The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1074

"Next, I will use these two minutes to introduce the red players!" The host said: "the red player's name is Lin Feng. He comes from Songjiang city. There are different opinions about his origin. Lin Feng was once the leader of an international mercenary organization. After retiring, he went to Danzhou, and then moved to Songjiang. It was only in recent months that he came to Beijing. Because of his surname Lin and his ability, he was put in important position by the Lin family in Kyoto ... "

the host's introduction was very understatement, mainly to separate the two people's levels, which is also what Luo Qinghe meant. In this way, when fighting, everyone will have a kind of psychology. Ouyang's people should win because they should not win.

If you and the United States, you will not win.

This duel, however, is like a marketing campaign that Luo Qinghe secretly helped Ouyang family to do. The purpose is to play the cards of Ouyang family and demote the Lin family and Lin Feng.

However, with only one minute left in the competition, the host introduced Lin Feng and was thinking about how to spend the remaining one minute when the door opened and a figure came in.

But it's not Lin Feng. It's Jin Fenghuang, the new president of Qinglong Association.

People are also impressed by the beauty of the Golden Phoenix, and pay attention to the Golden Phoenix one after another.

But the host continued on the stage: "there is still half a minute, if Lin Feng does not appear again, this competition even if he loses!"

"Well, it's disappointing that Lin Feng dare not attend the meeting."

"Lin Feng, a coward, is afraid at the critical moment."

"Yes, he is afraid to come!"


listening to these words, everyone began to acquiesce in the result. Yebei centrifugal thought that it might be his own words that dissuaded Lin Feng. After all, after all, after Lin Feng sent the sentence "you are very reasonable", there was no movement.

However, when there was a lot of noise in the meeting hall, Jin Fenghuang said, "please be calm. Lin Feng will come."

Everyone looked at the Golden Phoenix one after another. The Golden Phoenix didn't have a big voice, but she was full of air. Most people heard her words.

All of a sudden, the audience was quiet, but only for a few seconds, and suddenly someone burst out laughing.

"Hahaha, there are dozens of seconds left. Do you think he will come again? Are you dreaming? " Tang Zhen of the white tiger hall laughs. He thinks that Lin Feng will not appear at all. In this way, he will humiliate Lin Feng in front of yebeili. As a man who counsels home, yebeili will not like it any more?

At this time, the host on the stage began to count down: "there are ten seconds left, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5..."

however, at this time, a hand was clapped on the shoulder of Golden Phoenix, and then the voice came from behind the Golden Phoenix: "you know me!"

With that, a figure flashed out from behind the Golden Phoenix and stepped forward to the challenge arena.

The host wanted to call out 10 numbers. However, he quickened his speed to count the last few numbers. When he counted to 1, Lin Feng just boarded the stage.

The host's popularity is half dead. He hates the person who asks for a big card, just like he is an important VIP.

But Lin Feng didn't take himself as a VIP. He was just used to being late.

"Hoo - it's dangerous!"

Lin Feng took a long breath and said, "I'm sorry, I'm late. What, is the duel starting now?"

Said, Lin Feng opened the posture!


The host looked at Lin Feng with disgust on his face. He saw that Lin Feng was wearing cotton pajamas and carrying a backpack. His unique dress was full of grooves.

"You... Like you, can you just start?" The host said, "how can you change into a decent dress?"

Lin Feng said, "this is what I wear when I come out of the hotel. I went out to have a meal and came directly. What clothes to change? I have to go back to the hotel to sleep after finishing the job."


The host is full of black lines.

How can you say such a big thing in Lin Feng's mouth?

And on the other side of the thousand Ji You Zi listen, behind the mask also showed a surprised look.

This man, can't have a problem with his brain?

Chiji Youzi knows Longguo dialect, so she can understand what everyone is saying. He thinks that Lin Feng is either an expert in the world or a mental illness. Obviously, the latter may crush the former.

However, Ouyang Zhenhua was quite angry. He picked up the microphone in the main stand next to him and called out to the audience, "Lin Feng, please pay attention to this duel seriously. Ouyang's family is not joking with you!"

Lin Feng was very helpless: "do you think I'm joking with you? I've attached great importance to it. At least I've brought weapons with me. "

"Weapons?" The host searched carefully and asked Lin Feng, "what weapons have you brought?"This duel is a kind of irregular combat, which can be carried with weapons at will. There are no restrictions.

Lin Feng took off his backpack and said, "here it is."

Then he took a piece of black stuff out of his bag.

People close to him burst into laughter:

"brick, that guy brought a brick

All of a sudden, there was a wave of laughter, and the whole audience turned into a happy ocean.

This was originally a very serious duel, but Lin Feng's unique clothes and wonderful weapons made him feel extremely funny.

Ouyang Zhenhua was very angry, but before he could speak, Luo Qinghe took the microphone and said: "Lin Feng, please don't make a fuss. Today's duel, please pay attention to it, and respect your opponent Ouyang's family. Please respect the organizer of this event and the associated press!"

Luo Qinghe threw out Ouyang family and the associated press two forces to suppress Lin Feng.

After hearing this, they also felt that Luo Qinghe was right. Lin Feng's careless manner did not respect his opponent, nor did he blame Luo Qinghe's anger.

What's more, the duel is fair and just. Why do you neglect your opponent?

But Lin Feng said: "it's not that I don't respect you, it's the reason you didn't give me respect. Sorry, respect is mutual."

As soon as this word comes out, the spearhead points at Ouyang home and the associated press.

"Stinky boy, don't go too far!" Tang Zhen rose up and pointed to Lin Feng.

"Take back your salty pig's paws!" "What are you?" Lin Feng said? I always like to tell others what to do. I think you're a shit stick. The more you stir, the worse you smell

"You he..." when Tang Zhen was so scolded, he almost jumped up.

Lin Feng immediately replied: "are you his mother or his mother? You still boast that you are the vice leader every day, and then you talk like a loser! Do you deserve to be vice leader? Is white tiger hall shameless? Stupid

"You..." Tang Zhen a time red face, but do not know how to refute.

"Puff -" look at the embarrassed look of Tang Zhen's face by Lin fengyao, and the night North left on one side suddenly burst into laughter. , the fastest update of the webnovel!