The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1115

Love that hungry wolf, unexpectedly is this guy's pet.

A wolf and a corpse attack Lin Feng. Lin Feng dodges left and right and carefully observes the enemy's situation.

Although they are very fast, they still can't help Lin Feng.

However, Lin Feng occasionally fought back, but they both easily escaped.

Lin Feng was a little surprised. How could these things be so sensitive? Even ordinary practitioners of the Huaqi state didn't escape his attack so easily, did they?

It seems that there are some things in this array.

The corpse swung a huge Tomahawk, and with a buzzing sound, he chopped at Lin Feng. The hungry wolf also attacked the footwall of Lin Feng again and again, with a fierce attack.

Lin Feng found that the two guys cooperated and were quite aggressive. Moreover, they were very smart. As if they knew Lin Feng's ideas, they would often predict Lin Feng's next action in advance, which led to Lin Feng changing his ways at every critical moment.

These two enemies are very difficult to deal with. What's more disgusting is that Lin Feng started the black ice beads, which had no effect on them.

It seems that the array is really weird!

However, the two guys seemed to realize that Lin Feng was a very strong opponent. They saw that the corpse man suddenly stood still and stopped the attack. He thrust the handle of his Tomahawk into the ground, put his hands in front of his mouth, and yelled at the yellow sand in all directions.

His voice is very ethereal, as if from a far away place, and, that cry, more like the voice of a man wailing, ordinary people listen to, will scalp numb.

But Lin Feng has received non-human training, which has no impact on him.

However, the next second, the scene seems to be more difficult.

Because after the corpse man yelled, a lot of figures suddenly appeared in the yellow sand in all directions, all around, surrounded by Lin Feng.

Looking around carefully, Lin Feng found that there were also some corpse men and beasts. Those corpse men were the same as the previous corpse man, but the weapons they used were different. They used long swords and long swords. In a word, one by one, they didn't look like a good stubble.

And their appearance also brought three beasts, a tiger, a black bear, and a huge Goshawk.

Lin Feng couldn't help laughing. This is special. If there is water in this place, it is estimated that the three armed forces of the sea, land and air force will come together.

However, those two guys were hard enough before, and these six guys made him head big.

Their strength is not how strong their fighting capacity is, but their thinking is very agile, can see through most of Lin Feng's mind.

Lin Feng dodges, they know where to hide, Lin Feng attack, they also know where Lin Feng is going to attack.

This is very painful. It is the first time that Lin Feng met such a smart enemy. Although these people will not hurt him for a while, but do not bite people, diaphragm should be human?

However, when Lin Feng was thinking about how to deal with the group of guys, the beasts could not help but rush to Lin Feng one after another.

The four corpses also followed closely and killed Lin Feng.

Lin Feng defends the counterattack, dodges first, then looks for the opportunity to attack, but each time the counter attack, actually is rubs by their side to hit, does not hit.

Gradually, Lin Feng more and more feel this thing strange.

Are these guys really ghosts? Is it the kind of ghost that can penetrate people's hearts?

If it is put on the body of ordinary people, it is estimated that it has collapsed at this time. It is not torn by those beasts, but also driven mad by these things.

But Lin Feng's face, but the old well, no trace of expression, calm as water.

This is Lin Feng's ability. The more difficult things he encounters, the more calm he is. On the contrary, he makes a fuss about simple things.

And after several rounds of fighting, those things could not hurt Lin Feng.

But they were not discouraged at all. They did not even look tired, as if the fighting in the sand had not wasted their strength.

This is very depressing. If you don't beat them, sooner or later you will be dragged down by them.

Lin Feng quickly turns his mind, thinking of the solution.

At this time, the eagle swooped down from top to bottom, as if to die with Lin Feng.

However, on that fierce eyes, and Lin Feng look at that moment, suddenly let Lin Feng have a sense of deja vu.

Lin Feng has seen this look.

He woke up suddenly. When he saw the pattern of the array, he saw this kind of look. It was the eye of the beast in the array.

Lin Feng quickly escaped the attack of the eagle, looked at other beasts, and found that their eyes, are this kind of eyes.

Lin Feng suddenly felt like a flash of light.

I fell into a trap, these things are not corpses, but some illusions.

It is the illusion produced by the array.This illusion is formed by one's own consciousness. That is to say, if an outsider is present and the outsider stands outside the array, he will see him hiding in the array, and the whole person seems to be possessed by a demon.

No wonder these guys are so difficult to deal with. They are actually a product of Lin Feng's consciousness. They have been fighting against themselves for a long time.

And these guys can easily insight into Lin Feng's ideas, which also confirms this point. They are the product of Lin Feng's consciousness, the things in Lin Feng's mind, and of course, understand what Lin Feng is thinking.

But Lin Feng can't hit them. First, they are not entities. Second, they are Lin Feng's consciousness. When they fight, subconscious people will hide, so they will never hit them.

In the end, I will only die in the array.

There is also a kind of end, that is, he lost his wisdom and became a madman.

This is like a schizophrenic, who will play many roles on his own, and there will be conflicts between these roles. His various personality consciousness will fight against each other.

But Lin Feng's consciousness is ontological consciousness. If his consciousness is killed by these corpses and beasts, Lin Feng will lose the consciousness of ordinary people, and only killing and blood sucking will be left in his mind.

In other words, he became an aggressive lunatic.

After finding out all this, Lin Feng also understood what he should do.

He suddenly stood still, no longer carrying out any attack and defensive action.

He took a deep breath, breathed and calmed down.

The beasts and corpses around him howled at him, as if to swallow him in the next second.

However, he was not afraid at all. His eyes closed slowly and he sat down.

"The heart is like water stop, all the methods are one!"

Lin Feng silently read, the heart slowly quiet down, all around him, he did not care, he put all down, forced himself into a state of meditation.

As long as this method can dispel the distractions in consciousness that are linked by the array.

In fact, it is also very testing for people. It is almost impossible to enter the state of meditation in such a short time, because there are so many dangers around. If you are killed by these guys, your consciousness will disappear in your mind and become a vicious walking corpse.

But if you don't, you'll be exhausted by these things, and you won't be able to escape.

Can only spell!

With his eyes closed, Lin Feng tried to concentrate his mind and get rid of all distractions with the skills he had learned in those years.

He sat on the ground, gradually into a state of meditation, empty himself.

All of a sudden, the surrounding wind became stronger, as if with the cry of the devil, whistling and rolling up the sand all over the sky.

In this case, the beasts and corpses were also irritable. A corpse howled, as if it was some kind of order. The four beasts immediately ran to Lin Feng, opened their mouths and bit down at Lin Feng. , the fastest update of the webnovel!