The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1137

The speed was a surprise to all the people present.

Because this feeling is in an instant move, a blink of an eye out of a few meters away, faster than cheetahs!

Meanwhile, Da Shu hit Lin Feng face with a fist.

All people hold their breath. If this punch hits, isn't Lin Feng crying in a moment?

And that fist, in the public can not be surprised and shout a moment, then hit Lin Feng's face.

Moreover, that fist, unexpectedly from the face, knot solid hit Lin Feng's head.

"It's over, Lin Feng is dead!"

This is the first idea of all.

But the next second, the amazing scene happened.

See Lin Feng suddenly disappear in place, uncle Da that punch, hit in the air.

Originally, the speed of Lin Feng was too fast, and it had already flashed to one side, and what remained in front of Uncle Da was a remnant shadow.

Lin Feng did this more than once, but many people saw this scene for the first time. When they saw such a picture with their own eyes, it was amazing.

Even uncle Da was shocked in a moment. He didn't expect that his fastest fist hit the other side's shadow.

However, next moment, Lin Feng appeared behind uncle Da, patted uncle Da's shoulder with his hand, and smiled with a low smile: "old man, it's very fast, but compared with me, it is still so bad to lose, and we need to continue to work hard!"

"Ah ah ah ah --"

uncle Da was furious and turned back and threw him back to Lin Feng.

Don't see Uncle Da is a hand, but such a master, any one of the boxing also has the force of a thousand Jun, sweeping past, is also with the buzzing of friction air, it is Lin Feng's turn in front of a moment.


But listen to a crisp sound, Lin Feng steady grasp uncle Da Shu's wrist, smile: "you this move is not in the form of the meaning of boxing, against me, please take seriously?"

Uncle Da was red at this time, and he had never had such an embarrassing scene.

He has reached the peak of the chemical gas state, and the seed of the God in the Dantian has begun to condense. Although it has not yet been formed, the strength of the present has far exceeded the chemical gas state.

When he was in a fight with Lin Feng, Da Shu, with his high level, had already seen the cultivation and other stages of Lin Feng. He found that Lin Feng seemed to be just advanced in the gas field.

Facing such a cultivator as Lin Feng, Da Shu can save the second half of his body and handle it with one hand and one foot.

However, when he fought with Lin Feng, he found that he could not even touch the edge of Lin Feng, which made him feel a little annoyed.

Regardless of the Lin Feng in the mind, the ability to this wretched uncle, or quite recognized.

He is the most powerful guy Lin Feng has ever handed over.

And the breeze has a fight.

But Qingfeng didn't use his best at the beginning, so he was not good at judging the guy and who was strong.

It is worth affirming that the strength of this guy is definitely the rank of king.

Lin Feng is curious that Liu family even has such a good fighting force. Who is this man from Liu family? Is it a friend of Liu family? Or was Liu's heavy gold hired hitter?

However, in the thought of Lin Feng, uncle Da suddenly took back his hand and hit Lin Feng again.

Lin Feng quickly stepped back and smiled, "I said you can pay attention to something, people are thinking about things!"

Uncle Da said, "you said I wasn't serious. Can you take me seriously, what do you think about this fight?"

Finish, fat body flutter a few times, again toward the forest peak rush.

Lin Feng no longer dodges, but with Uncle Da together.

Lin Feng starts phantom vision, the whole body blood flow rapidly, all nutrients to the brain eyes, Da Shu's one move in duplicate, in his eyes, it appears more and more slowly.

With the help of phantom vision, Lin Feng can clearly see the breakthrough of Da Shu.

At the beginning, Lin Feng was still hiding while fighting, in a very passive state, slowly, when Lin Feng began to find the breakthrough of Guo Da, he began to counter attack.

Guo Da also gradually felt that he was not right. He began to turn to defend. He didn't want to defend, but he was relieved by Lin Feng after he didn't make a move. And Lin Feng could make counterattack action immediately. This made Guoda very puzzled.

The fighting between the two people gradually became hot. They felt that the wind was roaring and the sound of the strong air impact was endless, but it was hard to distinguish between them.

However, they knew in their own heart that Lin Feng actually didn't use his full strength, but Guo Da did.

At this time, Guo Da was a little angry and defeated. In his combat experience, he never saw such a situation. He could not defeat the other party, but was strangled by the other party.

Liu Qing found that Guo Da could not attack for a long time, and his heart was also burning. He shouted to Guoda: "Uncle Da, don't be soft, take out your real strength, don't you say it can be easily solved?"

Guo Da is upset in his heart, and retreats to one side, saying without good spirit: "speak less, look at it!"Liu Qing bit his teeth and was dissatisfied.

He murmured: "Damn it, I have good food and drink for you. Some beautiful women are the first to think of you. You and he have never been polite to me!"

Liu Qing would have fallen out with Guo Da had it not been for Guo Da, a man with unique skills.

Now, Guo DA and Lin Feng fight for several minutes, but there is no victory or defeat. Liu Qing is very impatient. In the face of Guo Da's impoliteness, his heart is full of anger.

Guo Da thought he could easily defeat Lin Feng, but now he found that Lin Feng was not as easy to deal with as he imagined.

After a few moves, Guo Da is more and more impatient.

He found that his defeat was becoming more and more serious. If he went on like this, he would lose.

Because Lin Feng seems to be more and more familiar with his boxing, and his weakness is gradually seen through by Lin Feng. He is very surprised by Lin Feng's ability. At the same time, he knows his own situation. He has to beat Lin Feng before Lin Feng finds out his fatal weakness, otherwise he will be defeated.

And Liu Qing on one side is even more anxious. He usually sees Guo Da fight with people, and he can get the other party by two or three times. This is the first time he has played for such a long time.

So Liu Qing is very puzzled, Guo Da today is to play abnormal, or deliberately release water?

It's impossible to play abnormally. If you bet on a beautiful woman, he won't be interested in everything.

It's impossible to deliberately release water. He and Lin Feng don't have much affection. Why should we deliberately release water?

So Liu Qing thinks Guo Da needs to be reminded and urged.

He opened his mouth and yelled at Guo Da: "Lao Guo, what's the matter with you? Don't waste your time and get rid of him

This call doesn't matter, but it calls up Guo Da's temper. Guo Da is irritable. He finds a breakthrough in an instant and shouts at Liu Qing: "can you shut your mouth and go away and stay honest for me!"

Liu Qing heard, also furious: "Guo Da, who are you talking to?"

However, Guo Da didn't wait to answer back. Suddenly, he suffered a heavy blow in the chest and was beaten by Lin Feng. , the fastest update of the webnovel!