The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1139

"What else do you want?" Liu Qing has no bottom in her heart and her tone is a little weak.

"You have taken my elder martial sister and my friends under your arm, and you haven't apologized to them yet." Lin Feng said, "in the past, kneel down in front of them and ask for their forgiveness! If they forgive you, I will let you go! "

Liu Qing said with difficulty: "I have never knelt down a woman."

"It's a shame that you said that. They wanted to let you go. I guess they won't let you go after hearing this!" Lin Feng said: "if you do something wrong, you should be punished. If you are punished, you should kneel down and apologize."

Red scorpion cold way: "my boss has given you enough patience, if put in the past, you have already been dismembered!"

King Kong added: "it could be 10 yuan. My boss likes perfection."

Liu Qing was as pale as clay, and did not dare to hesitate. She ran to Jin Lengyu and Qingcheng and begged, "I've made two mistakes. I shouldn't have provoked them. I'm really wrong. Please forgive me and fart me!"

Do you dislike Lin Feng's face? You are a piece of stinky meat, and you want to compare with the fart of a beautiful woman. Are you qualified? "

"Oh, oh, I'm wrong, I'm not qualified enough!" Liu Qing said.

Lin Feng takes a deep breath. Of course, he has hatred for the Liu family. A family that tries to inherit blood jade from the Lin family is naturally his enemy.

However, for Liu Qing, Lin Feng doesn't want to kill him. In fact, he has no ability. His confidence comes from Guo da. Without Guo Da, he is nothing.

At this time, Qingcheng didn't think it was meaningful. She took a look at Liu Qing in distress, shook her head helplessly, and said, "there are so many ordinary people in the world. Younger martial brother, don't be wise with them. Let him go!"

Jin Lengyu also sighed, and felt that there was no meaning in entanglement.

Jin Lengyu and Qingcheng are not the kind of people who are obsessed with each other. Since the matter has been solved, they are not willing to make trouble again.

Jin Lengyu also said: "Lin Feng, let him go. We have more important things to do now. It's not worth wasting time on him."

Lin Feng thought for a while and said, "it's also true."

He said to Liu Qing, "do you hear that they are all people who are not willing to argue with you. You are lucky to meet people who don't investigate you. What's more, you are not at the same level with them. They don't care about you, understand?"

"Yes, I understand!" Liu Qing nodded repeatedly.

"Go away!" Lin Feng cheered.

Liu Qing ran out of the Liu family's ancestral home, but Lin Feng scratched his head. "I depend on it. Did I drive the master away?"

Everybody, look at me, I look at you, laughing and crying.

Lin Feng is also a pick eyebrow way: "he is really scared, even don't want home!"

"Life matters, of course." Said Jin Lengyu.

"Are you two OK?" Lin Feng asked.

"I'm fine, younger martial brother!" Qingcheng's face did not change. It seemed that there was no impact on her mood when she met this long Hostage: "younger martial brother, who are these people and what blood jade is in your family? What's the matter?"

Lin Feng said with a smile: "elder martial sister, this is a long story. Let's go back and speak slowly."

"No problem!"

They got into the car and left.

Back at the villa, Lin Feng simply and Qingcheng said something about the Lin family's blood jade, and then, gathered with all the people for a meal.

The breeze has recovered a lot, and his combat effectiveness has greatly increased. With him in charge, Lin Feng is quite relieved.

During this period of time, many people will come here one after another to spy on blood jade. They should always be prepared to deal with it.

Although Shen man and Huoling are still working normally, Lin Feng employs many experts to protect them in the name of the green dragon Association.

What's more, ordinary people are not as boring as Liu Qing and like to tie up women. They usually kill them directly because most people don't know Lin Feng's real strength. They naively think that it is the most convenient way to kill Lin Feng and get blood jade.

However, the fight with Guo Da also made Lin Feng have a more profound positioning for the master.

Guo DA can be beaten three times by him, but it seems that there is nothing wrong. This really refreshes Lin Feng's cognition. Lin Feng also knows that in this world, there are many more powerful people who have not appeared. They may wait for a critical moment to show their ability, but if they are enemies, they are very dangerous.

So Lin Feng wants to be these people before they appear in front of them.

He was ready to continue to practice. During the next period of time, he did not listen to the things outside the window, and he devoted himself to cultivating the seed of the yuan God. The seed of the original God was his first step.

Only by condensing the seeds of Yuanshen can we open the secret place of Kunlun and get back the blood jade.

At the same time, Lin Feng also had to hide the ancient box and broken jade first, just in case.

"Boss, what are you going to do next?" The mouse asked Lin Feng in good time.Lin Feng thought for a while and said, "if there is no accident, I will practice in seclusion for a period of time."

"For how long?"


At this moment, however, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Lin Feng called out casually.

However, the other party did not mean to come in.

Lin Feng stood up and walked over. Looking outside from the video phone, he found that the man seemed to know the location of the camera. He deliberately lowered the brim of his cap so that Lin Feng could not see his face.

The man took out a letter from his pocket, put it directly on the crack of the door, turned and ran.


Lin Feng yelled and chased out.

The man was very fast. Before Lin Feng got up to chase him, he had already disappeared in Lin Feng's view according to the set route.

Lin Feng didn't want to go after him. He should have come to deliver the letter. As for why he didn't show up, Lin Feng didn't know.

He picked up the letter on the ground and opened it.

Lin Feng saw a few lines of vigorous and powerful words:

in three days, the yuan Shen master sent by Mie to assassinate you will arrive in Jiangzhou.

Yuanshen master is not comparable to Huaqi master. Please prepare yourself well and don't be careless!

I owe you, this time, pay off.

After reading the letter, Lin Feng frowned and fell into meditation.

"Boss, what's going on?" Red scorpion also catch up, see the letter, a face of surprise.

"The master of Yuan Shen is the practitioner who condensed into yuan Shen in legend?" Chen Wu also saw the words on the letter. He asked in disbelief.

"Yes, it is the cultivator of Yuan Shen period!" Lin Feng Road.

"I wipe it, it's a big deal!" Chen Wu said: "that's the ultimate BOSS level guy, brother Lin Feng, can you deal with it?"

Lin Feng didn't speak, but Qingfeng said: "the cultivators in the yuan Shen period are much better than those in the three realms. After the seeds of the yuan God are condensed, people will open their eyes and there will be a strange place in the middle of their foreheads. They can't see any difference at ordinary times. But if the other party is lucky, a piece of his forehead will show the fuzzy shape and color of the seed of Yuan Shen It's the eye of heaven. The people with the eye of heaven have already surpassed the realm of ordinary people. They have stepped into the ranks of cultivating immortals with one foot! "

"Cultivating immortals?" Chen Wu was surprised.

"Yes, although they are still practitioners, they are already at another level. They have begun to strive for the extraordinary and refined class!" Said the breeze.

Then, he raised his head, looked at the distance and said with a smile: "in fact, I am also a cultivator in Yuan Shen period."

"What?" The crowd was shocked. , the fastest update of the webnovel!