guy also a face confused, was thrown on the ground, suddenly a burst of pain in the buttocks.

Lin Feng is still singing, and then the biceps back to the group of small beauty show, meaning: look, brother's arms have strength? It turned the grandson upside down.

That group of little beauties from the beginning of panic, become calm, because they see Lin Feng as if they did not pay attention to the two people, singing in the mouth, put one down.

After the man fell down, he felt that he had no face. He was about to stand up. At this time, Lin Feng was facing his face, splitting his legs like Mount Tai on the top of the mountain.

The man did not have time to stand up, quickly cross arms, blocking Lin Feng's legs.

But the man murmured about the strength of Lin Feng's leg. He only heard his arms "click" and then a burst of deep pain. The forearm of one of his arms was crushed and dropped in a strange arc on his chest.

"Ah -" the man cried out in pain.

"Shh -" Lin Feng put his finger in front of his mouth: "don't shout, it will affect my singing

Then. Lin Feng picked up the microphone and Sang Na Ying's "Conquest" to the group of little beauties:

"finally you find a way to

distinguish the victory and defeat

the cost of winning or losing

is to smash each other to pieces...

" NIMA! " Kim Tae's whole body is shaking. The bodyguard he hired is so delicious! He was so angry that he called out to the other one, "what the hell are you doing for me?"

Seeing the one in front of him, the bodyguard was knocked down. He had learned martial arts and knew that the disparity in strength was not a little bit. However, after taking the money from the boss, he couldn't help it. After tangled up for a while, he still screamed and rushed up.

"Handsome boy, be careful!" Xiangxiang called to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng did not really put that person in the eye, see that person is close to his front, he fiercely stretched out his legs, and accurately and ruthlessly directly kicked in the person's abdomen.

"Pa"A sound, the bodyguard's hand did not touch Lin Feng, but was kicked to kneel down on the ground, hand covering the abdomen, pale face, bean big sweat from the forehead, it seems very painful.

At this time, but listen to Lin Feng said: "climax, climax ha!"

It's his song. It's the climax!

But he didn't sing. He put Mai on the mouth of the lying guard and said, "it's your turn to sing. If you don't sing, I'll kill you now!"

The security guard shivered, looked at the screen, and quickly sang:

"I was conquered by you like this

cut off all the retreat paths

my mood is strong

my decision is muddleheaded, Wuwuwuwu......"

my singing is not complete, but I can barely sing it down.

Lin Feng put Mai on the mouth of another bodyguard and said, "it's time for you. If you can't catch up with the rhythm, you'll delay the whole score of the song. I'll break your leg!"

The security guard covered his stomach and grinned with pain, but his heart was so frightened that he didn't dare not sing. He opened his mouth and sang in a strange way:

"I was conquered by you like this. Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa ... "

the two men's five tone and weird singing made the group of little beauties laugh.

At the beginning, they thought that Lin Feng would be beaten, but they didn't expect that the two strong bodyguards would be knocked down by Lin Feng in an instant.

What's more, Lin Feng always holds a microphone in one hand. He's cool and cool.

This guy, how awesome!

Xiang Xiang can't help but think of Lin Feng's biceps and abdominal muscles. Suddenly, her heart is throbbing again. This man is a real man!

At this time, Kim Tae Chung and Tony were already confused, especially Jin Dazheng. They didn't expect that their two big bodyguards, who were proud of themselves, were beaten up and conquered by others in an instant. What a shame!

He wanted to call for more people, but before he could dial it, Lin Feng flashed. He came to him, kicked off his mobile phone, put the microphone on his lips, and said, "boss Jin, there's still the last part left to sing. Come on, don't be a disappointment. Sing one!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!