The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1117

After a while, Lin Feng suddenly rushed to the front. He swept his legs and swept a strong wind, which splashed the plasma of those poisonous insects.

And Lin Feng's body, has also been close to the edge of the Gu insect gathering area, those Gu insects see this, one after another to rush to Lin Feng.

But the next second, Lin Feng firmly held the Wugu Cuan in his hand. At the same time, he took a step back. Without stopping, he pulled out the cloth bag, directly took out the Wugu Cuan and put it on his mouth to blow.

The whole process is just a second.

The insects around him are restless. Those who are close to Lin Feng climb up to Lin Feng. Lin Feng has reached their attack range. So once they seize the opportunity, they will attack Lin Feng with all their strength.

However, Lin Feng was also prepared, and saw his graceful withdrawal. At the same time, he sounded the magic Cuan.

"> the whole room is soft.

Those Gu insects were stunned, and then for a moment, they seemed to indulge in this kind of music, and they were all quiet down.

Those Gu insects that climbed to Lin Feng's body were all lying there honestly and did not carry out the next step.

"Boss, it works!" Red scorpion said happily.

Lin Feng continues to play Wugu Cuan, which sounds like a breeze blowing through the golden wheat waves, making people have a warm and happy feeling.

The voice came out of the secret room. Even a cold woman like red scorpion could not help feeling a little happy and sweet on her face.

It seems that the instincts of living things are interlinked. People and animals sometimes feel the same way about music.

The fat and big bat leader on one side narrowed his small eyes and was so absorbed in listening that he fell on the instep of the red scorpion with a bang. His head was resting on the instep of the red scorpion's feet, and his stomach rolled up and down. He even enjoyed listening.

The red scorpion can't laugh or cry. These little guys, who were fierce just now, don't want them. For a moment, they are so cute.

It seems that Lin Feng has reached a state of perfection when he plays Wugu Cuan. He himself has extraordinary attainments in music. When used in Wugu Cuan, it is better than that of ordinary people. What kind of music he plays is lifelike.

Influenced by Lin Feng, those Gu insects become very clever. While playing Wugu Cuan, Lin Feng tentatively walks by. Those Gu insects make way for Lin Feng one after another. Those Gu insects on Lin Feng also roll down and fall together with other Gu insects.

Lin Feng suddenly more forcefully played Wugu Cuan, a few short rhythm, as if some kind of command.

After hearing this, the poisonous insects turned around and left the array one after another, and drilled in through the small black holes in the corner of the wall. In an instant, the secret room was restored to its original appearance.

At the same time, Lin Feng told the red scorpion to go to the door with a gesture.

Because the sound of Wugu Cuan can not be broken, if it is broken, those Gu insects will rush out again and turn against them.

Red scorpion searched for the door switch in the secret room, and finally found the mystery behind a chair. He twisted the switch behind the chair. On the other side of the wall, there was a booming sound, and a stone door slowly opened.

And behind the stone gate is another corridor.

But the corridor was full of lights, and to the end, there was a red wooden door with a couplet on the wooden door: "the same age with heaven, long life forever!"

Lin Feng's heart raised a burst of joy, it seems that the front should be the main tomb.

Lin Feng and the red scorpion cross the stone gate, the stone gate falls, and Lin Feng takes back the Wugu Cuan.

"Boss, I won't go this time! What about rats? " Asked the red scorpion worried.

Lin Feng looked dignified and thought for a while, and said, "since we have arrived here, we are only one step away. We can get things and go back to find mice. As long as we open the main tomb, there will be a way to go back! The basement of the tomb is ventilated. If the rats don't walk around, there will be no big deal. But if the rats come here, it will be too late for us to rescue them now! "

At this time, Lin Feng was more miserable than the red scorpion. He was his brother who had been with him for nearly ten years. He was also the first one to follow him.

Now life or death is uncertain, Lin Feng really has no mind to look for blood jade.

However, this stone gate has been closed. If it is opened strongly, it will destroy the geomantic omen in the secret room and may lead to some disasters.

Generally, there will be a passage in such a tomb. Only when he gets to the main tomb can he find a way out. Lin Feng wants to get through the passage and let the red scorpion go out. He goes to look for a mouse in this tomb alone. If he wants to see a person or a dead body, he will be responsible for the mouse in the end. If he does not find the mouse, he will not go out of the grave in his life.

But red scorpion didn't know this idea. He just thought that Lin Feng was very rational. Since he had arrived at the main tomb, there was no reason to go back. It was the right way to open the main tomb first.

Lin Feng went to the red wooden door and bowed gently. He said, "it's impolite for me to enter your room alone. But after all, this blood jade is a treasure handed down from generation to generation in our Lin family. I have the right to take him back. So, please forgive me."Then he reached for the door.

Another Lin Feng some surprised is that the door was suddenly pushed open.

I think so. There are so many organs in front of us. It's hard for those who can get here to set up any organs.

Therefore, the last main tomb chamber is more generous.

Entering the main tomb room, the face is a screen, the screen above painting landscape, fresh and elegant.

After bypassing the screen and looking inside, the decoration of the main tomb room is simple and simple. Inside the fence made of locust wood, there are two big coffins. The head of the big coffin is a candlestick, and there are tributes on the candlestick. Because the tribute has been weathered for a long time, the candle on the candlestick has not been burned out. It seems that it has been burned to half out before it is retained.

Behind the candlestick, the black cloth is directly pulled down from the ceiling and dragged to the ground. The top of the black cloth is tied with big white flowers. The black cloth is still swaying, and the white flowers on it are like clouds in the sky, which are real and illusory.

"Gout is so good in this main tomb chamber Lin Feng said to himself and went to the two coffins.

There is no road ahead, which means that the end of the road is here. The wind coming from the top of the head shows that there are vents on the ceiling.

This design shows that there is no way out for the yin-yang house. You can go out from where you want to come in.

Lin Feng did not think much, but took out four pieces of broken jade in his pocket.

These four pieces of broken jade have been put together by him. They are as big as a palm, in the shape of a drop of tears.

Lin Feng looked at the broken jade carefully, and then looked around. He said to the red scorpion, "look around and see if there is anything suspicious."

"Suspicious thing? Boss, you mean? " Asked the red scorpion.

"Such as boxes, boxes and jewelry. Tell me what you find!" Lin Feng said, also began to look around.

But after looking for a circle, they did not receive the goods.

"Boss, is it possible that the thing you're looking for is not here?" The red scorpion is sure that he looks very carefully and does not see anything suspicious.

Lin Feng said: "it must be here. We just looked for it on the surface just now. Now, we need to find a more secret place."

"A secret place?" Red scorpion does not understand a way: "look for where?"

Lin Feng suddenly looked at the two big coffins and said, "open the coffin!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!