The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 109

Is this still the boss? Does the boss want to be the younger brother of long Shao?

Wei Yichen looked at the elated Lin Feng, and his eyes slipped through a touch of loss.

Lin Feng continued to order happily and ordered several of the most expensive wines in the shop, such as Remy Martin, Louis XIII, and a meal of greetings.

And one bottle for each table!

This can make the restaurant's beautiful boss happy, today's turnover is more than that of the previous month.

The beautiful boss does as the Romans do, and now she learns to sell. She takes up a wine cup and comes out to offer Lin Feng wine. Because in China, when she meets a big boss, she usually comes out to thank him in person.

Lin Feng politely declined, she said to the beautiful boss: "respect these two, these two are the boss!"

Then he pointed to long Shao and Qin Yu.

Long Shao and Qin Yu understood the Chinese Lin Feng said this time. Seeing that Lin Feng really regarded them as the eldest, long Shao was so happy that he became bored.

Beauty boss smile, a drink, and then before leaving, to Lin Feng also cast a wink, see the Dragon little saliva almost flow out.

"Lin Feng, you boy give me to remember, this girl, must give me, you know? You have to listen to me now, or I will make you look good! " Long Shao threatened.

"Ha ha, just be happy!" Lin Feng laughs: "come on, drink wine!"

Lin Feng and long Shao drink a lot. Wei Yichen doesn't drink because of driving.

Qin Huan was so drunk that he felt dizzy after a few drinks. "No, I can't drink any more!"

"Oh, it's hard to be happy today. I'll treat you and have a drink." Lin Feng said with a smile.

Long Shao waved his hand: "Qin Huan, are you him? What's the matter? Would you like some wine for the dead? Give me a drink

Seeing that long Shao was not happy, Qin Huan took a deep breath and yelled "fight!"

With that, he began to drink again.

Lin Feng is a typical example of a thousand cups. He has traveled from place to place in recent years. He has never seen any scenes or participated in any wine business. He has also done a lot of drinking and gambling.

Someone once asked the mouse: "your eldest brother, Lin Feng, how much alcohol?"

The mouse raised a finger with pride.

The man guessed, "can I have a bottle?"


"Can I have a drink?"


"Can't you drink a box? My God

"Not at all!"

"What do you mean by holding up a finger?"

"My boss can, drink all the time!"

Later, the story of the mouse was spread out on the Internet and became a household joke.

But the source of this joke is not a joke, but an iron fact that happened to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng dried three bottles of red wine in a short time. Long Shao and Qin Yu were almost the same. However, long Shao and Qin Huan obviously drank too much and talked too much. Their tongues were almost straight.

But Lin Feng, as if he had never drunk wine, opened three bottles of spirits, vodka.

Although this is a French style restaurant, it will also put some wine from other countries, mainly for the convenience of guests.

"I can't. I'll give up if I mix wine!" Qin Huan is on the table.

Lin Feng opened the wine and said to Qin Huan, "how can you do this? You see how powerful the dragon is. This is the pure man. "

In fact, long Shao was also confused, but after listening to Lin Feng's words, he felt like he was up again. He patted his chest with his big hand: "drink, this wine is... What is he?"

Lin Feng smile, directly picked up the bottle said: "cup is not fun, directly blow with the bottle!"

With that, he looked up and drank, and the people around him were stunned.

Long Shao also opened the bottle to blow, but he obviously couldn't. he drank half a bottle or so, and he was choked by strong alcohol and burst into tears.

Lin Feng wants to have a few more drinks with them, but he finds that long Shao and Qin Huan are already confused.

Red wine is like this, at a certain moment, strength up, suddenly can make people dizzy!

He put his mouth to long Shao's ear, and suddenly called out: "long Shao, beauty is coming to dance with you!"

With that, he motioned for the restaurant owner to come.

The owner of the restaurant was very open-minded. Everyone was very interested in meeting her. She called herself a handsome man who praised her own place. She came over and danced her hometown dance without saying a word. The surrounding guests cheered and yelled. For a moment, the restaurant was as lively as a bar.

After drinking several bottles of foreign wine and half a bottle of vodka, long Shao's consciousness has been blurred, and he feels that there is a beautiful woman in front of him.

He was too much at night. When he saw this scene, he instinctively thought that he was dancing in the disco bar. Then he started to jump. His hands were always trying to catch beautiful women, but he couldn't catch them.

Qin Huan was also pulled up. Both of them were unsteady, but they hugged and swayed each other, as if they were in a noisy dibar. They had drunk too much and had forgotten where they were.Drinking to a certain extent, this is the state.

Their faces were red and their eyes were blurred. They were like two animals in love. They were tearing their clothes and wriggling wildly.

Lin Feng picked up the mobile phone, opened the video, aimed at the two people.

Looking at two people confused ugly put out, Lin Feng is a cold smile.

At this time, Wei Yichen regained consciousness. He suddenly understood the boss's plan, and quickly came to Lin Feng and said, "boss, I thought you were going to let them be the boss just now. It scared me to death!"

"They should be happy today, because I am in a good mood, so let's make fun of them in this way for the time being," Lin Feng said while patting

Say, then wave a hand, the beautiful boss that dances calls over.

"Beauty, you come!"

The beautiful boss stopped dancing and came over quickly. He said in Chinese, "handsome boy, what can I do for you?"

"I'm ready to eat and I'm going to leave," said Lin Feng! Check out now

"Wait a minute. I'll ask the bar counter to calculate today's consumption for you." Said the beautiful boss.

"Good!" Lin Feng smiles.

After that, he went to long Shao and saw that his clothes were still shaking. He said, "long Shao, are you happy?"

Long Shao called out: "open heart --"

Lin Feng said with a smile: "happy is good, you are the most handsome, you will remember to pay the bill later!"

"Good --" long Shao didn't know what he was talking about. He just said, "wow --" and vomited out.

Lin Feng flashed aside with disgust on his face and said to the beautiful boss, "see, I'll treat you. He'll pay the bill. If it's OK, let him pay the bill. I'll treat you to dinner some other day. Of course, if you're invited, I'll pay the bill. Hehe! Goodwhite

With that, he took Wei Yichen out of the door, leaving only long Shao and Qin Yu, who were already unconscious.

"Boss, isn't it immoral for us to do this! This meal, each hundreds of thousands of millions of people can not come down! " Wei Yichen said.

"What is morality?" Lin Feng said with a smile: "they dare to block my face and move you today. I didn't teach them a lesson today. They are lucky. They should spend money and avoid disaster."

When Wei Yichen heard this, he felt warm in his heart, and his face turned red. The heart said that the elder brother was playing such a trick on them because of himself. It seems that the elder brother still cares about me in his heart.

And French style restaurant.

After half an hour, long Shao and Qin Huan slowly regained consciousness.

"Hello, sir. You have spent 1.683.374 in total. I'll give you a small plus discount, and you'll have to pay 1.62 million!" A waiter with a POS machine and a mobile phone said in front of long Shao, "are you going to pay by card or by cash or by check or by electronic transfer?"

Long Shao scratched his head: "this he? What money?"

"How much money do you have to eat?" Said the waiter.

Long Shao thought for a moment and said, "isn't that boy paying for dinner?" Then he looked around for Lin Feng's figure: "Lin Feng, where have you been? Pay the bill to Lao Tzu --

" Hello, Mr. Lin appointed you to pay! " Said the waiter.

"Fuck you, do you know who I am? Dare you ask me to pay? I have plenty of money, but I won't pay you! " The dragon is less angry.

This Lin Feng, unexpectedly want to let oneself be the unjust big head? There are no doors.

At this time, his mobile phone jingle, received a video message.

Long Shao frowned and opened the video. In the video, he and Qin Huan were jumping happily.

At this time, Lin Feng appeared in the video and said to him, "long Shao, you are happy, you are the most handsome, and you will remember to pay for it!"

"Good --"

he even promised him, and then he vomited!

"NIMA!" Long Shao was very angry. He looked around himself. His shirt buttons were all open, wet, and there were spitting residues on them. His trousers were also stained with wine. The crotch was wet and sticky, and his headache was like bursting.

Did Lin Feng understand himself for a moment.

Lin Feng ordered so many expensive dishes and wine to his death, and then drunk him and Qin Huan, and asked them to pay for it. What he did was to pit them openly. He was cheated by money and played with IQ. He lost his wife and lost his army!

"Lin Feng, you and he have been against me again and again. Do you really think I am made of paper?" Long Shao slapped the table hard and his eyes were bloodshot: "I'm going to kill you

"Sir, there is no hurry to kill. Please settle the account first." One side of the foreigner waiters cheap said.

Long Shao turned his head full of anger, staring at the waiter like a ferocious man. He said, "don't you see that I'm angry? Do you want to die? "

"I'm sorry, sir. Please don't threaten people. You have to pay for the meal. There's nothing to say about it!" The foreign waiter is very eloquent. The boss specially changed a good Chinese one to deal with long Shao.The seven tricks of dragon and Qi are so angry that the whole people are almost angry. He cried: "I want to let me pay, no way. If I pay you today, I will be born to you, and I am your son!"

At this time, however, he received another message, still a video.

In the video, Qin Yu and himself, squinting red face, a face of obscene expression, then he and Qin Yu also scratched and jumped, shaking a few times and fell.

Then he was raised, he even took off his coat and jumped up again, like a living fool B.

"NIMA!" Dragon less hate bite teeth.

He had a break just now, and he didn't know what he did.

At this time, the mobile phone rang again. He received a message. The message was:

br > warm prompt: I know you will not pay for the bill. So take this wonderful video and plan to send it to the Internet tomorrow. Let us see how cool the brother-in-law of Longkou group is! Of course, if you make me unhappy, I don't mind the blackout of the TV system, put you in the program with the highest ratings, and complete the whole broadcast for the people in Jincheng. So, pay the bill now, and don't make me unhappy.

Lin Feng wishes you a happy life and a happy family. Thank you! kiss you!

"I mean you --"

a man who is less angry threw his mobile phone on the ground. The whole person was crazy, and he stepped on his feet with a crazy step and stepped on it.

Qin Yu also saw the video, he said: "dragon Shao, Longge, please, I don't want to go on TV!"

"You go to you, do you think I want to go to TV? You're a two-man

Long Shao gasped for a breath. Qin Yu was more and more angry. He had to deal with it quickly without his eyes. If the video flowed out, his image would be finished. The Ten Outstanding Youth titles of Jincheng issued by the leaders of Jincheng were gone. The impact on Longkou group was unpredictable.

He was angry and said to the waiter, "again, how much is it?"

"One million and six thousand!" The waiter said.

Paid the money, long Shao and Qin Yu left the door in a gray way.

At this time, the waiter in the door said to the beautiful boss, "boss, I seem to have a son more than I can't help."

"Ha ha ha!" The shop was laughing. , the fastest update of the webnovel!