The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1113

However, at this time, they did not dare to get close to Lin Feng. Facing Lin Feng, they seemed as if they were facing a great enemy.

Lin Feng is also a little surprised, if only a voice, should not achieve this effect, what is the situation of this group of bats?

But Lin Feng didn't think much. Since they were honest, it was the best time to leave. He quickly pulled up the mouse and the red scorpion: "let's go!"

Lin Feng in the front, those bats face Lin Feng, one by one suddenly become very obedient, drooping small head, orderly stand to one side, like important people when they stand in the street to welcome the same.

And the bats behind did not fly. They all followed Lin Feng one by one on the slate, as if they were seeing off.

All of a sudden, these bats turned cute, which made Lin Feng a little dumbfounded.

"Boss, what's going on? They seem to respect you Said the mouse.

"Is it the voice of the boss that scares them?" Red scorpion wiped the blood on his face and said.

"It should not be!" "These bats haven't seen people for a long time. They regard us as delicious food. They want to suck up our blood. How could they give in because I roared?"

"What's the matter with that?" Asked the red scorpion.

Lin Feng thought while walking, and suddenly asked, "what did I say just now?"

"You say they haven't seen anyone for a long time!" Said the mouse.

"Next sentence!" Lin Feng Road.

"They treat us as delicacies and want to suck our blood away!" Said the mouse.

I have to say, the mouse is very smart, like a repeater, Lin Feng's words are almost unchanged repeated.

"Yes, blood sucking!" Lin Feng patted the forehead: "I know what's going on?"

"What's going on?" Red scorpion and mouse are looking at Lin Feng, eager to know the answer!

"You should have heard about vampires and werewolves and paladins," Lin said

"Yes Said the mouse.

"In that legend, bats are the forerunners of vampires. Vampires are black witches who use witchcraft to change bats. However, the rumor may not be true, but one thing is certain: there are always many bats in vampire's castle!" Said the mouse.

"Yes, bats are the worst of all. They are close relatives or subordinates of blood clan." Said the mouse.

"Yes "That's a good explanation," said Lin Feng

"Well?" The mouse looked at Lin Feng.

"I'm good friends with vampires, so I'm close to bats," Lin said

"Good friends with vampires?" The mouse is stupefied, have never heard the eldest brother say?

But Lin Feng laughed and said nothing more.

How could he and the vampire be good friends? He thought of the boiling blood of the blood clan flowing on his body. When he defeated Johnson, Johnson buried a thunder for him and consumed the boiling blood to burn him. However, he did not expect that he was used by Lin Feng instead.

Lin Feng just in the most angry moment, that boiling blood of the accumulated energy, rushed out of the Dantian, passive display of the God down to earth, the whole body exudes the boiling power of blazing heat, which belongs to the vampire only energy.

Therefore, this group of blood bats suddenly smell the smell of blood group. They are born with this kind of smell. Even if some bats are born without blood group, they will immediately feel close to each other.

This is nature, just like a child born, hungry to cry is a truth.

Therefore, this group of blood bats in the detection of Lin Feng contains the blood of the breath, immediately became Lin Feng's subordinates.

In particular, Lin Feng's energy burst is not only the blood boiling energy of the blood clan, but also the strength of his own cultivation. In this way, it seems to be extremely domineering, which makes these bats overcome in an instant.

So now one by one on the ground, drooping small head, as if doing something wrong, the same to Lin Feng, there is no one dare to fly in the air.

Lin Feng was angry and smiling. His boiling blood did not have the effect of adopting relatives. However, countless bats were lying on the ground with their cerebellar bags drooping. This scene is really imposing.

Lin Feng is not as alert as he was just now. He took a step that he didn't recognize. Dangling his head, he kicked a big bat's buttocks and swore: "you are not very horizontal?"

The bat was kicked a stumbling, and quickly returned to the team, lying on the ground dare not look up.

Seeing that, Lin Feng wanted to laugh. He picked up a bat's leg and stood upside down in front of him. As he walked, he asked, "aren't you very fierce? It's like trying to kill my two brothers. Is it fierce now? "

The round eyes of the little bat twinkled with the light of incomparable fear, shaking the body desperately.

Lin Feng threw the bat down and sniffed. As he walked along, he said, "the flood has washed into the Dragon King temple. His family doesn't recognize his family, right? You almost killed one of my brothers and sisters. I should have stripped you alive and dried them in the sunThe bats seemed to be able to understand people's words. They were shaking with fear.

Lin Feng didn't have a good temper and said, "the road is wide, and you will be angry!"

The bats on both sides of the slate actually moved to both sides. Some of the bats standing on the edge were squeezed out and flew up again to squeeze other bats.

Looking at these bats in a hurry, they are very cute. Lin Feng can't help shaking his head and laughing: "what a pity. I've lost all my anger just now. I'm very busy today. Let you go first. Next time, there will be no such good thing."

At this time, the road also went to the end, in front of it seemed to be a secret room, which had no door, and it was dark inside.

To the door of the chamber of secrets, Lin Feng can clearly feel that there is a chill inside.

The bats came here and stopped, retreating, as if there was something terrible in the room.

To this point, Lin Feng has nothing to worry about, even in front of the mountains and rivers, also have to break through.

He turned to the red scorpion and the mouse and said, "you two are here first. Don't go in. I'll check the situation first."

"Good!" The mouse wiped the blood from its face.

In fact, there are not too many injuries on their bodies, and they are all skin injuries, and a lot of blood is from bats.

Before Lin Fenglin went in, he also looked back at the bats and told him, "you almost hurt my brothers and sisters just now. This time, I'll give you a chance to make up for your mistakes. If there is any danger in the future, I will be very grateful to help me protect them both! Thank you

Finish saying, Lin Feng a natural and unrestrained turn, a head plunges into the dark chamber. , the fastest update of the webnovel!