The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 110

At eight o'clock in the evening, Wei Yichen drove Lin Feng to a club.

This club is a multi-functional Club integrating bars, KTV and catering and entertainment. To put it bluntly, it is a place for men to have fun at night.

Lin Feng got out of the car, and Wei Yichen walked into the reserved box in advance.

Once in the box, a row of super short skirt beauties, all flaunting, sitting on the sofa, white thighs to see people dazzled.

"Hello, little sisters!" Lin Feng came into the door with a smile.

"Oh, here comes the handsome boy. Please come in!" Said a beauty in the shape of a big sister.

Lin Feng enters the room and sits down.

Wei Yichen also went into the room and gave you a brief introduction. After that, Wei Yichen leaned over Lin Feng's ear and said, "boss, I've fulfilled my promise. You can play as much as you can. I'll go out first!"

"Well, sensible, good!" Lin Feng praised.

Wei Yichen walked out of the door and went directly to the second floor. She wanted to bathe and change clothes and wait for the boss to come up.

In the box, Lin Feng sat on the sofa, facing the big screen, suddenly felt that something should be done!

At this time, a beautiful woman next to Lin Feng first leaned over, that plump and round front chest pasted on Lin Feng's arm, instantly squeezed into two pieces of cake.

"Have a drink, handsome boy!" Beauty raises her glass.

Lin Feng felt the softness of his arms and the slight gasp of a beautiful woman in his ears. He smiled and drank the wine glass.

"Handsome boy, you can drink a lot of wine." The beauty said with a smile.

Then other sisters came forward and sat around Lin Feng one after another.

These beauties are worthy of being models. They are slender and provocative. Their faces are also very delicate.

"Handsome boy, you and your sister have a drink, I want to drink with you too!" Another beauty is coquettish.

"Good, good! Drink, drink Lin Feng raised his glass and drank it down again!

When the other sisters met, they all wanted to drink with Lin Feng, because what Wei Yichen asked them to do was to pour Lin Feng into her room and cook cooked rice.

In order to make money, these women began to persuade Lin Feng to drink.

Lin Feng secretly smile, heart said that your IQ can be as big as your chest? Such blatant persuasion, the fool can see that he has ulterior motives!

And one by one, although the body stick up, but it is very rigid, for fear of any other close contact with oneself!

Lin Feng doesn't care about it. He doesn't cover a thousand cups. If you want to drink it, I'll pay you to drink it!

Another cup, Lin Feng is still like nothing, but let the ladies here are very surprised.

They seem to have been drinking for three rounds. Why does this guy drink so much and not get drunk?

"Handsome boy, you are good at drinking." Said a beautiful woman.

"Of course, because I am in good health." Lin Feng laughs: "can be wonderful!"

A little beauty in a white miniskirt pouted and said, "cut, you men, you know how to brag. You always say that you are in good health and how long you can persist. You deceive our girls into going to bed. As a result, you start smoking in less than three minutes."

"Oh? Are you so easy to be cheated? Well, in fact, men are not fierce. You can see it directly by looking at their appearance! " Lin Feng said.

"What do you think?" This group of beautiful women sit curiously in front of Lin Feng, one by one with bright eyes, it seems that they are looking forward to Lin Feng's answer.

Lin Feng said: "first of all, let's see the size."

Finish saying, take oneself for example: "you see Ha, like me, the size is certainly not small!"

"What are you like?"

"Yes, what?"

The beauties said with all their mouths, and some of them were embarrassed to purr their lips and smile.

Lin Feng said: "look at the face, the first move is to look at the face. The bridge of the nose is high and straight, and the width of the nose wing is

" is there such a saying? " Earlier that little beauty surprised to say.

Lin Feng smiles

"the little white short skirt beauty said:" next time you look for a boyfriend, I must look after it first! "

Lin Feng laughed and said, "well, you women are actually more lustrous than our men. I can't stand you!"

"Yes, we are color. I never hide it!" That white short skirt beauty says, say, also aimed at Lin Feng's hand one eye.

Then she exclaimed, "Wow, your hands are so long and beautiful! If you open your hand to measure, it must be more than 18 cm! "

"Well, you are very accurate! Not bad, not bad! " Lin Feng laughs.

Listen to Lin Feng so say, another beauty beside can't help, say: "you let us have a look!"

"Yes, let's see!"

Those little beauties began to coax and gathered around one after another.

"Cough!" At this time, the beauty of the elder sister coughed twice. She was the oldest among them. She looked like she was twenty-five or six years old. She said, "did you drink too much? Pour the wine for the handsome boy quickly! One by one, why is there no business? "Their purpose today is very clear, pour people down, take money and leave.

Originally thought a few rounds can end, did not expect that Lin Feng is no problem, but this group of little beauties whole hi!

The elder sister beauty said so, which swept the interest of those little beauties and rolled their eyes one after another.

"Cut, it's boring!"


After hearing this, Lin Feng said with a smile: "do you want to see something interesting?"

"Want --"

those gorgeous little beauties came around one after another, one by one white flowers, one by one long legs, in front of Lin Feng.

Lin Feng asked the little beauty in the white miniskirt, "how much do you weigh?"

"Handsome boy, it's impolite to ask a girl's weight!" Said the little girl in the white miniskirt.

"Well, I won't ask, I just think you're light!" Lin Feng said, holding the waist of the little beauty with one hand, and lifting the little beauty up directly.

"Wow --"

seeing this scene, the group of little beauties were boiling. They didn't expect that Lin Feng, who looked so gentle and quiet, was so powerful.

"How strong! One hand

"So handsome!"

At this time, Lin Feng's other hand, directly took another girl's waist, forced a lift, also raised.

One for each hand, effortless!

"Wow --"

those little beauties are about to explode.

"How are you, handsome man!"

This scene to see the big sister fan er's beauty a burst of heart, she likes Lin Feng this one, looks weak and delicate, but in the bone is wild and powerful.

she has made smokey eye make-up, but she is also a model. But she is a very useless woman. She can't help her. She has several facial mask every day. She has a face to maintain, and spends more time than women. She also wears make-up and smoked makeup.

All of these can be tolerated. What she can't bear most is that these Niang guns are soft at the critical moment, and their words are delicate. They are not like men. What a scandal!

At this time, Lin Feng put down the two girls, rolled the sleeves, arms bent, the robust biceps leakage out, rigid lines and protruding blood vessels, to see the group of girls a burst of emotion.

"Come on, try to see if the stone in front of your house is hard!" Lin Feng, smile!

A few girls couldn't help but touch it. Suddenly, like an electric shock, they cried out happily: "Wow, how hard!"

These girls use the strength of alcohol, unscrupulous hi chat. , the fastest update of the webnovel!