The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1039

Lin Feng returned to Swan Lake Villa as quickly as possible. Instead of approaching his villa immediately, he took a closer look at the direction of the villa in the distance.

As the night was getting dark, every household turned off their lights. Only the streetlights in the villa area were emitting weak white light. However, Lin Feng did not see any abnormal situation in the community.

However, he knew in his heart that if he could not see, it did not mean that there was no such thing as there was no mouse. Now that group of people were lurking around or had entered the house.

Lin Feng quietly close to the villa, in front of not knowing each other's details, Lin Feng tries not to let himself burst leakage.

He stopped when he was still a few dozen meters away from the villa.

He saw that there was a circle of people in the room. Rats and others were standing behind King Kong. King Kong was confronting the group of people.

Lin Feng wants to rush into the villa, but he just stepped out of step, suddenly feel something wrong.

Many years of mercenary career, let him have extremely keen insight.

He found that there seemed to be something wrong around him, some inexplicable sound and some disorderly breath.

This is just a very subtle feeling, but Lin Feng is aware of it.

He looked around again, and his heart couldn't help but say: "these people are really cunning."

Originally, he found that there are a group of people outside the villa, but these people are "invisible people"!

They used some kind of ninja or reclusion, and are now hiding around the house.

Lin Feng carefully looked at the grass and trees around the isolation zone and the pool.

At the feet of the three swans singing, the pool is one meter deep enough to hide people.

Occasionally, bubbles will appear on the surface of the pool, which is enough to prove Lin Feng's judgment.

In this winter, although the water is not completely frozen, it is also a mixture of ice and water around zero. These people are lurking in the cold water. They are really a group of hardworking people!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng's mouth can not help but draw a bad smile, since you are willing to stay in it, stay a little longer!

Lin Feng didn't show up. He didn't know where the group came from or how much was hidden around the house. He didn't want to scare the snake, so he thought of a plan.

He took out the phone, whispered to the other end: "Villa 8, there is a disturbance!"

He's calling the security number of the community.

After about five or six minutes, a security guard came to his villa with a stick.

The security guard looked through the bright window and found that there were two groups of people in the confrontation. He thought it was a normal civil dispute, so he wanted to go inside to adjust.

But after a few steps, a man appeared in front of the security guard and asked, "what are you doing?"

The security guard was shocked. In the middle of the night, where did this man come out?

What's more, he was wearing a one-piece hat, which covered his face and couldn't see what he looked like.

But the security guard was also a veteran, and he had a lot of courage. Subconsciously, he said, "there's a disturbance in this family. I'll take care of it."

Then, he looked at the man in front of him and asked, "who are you? What do you do if you don't go home in the middle of the night? Aren't you from Swan Lake Villa

"I'm here!" The man said faintly: "there is no trouble inside, you go back!"

The security guard is even more puzzled. He seems to be ordering people. What is his identity?

The security guard said, "if there is no trouble, I have to go and have a look. My duty is to protect the peace of this community. Besides, you should prove that you belong to this community, otherwise I have to ask you out!"

"It's nothing to ask for!" The man was obviously impatient. He suddenly took out a knife and stabbed at the security guard.

Suddenly, the security guard was in a cold sweat, but suddenly, the security guard could not hide the knife.

However, at this time, but listen to a "Ding" sound, the man's knife was shot down by something hard.

The man was so shocked that he looked at the security guard.

He doesn't know what happened!

Seeing that the man's knife fell off, the security guard immediately regained his mind and immediately stepped forward to seize the man's arm. He would twist it backwards.

This is a kind of grappling. Swan Lake is a rich area, and the security guards are also recruited. Without two sons, they can't be the security guards here.

Of course, the man with a knife is not an ordinary person. He reacts quickly. Seeing the security guard twist his arm, he turns around to avoid the security guard, but grabs the arm of the security guard with both hands.

Then, make a show and give the security guard a shoulder fall.

At this time, but listen to a "bang", holding a knife man but fell down.

The security guard was stunned. This fight was very strange. First, the other side's knife fell off, and then when he was about to be over his shoulder, the other side suddenly fell to the ground.

What's the situation?

In fact, these are Lin Feng's actions in the dark. Lin Feng just uses the pebbles behind the villa by the lake to help the security guard to deal with the man.However, without the knowledge of others, it looked like the security guard had beaten the man.

Security see the man fell, he dare not neglect, quickly took out the mobile phone to call the police.

However, another dark figure rushed out, a mobile phone that robbed the security guard.

the black shadow as like as two peas in the same way, the big, big hat, which is covered with a face, can't be seen.

The security guard is a little scared now, isn't it offending some abnormal Gang?

However, the mobile phone fell to the ground for two and a half seconds.

The security guard is really muddled. He has done nothing. What are these people doing? Are you acting?

He bravely picked up the mobile phone and found that it could not be used. At this time, there were two or three black shadows.

This time, the security guard saw clearly that the shadows were coming out of the pool.

The security guard was scared. After looking at the gate for several years, he did not encounter such a strange thing. He turned his head and ran away.

And then listen to behind "bang bang bang" three sounds, and then a quiet.

The security guard bravely looked back, the three men also fell to the ground.

The security guard saw the rolling pebbles on the ground and instantly realized that someone was helping him secretly.

However, those people knew that the security guard would call the police, so they would not let the security guard go. They saw a lot of people around the house in an instant. There were more than a dozen people either coming out from behind the isolation belt or from the pool.

The security guard picked up the walkie talkie to call for help. However, a hand reached out from behind, grasped the security guard's walkie talkie, and snatched it directly. He said, "it's no use calling so many security guards. Just stand by and watch the excitement."

The security guard fixed his eyes and saw that Lin Feng, the owner of villa No. 8, was standing next to him.

He knew Lin Feng because there were always many beautiful women in his villa. He was very impressed with him.

Just, in the face of a dozen people, how can he deal with it alone?

The security guard said to Lin Feng, "man, run quickly and call the police by the way."

"If you are told to watch a good play, you can stand quietly behind and watch it!"

Lin Feng said, mouth exposed a bad smile, and then, five fingers separated, a large number of pebbles in the middle of his palm, ready to move. , the fastest update of the webnovel!