The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1116

However, just as the tiger's tusks were about to touch Lin Feng, the surrounding scenery suddenly stopped.

In an instant, those beasts and corpses disappeared, and the wind around them faded away, and there was no wind and sand at all.

Lin Feng slowly opened his eyes, took a deep breath, and laughed at himself: "Lin Feng, not bad, never lose the chain at the critical moment!"

However, he knew that it was not over.

Because there's a new view all around.

Although the howling wind and flying sand and stone disappeared, although it has returned to the original appearance of the chamber of secrets, but the floor has long been dissatisfied with the dense insects.

Those insects are full of the outer ring, as if waiting for Lin Feng to throw himself into the net.

The flashlight on Lin Feng's left shoulder was still very bright. He took a picture around him and found that the insects were poisonous insects with different shapes.

It's no wonder that there are so many insects in the outer ring before. It turns out that it is a place for these insects to live.

The reason why these poisonous insects do not attack Lin Feng is that they exist on the ring. The array will give them far-reaching energy. They don't need to take the initiative to attack. If Lin Feng wants to get out of the array, he must pass them over. However, they will never let him pass.

Therefore, there are only two roads in front of Lin Feng. One is to stay in the array until he dies. The other is to rush out of the array and be bitten to death by the poisonous insects on the outermost layer who have absorbed the energy of the array.

There are so many poisonous insects that even the most powerful masters may make mistakes. What's more, these poisonous insects have absorbed the energy of the array, which is more than a little more powerful than the ordinary ones.

If you make a mistake, if you are bitten by a poisonous insect, you will be poisoned and killed immediately.

Just look at the appearance of those poisonous insects. They are all highly poisonous.

Lin Feng thought, this array is really powerful. First, it destroys people's spirit. Even if people escape by chance, there is a layer of physical destruction outside.

When I entered the door just now, I didn't find any poisonous insects. Where did these insects come from?

Lin Feng looked around carefully, and vaguely found some black holes in the corner of the secret room. Those poisonous insects should be living in it. After the array was started, they all came out to absorb energy.

No wonder those bats are very afraid of the door, they must be afraid of these insects.

However, insects should be more afraid of bats. Is this reversed?

Lin Feng thought for a short time and came to a conclusion: when things are changeable, there must be demons. This shows that these poisonous insects are extremely powerful after absorbing the energy of the array, and bats are not their opponents.

In this case, we should not underestimate these insects.

Lin Feng knows almost all these poisonous insects, but no matter how poisonous they are, they are also insects. To him, they are not a threat. With the help of this array, Lin Fenghe does not know what kind of abilities these insects will have.

"Is it hard to break through?"

Lin Feng frowned, this method seems not very safe!

Since entering the tomb, this array is the most troublesome level.

However, he suddenly felt happy and thought of a way.

He brought the Wugu Cuan, and he played the Wugu Cuan. Can't he disperse these insects and get out of the array!

However, the next second, Lin Feng's eyebrows were locked up. Instead of carrying his witches' Cuan with him, he put it in the mouse's backpack. When he was at the stone bridge just now, it seemed that the mouse's backpack had fallen under the Dark Slate bridge.

However, at this time, listen to the stone door, the red scorpion yelled: "boss, not good!"

That stone door is very soundproof, is Lin Feng's sense of smell is sensitive, just heard the words of red scorpion!

"What's the matter?" Lin Feng yelled.

"The mouse... The mouse is gone!" cried the red scorpion

"What?" Lin Feng was surprised, where would the mouse go?

He is the least daring. This dark tomb is full of weird and dangerous, and the mouse should break into it by himself?

"Xiaohong, don't worry. Can you try to open the stone gate?" Lin Feng asked.

"I'll try!" Call out scorpion red.

After about a few minutes, the stone gate roared open, the red scorpion outside called out: "fortunately, with the help of this group of bats, I found the stone door switch, boss, are you ok?"

Said the red scorpion, and was about to enter.

Lin Feng quickly stopped: "don't come in, you just stand there and don't move!"

Red scorpion quickly stop, take a closer look, and she is a few meters away from the place, is actually dense Gu insects, Lin Feng surrounded in the middle.

"Boss, what's the situation?" Asked the red scorpion.

Red scorpion is a poison master. She focuses on poison research and has a certain understanding of Gu Shu. She is also good at using medicine to poison insects, so she is not strange and surprised to see poisonous insects.

She just doesn't understand why this circle of poisonous insects surrounds the boss, but doesn't attack him?And the boss should be trapped in it by a group of Gu insects, which should not be ah!

Knowing what the red scorpion was thinking, Lin Feng said, "these poisonous insects are in the rune array. You should drive them away!"

"Then I will poison them with poison powder!" Said the red scorpion.

"No!" "You will provoke them," said Lin Feng

"What about that?" Asked the red scorpion.

"I have a Cuan, which can bewitch the consciousness of insects and control them!" Lin Feng said, "it's a pity that it's in the rat's backpack, and the mouse's backpack has fallen to the bottom! By the way, what about the mouse man? Why is it suddenly gone? "

Red scorpion said: "I did not pay attention, I only pay attention to your side of the situation, I am at the door to listen to your side of the movement, a few minutes later, the mouse disappeared!"

Lin Feng frowned. Why is this so strange?

But it's not the time to think about it. Only when you go out first can you find the mouse.

Lin Feng said to the red scorpion, "Xiaohong, get out of the door, I want to talk to the bats!"

Lin Feng thinks that the group of bats can understand people, and he wants them to help him do something.

One of the larger bats fluttered to the door, but did not dare to get close. He just waited outside to see Lin Feng with round eyes.

Lin Feng said, "you made a mistake just now. Now I'll give you a chance to make up for your mistakes. Now fly down to the bottom and find the backpack you knocked down and bring it to me."

The bat can really understand people's words. After taking orders, he turned his head and rushed down to the bottom with a group of bats.

A moment later, it was a group of bats carrying the knapsack from below.

The knapsack was stained with some mucus and it smelled terrible.

Red scorpion opened the backpack, under the guidance of Lin Feng, found a palm sized orange small bag.

The bag is the bag containing witchcraft Cuan. She takes the bag in her hand and throws it to Lin Feng.

However, this throw does not matter, but when the Wugu Cuan crossed the top of the insect, several insects suddenly ejected and intercepted the insect. , the fastest update of the webnovel!