The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1114

After entering the secret room, Lin Feng turned on the light on his left shoulder.

At this time, listen to the sound of "bang", the stone door on the head directly fell down, trapping Lin Feng in the chamber of secrets.


The mouse exclaimed, but was stopped by the red scorpion. The red scorpion said, "trust the boss, he will never let us down!"

The mouse saw the red scorpion in his eyes. He was also greatly encouraged and nodded heavily.

At this time, Lin Feng carefully looked around the room and found that the chamber was more like a reception hall, with tables and chairs around it, as well as some calligraphy and painting. However, it was not taken care of for a long time, so it was covered with dust.

This is a very common secret room, there is no strange place to see.

With this arrangement, the structure of the Yin and Yang house is close to the main tomb chamber.

The closer you get to the main tomb, the more dangerous it will be. The secret room seems to be rusty. But Lin Feng knows a truth very well. The more common it looks, the more dangerous it will be.

After carefully looking around, Lin Feng didn't find any clue. Suddenly, he felt a strange feeling.

He quickly looked at his feet, and before Lin Feng had finished thinking about it, he heard a sudden sound of breaking wind in the wind and sand, like the hum of some sharp blade tearing the air.

Lin Feng listened to the sound behind him, incomparably close, he leaned on the hearing, moved a small step to the right.

I saw a black Tomahawk, cleaving from one side and directly to the ground.

Lin Feng suddenly looked back and found a emaciated man standing behind him.

But if we say that he is emaciated, it really flatters him. He simply has no meat. His face has become a skeleton. His face is as white as paper, just like a layer of flour. In this dark environment, it is particularly dazzling and strange.

But that person's eye socket is deep, the double eye unexpectedly does not have the eyeball, all are the white eye kernel, in the eye kernel, is full of the bright red blood silk, is very frightening.

"Chi Chi, Chi!"

He dressed in a coarse mouth, he swung his axe again, and cut at the waist towards Lin Feng.

But Lin Feng jumped out of thin air to avoid this blow.

In the absence of any understanding, Lin Feng intends not to take their tricks.

The person in front of me should not be a person.

How can a living person look like this? This thing seems to be some kind of corpse man.

The corpse man was more than two meters tall, but his body was thin and numb. He walked slowly, but his strength was amazing.

The axe, made of steel, is as big as a car tire, and its handle is two meters long. At least, it weighs hundreds of kilograms. However, in this corpse man's hand, it seems as easy as carrying a firestick.

The corpse man gasped for breath, looked up to the sky and howled in a very sad voice.

Lin Feng found that the corpse man's mouth in addition to a jagged teeth, nothing, not even the tongue.

"What a thrill!" Lin Feng couldn't help sighing.

After the corpse howled, he rushed to Lin Feng again.

However, the corpse man didn't just attack Lin Feng. He waved his other hand out of thin air. From the wind and sand behind him, the hungry wolf suddenly rushed out and bit Lin Feng first. , the fastest update of the webnovel!