The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 111

The big sister fan'er's beauty pursed her lips. She wanted to take care of these beauties and not let them touch Lin Feng, but she couldn't hold on to them and wanted to touch them.

At this time, Lin Feng suddenly turned around and said to the elder sister fan's beautiful woman: "come on, you are also together. Do you want to try my abdominal muscles? Make sure you can't stop shooting fast

With that, he pulled the shirt and revealed eight obvious abdominal muscles, without any flesh, and looked plump and hard.

That elder sister fan beautiful woman a burst of heart, two legs clip tightly, the eyeball is staring at Lin Feng's abdomen.

At this time, the little beauty next to each other to touch.

"Wow, it's so strong!"

Lin Feng simply shuddered a few times his waist, the muscle has consciously shaken a few times.

That group of little beauties touched on the hands, don't mention more energetic, suddenly feel a soft body, the whole person will collapse on Lin Feng's body.

"Elder sister, you also come to feel, have a good time!" A little beauty pulled the big sister fan's beauty to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng hehe a smile, "touch, no money, today I am happy, after this village, can not this shop!"

The elder sister fan Meimei swallowed her mouth water, bit her teeth and touched her hands.

Suddenly, she felt that she was melting, this hard, this texture, invincible!

Next to a little beauty touched a few times, blushing said: "ah, no, I want to go to the bathroom!"

In a flash, all the beauties forgot the agreement with Wei Yicheng before, and they touched Lin Feng with all their hands and feet.

At this time, there was a bang and the door was pushed open.

Wei Yichen stood at the door, blushing and shouting, "what are you doing?"

She had been ready upstairs for a long time, but she didn't see her boss go up. So she came down to have a look and found that these little beauties didn't drink the eldest brother's wine, but had a good time together.

It's too special. I don't have professional ethics. I don't drink when I'm ready!

The elder sister fan Meimei realized that she had made a mistake and quickly came up and said, "sister Yichen, it's my fault. I didn't take good care of them! I don't want my share of money. Don't blame them! "

Wei Yichen saw the beauty apologizing and sincere, then he was quite angry and said, "sister Xiangxiang, I can give you the money, but you can't do it any more. You are in serious breach of the contract!"

The beauty called Xiangxiang sister was very embarrassed and said, "I was wrong! Next, I'll take good care of my sisters and take care of you

Then, she whispered in Wei Yicheng's ear and said: "sister Yicheng, you really know how to choose people. With my years of experience, this man must be super strong, you will be hi to heaven!"

"Disgusting!" Wei Yi Chen is shy and coquettish.

At this time, the fragrant mobile phone rings.

She picked up her cell phone, went out to answer the phone, and after a while, she returned to the box again.

Her face was very ugly, and she said to Wei Yicheng, "sister Yichen, sorry, my boss asked us to go back. A big boss ordered me and other sisters to let us all go and drink with them! We have to go there! "

Wei Yichen frowned: "you are gone, what should I do? My boss is still having fun

Xiangxiang said: "sister Yi Chen, we are really sorry. We don't accept any money from you. We can't afford that big boss!"

"Xiangxiang sister, we don't go, we have to play with the handsome boy!" Said the little girl in the white miniskirt.

"Yes, we don't want to drink with that group of people. A group of middle-aged greasy uncles. We want to play with handsome men!" Other beauties also expressed their opinions.

"Not so, sisters! That big boss, we really can't afford to offend Xiangxiang's face is painful.

She is like the big sister of these beauties. She takes good care of them at ordinary times. She knows that many girls are new to this business. They are hard-working and earn little money. They are all squeezed by their agents. So she helps them to take private jobs with their agents and earn extra money. Today, Wei Yichen's order is her private work. So the agent called to ask them to accompany the big boss. She dare not Go!

She knows that the world is dangerous and knows who can and who can't. In fact, she wants to stay here more than anyone else, but life is like this. Sometimes, you are not allowed to make your own choice.

That group of little beauties face depressed, instant like frost hit eggplant, one by one listless.

It was the first time that they had such a good time with their guests. This handsome guy really made them all happy. It was from the bottom of their heart. They really didn't want to serve other guests.

At this time, Lin Feng said: "Xiangxiang sister, you just call and tell them, you are accompanying me now, it's not convenient to go there!"

"Sister Xiangxiang, please call quickly." One side of the little beauty urged.

Xiangxiang was very embarrassed, but she didn't want to go. Finally, she thought again and again, picked up the phone, opened the hands-free, and dialed in the past.

"Well, Tony, we can't make it now. We're with a friend."On hearing this, he immediately scolded: "do you want a group of people to accompany your friends? Don't think I don't know what you're doing. I can tell you that the boss can't wait. Come here now, or I want you to look good! "

The voice of tonico, like the quack of a duck, is the result of years of smoking.

Xiangxiang is a little embarrassed. She has expected this result.

"All right, tonigo, I'll take my sisters here!" Xiangxiang said helplessly.


At this time, Lin Feng, who had never spoken, spoke. He took Xiangxiang's phone number:

"Xiangxiang and I were playing very well. People don't want to go there. You force people to pass. It's a bit unreasonable?"

As the phone is on, Lin Feng's words are transmitted to Tony's ears word by word.

"Who is he?" Tony asked.

"Oh, a friend of mine!" Xiangxiang quickly explained.

"Friend?" Tony obviously began to doubt, but he was already a veteran. Knowing that it was a waste of time to care about this matter at this time, he did not continue to tangle. Instead, he said in a loud voice: "I don't care if you are friends or not, but since the boss ordered you, you have to come here. Big old board is a big man in Jincheng, you can't afford it!"

After hearing this, Lin Feng said with a smile, "I'm going to provoke him today and force other girls to do things they don't like to do. Is that what you call a big man?"

At this time, a middle-aged man on the phone said, "Tony, let me talk to him!"

With that, the man said to Lin Feng, "who are you? Do you know who to talk to again? Let Xiangxiang come over quickly, or I... "

Lin Feng interrupted him and said," OK, what's the age? You don't want to play with the net black. Today, Xiangxiang's girls, I'll pack them, and I can't go there. If you want to get some light, please come to me. Maybe I'll give you a drink to eat! "

"You're so crazy!" That end tone not good said.

"It's OK. It's not as crazy as you are. Hang up. The phone bill is very expensive." Lin Feng pressed Xiangxiang's phone directly.

"Handsome boy, you're going to implicate us in this way!" Xiangxiang sister did not expect that Lin Feng is such an operation, she was anxious to sweat out: "how to do this, the boss will find this way!"

However, Lin Feng said with a smile: "it's OK. I'm afraid they won't come here."! Come on, don't be dazed. Hey, ha ha, ha ha, why are you still in a daze? Well, good wine. It's delicious. Ha ha ha ha , the fastest update of the webnovel!