The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1118

Lin Feng is right. I've looked for it on the surface, but I haven't seen it in the coffin.

General treasures, will be hidden in the owner's side, this should be, so, must open the coffin.

Before opening the coffin, Lin Feng stood in front of the coffin, bowed again and said some polite words.

People die for the big, open the coffin is disrespectful to the dead, should first apologize, this is all right.

After that, Lin Feng pulled off two pieces of black cloth, one to give to the red scorpion, let her around the nose outside, when mouth mask.

"The coffin will have a lot of poisonous gases in it for a long time, you know that!"

The red scorpion nodded and wrapped the black cloth.

Lin Feng did the same. After finishing, he took out a lighter from the mouse's backpack, lit the candle, and then took out the multi-functional dagger he had used before and held it in his hand.

Candle light makes people have a kind of warm feeling, but under the candlelight, the shadow of two people printed on the wall appears to be some ferocious.

Lin Feng said to the red scorpion, "step back, I'm going to open the coffin!"

At this time, there should be no other people around the coffin opener, because they would "Chong Sha", which is a saying in ancient times. Lin Feng knew his way well and naturally understood these sayings.

Chong Sha means that after a person dies, he belongs to Yin. He can't see the sun or too many things in the sun. When there are too many people, his Yang will naturally be heavy. What will rush into the coffin will make him feel disrespectful.

So Lin Feng, in order to be polite, let the red scorpion back to one side.

He looked around the coffin carefully and found that there were few coffin sealing nails in the coffin. Each coffin had four, which were in the four corners.

"Four" is an unlucky number for the living, but it is just the opposite for the dead. It is a good number.

The two coffins, in total, are four plus four or eight, which is also the homonym for "Fa". In geomantic science, it means to cheer on the younger generation and hope that the younger generation will get rich.

Lin Feng sighs in his heart. It seems that the Liu family attaches great importance to the blood jade!

Lin Feng began to pry the coffin from the four corners. This thing also has a saying, starting from the bottom of the foot, and then the top of the head.

He thought that the head of the family, the baby should be in Master Liu's coffin, so the first one to pry was the coffin on the left.

Male left, female right, this can be clearly distinguished.

Lin Feng pried open the coffin, and suddenly a stench came out.

This stench, with an indescribable odor, is the only rotten smell of dead men.

Lin Feng looked inside carefully. Inside the coffin, there was a rotten corpse covered with golden silk and a golden hat. His cheek had been rotten into a skeleton. From two black black black holes, maggots could be seen crawling. It was disgusting!

Resisting nausea, Lin Feng put his head in and used a flashlight to shine on the coffin, carefully searching for every place.

Even the red scorpion can't stand this scene.

She killed people like hell, but it was all faced with living people. It was unbearable to put her head into the coffin and come into close contact with the decaying corpse.

But often in this way, she can see the strength of the boss.

The eldest brother is not what ordinary people can't do. It's really hard to live him.

After about three minutes or so, Lin Feng stood up and said with some disappointment: "there is nothing in this coffin except a corpse!"

Red scorpion also sighed. She hoped that the boss could find what he wanted directly. Otherwise, this action would have to be repeated.

Sure enough, Lin Feng began to pry another coffin, and said to the red scorpion, "it's not that I'm disrespectful. It's possible that Lord Liu is a hen pecked man. All the good things are put in Mrs. Liu's coffin! Xiaohong, you should pay attention not to extinguish the candle. If someone lights a candle ghost and blows out the lamp, the candle will go out, which is not good for us! "

"It's the boss!" Red scorpion stands in front of the candle and guards the candle.

The fire flickered and shone on the wall. A slender figure stood still, while the other figure was busy. Then he lifted the lid of the coffin.

Opening Liu Tainai's coffin, a strange aroma came.

Lin Feng quickly closed his breath and flashed to the red scorpion and said, "there is poison gas!"

Red scorpion also smelled a strange smell, so she had been prepared to deal with it. She saw him take out a small bottle from one of his pockets and wiped some in front of Lin Feng and his nose.

This is the medicine for dispelling poisonous gas. If you wipe it, you don't have to be afraid to inhale it.

Lin Feng went to Liu Tainai's coffin and looked inside carefully.

strangely, Liu Tainai's body is still intact, his face is still forced, as if asleep, but the gray face and bright blush show that she is dead and dead.

But this scene looks very strange. Even if Liu Tainai died late, the corpse would not have been rotten. There must be something fishy in it.The more like this, the more excited Lin Feng, things out of impermanence must have demons.

Lin Feng carefully explored the inside of the coffin, opened the cloth under, directly saw the bottom of the coffin, but did not find anything abnormal.

"Boss, you still haven't found anything?" Asked the red scorpion.

"Not for the time being!" Lin Feng stood up and thought carefully.

There is no way ahead. This is the main tomb room. The most precious thing should be hidden here. If you can't find it, there will be only one result: Blood jade. It will be taken away by people first!

However, there should not be many people who can avoid concealed weapons, bats and array. On the contrary, it is the people who designed the tomb chamber that are more likely to steal the tomb.

Lin Feng is thinking, but listen to the red scorpion said: "boss, why did the people in this coffin not rot, is it her clothes sprayed with some secret medicine?"

"Maybe." Lin Feng frowned: "there is another situation is that there is a kind of thing that can preserve the spirit of human flesh and blood."

The red scorpion said, "if you say so, the blood jade must be in this coffin!"

Lin Feng said with a wry smile: "I also think so, but, after searching for a long time, I didn't find it!"

"Or I'll try it!" Said the red scorpion.

She really didn't want to put her head into the coffin to find something, but for the sake of the boss, she could do anything.

Lin Feng laughed and said, "no, I'll think about it again."

After that, Lin Feng stood in front of the two coffins and carefully looked at the two coffins. He wanted to see what was the difference between the two coffins. Why did one of them rot into a pile of bones, while the other remained intact?

However, when he was thinking for a few seconds, he suddenly saw a scene that was quite creepy.

He is facing the wall, the candle is behind him, the fire is flickering, the photo wall, should be the shadow of two people.

However, at this time, Lin Feng clearly saw the shadow of three people on the wall in front of him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!