The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1075

"All right, all right! Don't have a fight Luo Qinghe quickly blocked the way.

After all, the most important thing today is duel. What is Tang Zhen doing?

Luo Qinghe took a cold look at Tang Zhen, and his judgment to Tang Zhen in his heart was that he had no brain and could not blame others for looking for scolding himself.

Lin Feng turned his head and didn't hate Tang Zhen any more. He said to the host, "well, now that the duel time is over, either we'll start the duel or I'll go back to the hotel to sleep!"

The host was shocked by Lin Feng's fierce momentum. Unexpectedly, when he came up, he gave the Ouyang family, the United Press and the white tiger Hall three forces to take power respectively. This kind of bold color, looking at Kyoto, I'm afraid there is no other person except Lin Feng.

So he didn't have the momentum just now, and said, "are you sure you can look like this?"

"Don't talk nonsense, I can do it any time!" Lin Feng Road.

The host sighed and asked the girl over there, "are the black players ready?"

"All right Qian Ji said coldly.

"Good!" The host said: "the black side Ouyang Qianji, on behalf of Ouyang's family, has fulfilled the engagement with the red side Lin Feng before March. Now the duel will begin. Please come forward!"

Qianji Youzi and Lin Feng walk to the middle of the field. They stand together. Lin Feng is obviously higher than Qianji Youzi.

However, Qianji Youzi's momentum is not weak at all. On the contrary, she slightly raises her head and stares at Lin Feng. The attractive eyes behind the mask emit sharp light.

The venue of the game is an octagonal cage, just like the one used to play UFC on TV.

However, we all know that the iron cage between them is just a decoration. The duel between the practitioners is not a kind of boxing.

At this time, many people are attracted by the body of Chiu kyu.

Although Qianji Youzi is only about 1.6 meters, her figure is really good. She looks like a cartoon character in the arcade, I don't know fire dance.

So as soon as she puts on the fighting posture, some places tremble and linger, which makes people think in an instant.

Lin Feng is also very meaningful said: "sister, you can rely on the body to eat, why do you have to work so hard?"

"Don't talk nonsense and fight with your strength Qianji Youzi said a word in Longguo dialect.

"All right, I'll ask you to do something about it." Lin Feng made a gentlemanly gesture.

Chiji Youzi, however, was not ambiguous at all. He rushed directly to Lin Feng and hit Lin Feng in the face with a fist.

The fist was very fast, like a meteor in the night sky. It was in front of Lin Feng in a flash.

However, Lin Feng's speed is not slow. He seems to hide from the side and evade the fist of Qianji Youzi and says, "sister, I think your moves are too obvious. If you hide a little next time, the probability of success will be much greater."

Hearing this, a burst of anger in his heart, Chiji said coldly, "you are so smooth, how can I ever need advice from others?"

With that, a leg swept toward Lin Feng.

Because Yingzhou's servants are more open, this moment Qianji Youzi is gone. Lin Feng's eyes shine with a smile. After dodging Qianji Youzi's foot, he says, "white, absolutely white!"

"What white?" Chiji asked.

"Well, of course, it's the closest thing to the body." Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Shameless!" Chiji Youzi immediately understood what Lin Feng was saying and rushed to Lin Feng again.

This time, Chiji Youzi's attack was obviously filled with a lot of anger. The momentum was as fierce as a storm, and his fists and feet were attacking Lin Feng like raindrops. People around him were dazzled.

"Wow, it's really a master. Every move is so gorgeous. It's really eye opening."

"Ouyang's people are really powerful. You can see that Lin Feng can only parry. He can't fight back!"


people were talking about it.

And the attack of Qianji Youzi in the field is more and more fierce.

This seems to be an offensive and defensive battle. Qianji is attacked by her son, and Lin Feng defends it. However, if he is a master of cultivation, he can see through it at a glance. Lin Feng has not started to exert his strength at all!

Lin Feng always at the last minute to avoid the attack of thousand Ji You Zi, can't help but make a cold sweat for him.

At the beginning, Chiji Youzi didn't pay attention to Lin Feng. Looking at the world, there were many masters, but the top ones were all concentrated in the top of the Huaqi realm. Qianji Youzi didn't believe that Lin Feng had the strength of Huaqi state. To say the least, even if there were, she could do something to deal with it.

Therefore, she is unscrupulous, and, for so many years, she has never failed. She is used to the taste of victory and contempt for all living beings.

Her heart has been longing to meet a real master, can let her look up to the master, however, she has never met.

Today, she did not use all her strength to fight with Lin Feng. However, she also forced Lin Feng to retreat. Moreover, she almost let Lin Feng win every time. Qianji Youzi had a slight disdain in her heart. This task of tens of millions of people was just like this, not to kill a simple Longguo man!However, after a few moves, Lin Feng is still safe and sound, which can not help but let Qianji Youzi a little angry.

What made her more angry was that Lin Feng always wore a smile during the duel. The smile in the eyes of Qianji Youzi was more like a provocation to her.

"Asshole!" Chiji Youzi scolded secretly and suddenly accelerated. She wanted to finish the battle as soon as possible.

See the speed of Qianji Youzi's fist and foot is getting faster and faster. Even the naked eye is hard to distinguish its fist and foot. Everyone's eyes are dazzled.

However, Lin Feng's movement is still the original speed, and Qianji Youzi compared, looks slowly swallow.

However, what is surprising is that although Lin Feng moves slowly, he always blocks the other side's attack at the critical moment.

Chiji Youzi was also a little surprised, but he felt that it was sooner or later that Lin Feng failed. Now he just felt that Lin Feng was quite able to stick to it.

And her a series of attacks, unexpectedly did not hurt Lin Feng Fen Fen Fen, can not help but let her a little angry.

Qianji, with her teeth clenched by her son, decided to use her own killing moves.

However, at this time, Lin Feng grabbed a moment, pulled out a few steps away, and said: "beauty, you and I duel, why don't you show your face? Are you so ugly that you're afraid of being laughed at? It's OK. I don't dislike my opponent's ugly looks! "

"Slick and slick!" Qianji Youzi snorted coldly: "you'd better worry about your life!"

Say, she suddenly very fast toward Lin Feng to swing a sleeve.

People do not know what happened, but see a moment Lin Feng turned his head, "bang bang" two rings, two sharp black four-star darts, nailed to the octagonal building side of the pillar.

Hearing this, ye Beili and others are very worried. Both shenhemen and xuanming mansion have studied the concealed weapons. The concealed weapons just now are Star Darts used by strangers in Yingzhou. They all contain poison. If Lin Feng is attacked by darts, they will die.

But this competition originally has no rule, did not say that does not allow to use the concealed weapon, therefore also cannot define the Ouyang family person despicable.

But at this time, he saw Lin Feng's face pale and light in the field. After dodging the darts, he said with a smile to Chiji Youzi: "you even used the hidden weapon. Next, are you going to use the Ninja skill?"

Chiji Youzi didn't expect that Lin Feng could avoid his darts, but she still said in a disdainful tone: "you can force me to use Ninjutsu. You are a dragon country person, but you can't do it. It's your honor to fight with me today. It's your honor to die in my hand, and it's also your life's glory. Take your life!"

With that, Chiji Youzi suddenly jumped up and rotated 360 degrees. His clothes bloomed like lotus flowers and looked extremely beautiful in the light.

However, beautiful things are always fatal, and in the next second, a terrible scene happened. , the fastest update of the webnovel!