The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1073

People who know martial arts can judge something from others' words and deeds.

And the way the woman walked, we could see that he was full of vigor, and his feet exuded some vigor, which made him walk like flying.

It is said that to a certain extent, people can develop their lightness skills by virtue of their true Qi in the body, step on the willow tops to fight, and scurry on the water without sinking into the bottom. All of these can be realized only when they practice to a certain extent.

And this woman, should have this omen.

So Chen saw the woman's strength at a glance.

Yebeili looked dignified after seeing it. Not only did he see the woman's figure, but also her intuition as a woman. The people invited by Ouyang's family were absolutely different.

The hall was silent and attracted by the figure of the woman.

However, Ouyang Shuo didn't say hello to anyone, guiding the woman to the back lounge.

The duel is about to start. Ouyang's family has already arrived, but Lin Feng on the other side has not yet appeared. It is inevitable that some people begin to suspect.

"It's about to start. What about Lin Feng?"

"Is it a flight?"

"No, it's a big gamble. I heard that Lin Feng lost, he had to go back to Ouyang's family. If he didn't dare to come, it's not equal to losing. How can we say we have to fight?"

"I hope so, or it will be nothing to see!"

Everyone you a word I talk about, night north from listen, but look complex.

She just chatted with Lin Feng and advised him not to come over. But Lin Feng didn't refute. Did Lin Feng really listen to his advice and not come?

Not to come or not, save what accident, she felt Luo Qinghe and Tang Zhen and others, are not well intentioned.

At this time, the host began to appear.

The host turned out to be Luo Qinghe, President of the associated press.

Luo Qinghe stepped onto the arena and said: "Hello, everyone. Today is the day when Ouyang family and Lin Feng fight. The battle will begin soon. On behalf of the United Press, I support this duel. I hope that in the duel, everyone can count to the end. It's meaningless to win or lose. Life is the most important thing. The associated press and I have always valued peace, so today we don't want to be upset For this duel, the two sides have hurt their peace! "

Luo Qinghe is worthy of being the president of the associated press. He has a high level of speaking. He is familiar with a set of things behind his back and a set on the surface.

In other words, if you want to eat in this business, you can't have too much truth in your mouth.

Therefore, Luo Qinghe, a businessman, is very good at saying beautiful things.

He continued: "of course, the duel is a duel after all. Everyone is fighting for their own honor and dignity, and they will make every effort. Therefore, it is very stressful for us and the associated press to undertake this event. We try our best to ensure that all aspects are carried out in an orderly manner. However, accidents often occur in such a duel, and I hope you can understand it, The AP and I only hope that the result of the duel will be accepted by everyone calmly, OK? "


Under the stage, there are props that have been installed for a long time, shouting.

"OK, thank you for your understanding. We and the associated press will certainly try our best." Luo Qinghe saluted.

Luo Qinghe's words can be said to have thrown away the responsibility ahead of time. If Lin Feng is killed in this duel, and the associated press will not be criticized.

Then, Luo Qinghe said to a young man in a white suit: "I've finished what I have to say, host, please take the stage to preside over the competition."

It turned out that Luo Qinghe was just making an opening ceremony. There were other people who actually presided over the competition.

But at the end of the day, it's all his people.

The host took a look at his watch, then went on the stage and said, "the duel will start in five minutes. First of all, I will announce the rules of this duel."

"First of all, the duel is a point system. There will be five judges on the field to score. In half an hour, if there is no obvious victory or defeat, the referee will finally score."

"Secondly, the arena of this duel is centered on my arena. Of course, there are no restrictions on the venue, and both sides can play freely. So please pay more attention to the spectators in the front row at the beginning of the competition, so as not to be injured by the duel."

"Finally, this fight is an irregular fight. There are no restrictions on the way and weapons of the duel between the two sides. Both sides can play freely. But in the duel, you should pay attention not to hurt the surrounding audience, or you will lose a lot of points in the competition. Please keep your eyes open and the competition will start soon!"

The host changed a hand card and continued: "next, I will start to introduce the two sides of the duel solemnly! First of all, the red side, please come out! "

The red side is Lin Feng. At this time, Lin Feng should step forward, but Lin Feng hasn't arrived yet, which makes the scene a little awkward.

"Introduce the black side first!" Luo Qinghe said under the stage.

The host gave a helpless show and said, "well, our red side didn't arrive on time. I don't know if there will be any suspicion of withdrawing from the competition. But I want to make it clear in advance that if the red side loses the qualification, it will lose the game at the same time."Then, he took up his card and said, "now, I solemnly introduce Heifang. Heifang is the third eldest granddaughter of Ouyang family, Ouyang Qianji. She lived overseas since childhood and studied Yingzhou's fighting skills and Ninja arts. She is a proud soldier of Ouyang family."

"This time, after hearing about the duel of Ouyang's family, she resolutely returned home to take the responsibility for Ouyang's family! Ouyang Qianji is an outstanding young woman who has carried out secret missions in Yingzhou for many times and has solved them perfectly every time. She is an excellent young woman who has the coexistence of force and wisdom. This time, she will represent Ouyang's family against red Fang Lin Feng. Let's give a warm applause and solemnly invite the black side and Ouyang Qianji to come on the stage! "

With the vigorous heavy metal music playing, Ouyang Qianji still wears a ghost mask and her Yingzhou costume, but she has approved a cloak with four big characters printed on the back of the cloak, Ouyang Qianji.

Qianji Youzi hates this kind of appearance. It's just like buying murderers to kill and finish the task. Why bother?

What's more, she changed her head and changed her surname, saying that she was from Ouyang family, which really upset her.

As a result, the Commission was given 20% more, and Qianji Youzi reluctantly agreed.

This duel was originally intended to be conducted in secret. It was only with the participation of many forces that the duel became a grand underground duel. It was also an appearance ceremony and was introduced by the players. Even Ouyang Zhenhua didn't think it would be like this.

However, he quickly agreed to this kind of operation. If Qianji Youzi wins the competition and makes a little accident and kills Lin Feng, the outside world will surely marvel that Ouyang family still has such a powerful person.

However, if the governor's Bureau found out that Qianji Youzi had already left Longguo, no one could be found and died without proof.

It has to be said that Ouyang's move is still very clever.

At this time, the black players have already played, and the red players have not arrived, which inevitably makes many people have a dissatisfaction.

The host tried to pacify the mood of the crowd, and then said: "there are two minutes to start the game. If the red player doesn't show up, he will be regarded as abstention, and he will be judged to lose!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!