The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1138

After that, Lin Feng quickly stopped, and said with a helpless face: "what are you doing? Fight on the fight, you are two-sided, I won't win! "

Guo Da's body flew backward for several meters, but he was not injured. He fell on the ground steadily with a backward somersault, and he yelled to Liu Qingda: "urge, urge, you will know. If you have the ability to fight, I will not fight any more!"

Liu Qing was so stupid that if Guo Da gave up, he would stop cooking.

"Lao Guo, I didn't mean that..." Liu Qing said.

"What do you mean?" Guo Da asked.

"This..." Liu Qing didn't know what to do.

Guo Da snorted coldly: "do you think I look at your face? I'm standing with you for the sake of blood jade. Don't take yourself too seriously. You are not my leader or my boss. So, pay more attention to me in the future! "

"Ah Liu Qing was completely stunned. She didn't expect Guo Da to be so straightforward.

"Are you blood jade?" Lin Feng frowned: "what does blood jade have to do with you?"

"It matters a lot." "But I don't want to tell you about it," she said

He didn't want everyone to know what connection he had with blood jade.

Lin Feng said: "you don't want to say it, do you? Then I'll call you and say it!"

With that, Lin Feng suddenly looked serious, and his whole body was full of vigor. A white light appeared around his arm.

Different from Guo Da, Lin Feng's strength is more white.

He glared at Guo DA and said, "as long as it's related to blood jade, I'll make it clear!"

As he spoke, Lin Feng's figure flashed and suddenly disappeared in place.

Guo Da was surprised, but he was not an ordinary person. He noticed the track of Lin Feng's action for a moment. He took action to avoid Lin Feng's attack.

However, he felt a sharp cold invading his whole body, so that he was almost frozen stiff and slowed down a lot. He knew how to hide and where to hide, but his body couldn't keep up with it when he realized it.


A dull sound, Guo Da was hit in the abdomen, the whole person flew back.

However, he opened his mouth wide and was stunned. Lin Feng had already got behind him and kicked Guo Da's butt.


Guo Da's body has not stopped, but is kicked by Lin Feng and flies into the air.

"Don't tell me, you should fight!"

Lin Feng at the foot of the force, force a jump, the body appears in the top of Guo da.

Go back

Lin Feng splits his leg, directly cleaves on Guo Da's stomach, and Guo Da's body falls rapidly.


Guo Da's body like a meteorite, heavy hit on the ground, the ground was smashed out of a hole, around the smoke and dust.

Lin Feng falls slowly and stands at the edge of the pit, looking at Guo DA and not speaking.

With a trace of blood oozing from the corner of his mouth, he stood up and climbed out of the pit.

It was the most embarrassing day of his life.

He was beaten by his opponent and could not fight back. His whole body seemed to be frozen by the cold, so that he could only open his eyes and watch himself beaten.

Fortunately, his body is strong, Lin Feng beat so many times, it seems that there is no big obstacle.

It has to be said that Guo Da is absolutely a master among the masters. His cultivation is not comparable to that of ordinary people. He has been hit hard by Lin Feng three times in a row. No matter who can carry it, he can still climb up from the pit, which is enough to show his strength and fighting ability.

Lin Feng also secretly admired him. It seems that his cultivation is also imperative. Although the three blows just now didn't use all his strength, they were definitely not itching, but they didn't seem to cause any trauma to this guy!

If, oneself congeals the yuan God seed, believed does not need three times, light, this guy must be beaten by oneself.

But now I haven't condensed into the seed of Yuan Shen, so it's useless to think about it.

Lin Feng said to Guo Da, "Guo Da, you will not be my opponent. Tell me quickly what connection you have with blood jade. If you don't say it, I will use my best to destroy you!"

What Lin Feng said is not a lie. He used phantom steps and ice beads, but he has not yet activated the blood boiling from the vampire. If he starts the boiling blood, his strength will be enhanced a lot. I believe that it is not necessary to coagulate the seeds of Yuan Shen, and Guo DA can't eat it with one blow.

Guo Da looks at Lin Feng, her round eyes dribble around and seems to be thinking about what to do next!

Lin Feng will not give him too much time to think: "I count three numbers, if you don't answer me within three numbers, I will do it!"




"do you really think I am rubbish?" Guo Da's face suddenly appeared a touch of anger: "next, I will use my big trick!"

Lin Feng light smile: "good, please show your big move!"Guo Da clenched his teeth and called out: "Lin Feng, you forced me!"

Then, it was as if he was going to evaporate, but his belly was bulging. He was chubby, and now he was completely round.

"Human bomb!" Guo Da roared, his body suddenly whirled and rushed to Lin Feng.

Guo Da's "human bomb" seems to be ready to do his best. He not only uses all his strength, but also gathers his energy in his abdomen. When he collides with his opponent, if he wins, it will not matter. If he finds that he is not the opponent of the other party, he will release all the strength in his body at the critical moment.

Burst out of the belly, will form an extremely powerful explosion vortex in a short period of time, which is almost as powerful as a bomb.

So Guo Da called this devastating attack human flesh bomb.

Lin Feng was not afraid of his bomb, but felt that burning both jade and stone was not a good choice, so he withdrew to the left to avoid the human bomb.

See the "human bomb" passing by Lin Feng, but did not stop, continue to roll forward, "bang" sound, hit a hole in the wall of the Liu family ancestral home, rolling out.

Then, outside the wall came Guo Da's voice: "Lin Feng, I'm not afraid of you, you can enchantment. When I go back to cultivate myself, I will find you revenge some day!"

It turned out that Guo Da didn't want to die together. He pretended to look like death, but actually he took the opportunity to escape.

Lin Feng had no choice but to smile. This guy took great pains to win the word "get out of here".

But Guo Da "rolled away", but Liu Qing was confused.

Just drop it to yourself?

Lin Feng turned his head and looked at Liu Qing. With a chill in his eyes, he said, "you kidnap my friend. How do you calculate this account?"

Liu Qing looked at Lin Feng and shivered and said, "Lin Feng, what do you want to do

"What are you doing?" Lin Feng sneered: "people who move my friends usually have an end!"

"What's the end of it?" Liu Qing asked.

"Chop it up, cook it and feed it to the dog!" Lin Feng said.

Liu Qing was frightened and said to Lin Feng, "what, Lin Feng, I won't investigate this matter. You can take the ancient box and take it. The Liu family is my own blood. I have to inherit the Liu family. I'm sorry to disturb you!"

Liu Qing clasped his fist and saluted. After that, he walked around Lin Feng to the outside.

However, just passing Lin Feng, he felt a great force behind him and pulled him.

"We just met. Don't hurry. Your father doesn't want you to leave like this." Lin Feng jokingly said. , the fastest update of the webnovel!