The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1040

In the villa.

King Kong stood in front of the crowd, a man in charge of the situation.

This kind of scene King Kong sees many, does not panic at all.

But those women were a little flustered. After all, there were so many people in the villa all of a sudden, and their costumes were very strange. They had no idea.

These people are actually wearing Zhongshan suits, but the upper body is directly dragged to the knee of the long style, and everyone's face is painted with a layer of flour, very pale, and with the same color of trousers and shoes, it looks like a solemn and solemn feeling.

The first man combed his back, and his hair was tied up with a rubber band. There was no hair on both sides. A conspicuous scar under his eyes added a touch of cruelty to his already cold face.

It is strange that the scar man is still carrying a big umbrella with a length of one meter behind his back. At this time, the umbrella is closed, and there is no difference.

"I'll say it for the last time. Hand over the broken jade. I won't embarrass you!" Scar man is getting impatient.

"I'll say it for the last time. Get out of here and I won't pursue it!" King Kong's voice was like a loud voice.

"A toast is a penalty if you don't eat or eat!" The scar man waved to the man behind him and said, "give me one, don't let go of any of them!"

"I see who dares to move!" In a fury, King Kong tore the clothes on his upper body, revealing the elastic tights inside. The strong muscles wrapped under the clothes were like hard stones, full of sense of strength.

There is enough power in front of ordinary people.

But the opposite group of people seems not simple, they in a short daze, then no longer get the slightest hesitation, directly toward King Kong.

King Kong waved his fist, with a gust of strong wind, and his solid arm was like a Wanjun hammer and swung at the group.

The first one rushed forward and quickly reached out to stop King Kong's attack. However, they didn't expect that the man looked powerful, but actually he was more powerful. Four or five people were thrown out by King Kong's arm.

At this time, another wave of people rushed up.

King Kong was like a mad bull, and he ran into it.

All of the seven people who used it were attacked by King Kong.

"I see who dares to be wild!"

King Kong roared, the muscles of the whole body seemed to have the power of 10000 tons, which made people afraid.

The scar man bit his teeth, but with a cold smile, he said, "it's just brute force."

Said, scar man a big umbrella out of the back, pointed at King Kong: "let me teach you!"

The head of the big umbrella was very sharp. The scar man thought that the umbrella was a sharp sword and stabbed at the King Kong.

When the scar man stabbed in front of him, King Kong did not retreat, but reached for the top of the umbrella.

Scar man a Zheng: "you still have two sons!"

But immediately, a strange smile appeared on his face.


The umbrella suddenly opened, blocking King Kong's sight. Then a long knife appeared under the umbrella and suddenly stabbed King Kong.

This move is very insidious, if you don't pay attention to it, you will be stabbed.

But King Kong, who has been following Lin Feng for many years, has already been fully trained by Lin Feng. He is also skillful in dealing with this sinister trick.

See his crotch to reclaim, hand force to push out, so as to open the space, let the other side stab him.

However, this time, King Kong pushed a void, the umbrella was pushed out and fell on the ground, the sword and sword and the case to be handled disappeared.

But listen to one side someone exclaimed: "don't be impulsive, you don't be impulsive!"

King Kong looked behind him. He didn't know when the scar man went behind him, and the knife rest was on the neck of Golden Phoenix.

Ren Changfeng comforted him: "don't be impulsive. Even if you kill her, it's useless!"

King Kong was very upset. He didn't expect that he was careless for a moment, and even caught this guy's way.

The scar man seems to have used some kind of magic like skill, using the umbrella as a prop to confuse King Kong. The main purpose of the scar man is the people behind him.

These breeze are all in the eye, he can see the scar, the man's cultivation is very high, speed is also very fast, but now he looks like a useless man, he can't reach out to help, so he can only watch!

"You are mean!" King Kong's angry curse.

The scar man said with a cold smile: "what is mean? When I fight with people, I always look for the weakness of each other, and the group of people behind you is your weakness

Scar man has already seen that this group of people are protected by King Kong. As long as one of these people is restrained, he can threaten King Kong.

Sure enough, King Kong was at a loss.

"If you dare to move, I will kill her at once!" The scar man said with a cold smile that the cold shining knife slipped on the Golden Phoenix's neck for several times, and said in his mouth, "it's a pity that such a beautiful woman died!""She's my boss's woman. If you dare to touch him, my boss will kill you!" King Kong roared.

"Your boss? It's Lin Feng, isn't it? " Scar man chuckled: "I'm afraid you can't get into the old Dalian door!"

He set a trap outside. Once Lin Feng appeared, he would fall into his trap.

"Tie them up!" The scar man waved his hand.

Those who were knocked down by King Kong rushed over, first tied King Kong, and then trapped in the breeze Chen Wu and others.

Qingfeng, who had been so angry, glared and disobeyed, but was directly slapped by the man with scar: "what are you looking at? Let me be honest, or I'll kill you right away!"

Then, three down five divide two on the head of the wind on the rope.

However, at this time, a voice came down from upstairs: "who is making a lot of noise in the evening? Do you have any quality? "

On hearing this sound, King Kong and others were shocked and their confidence was doubled.

They followed the sound and looked at the stairs. Sure enough, Lin Feng came down from the stairs with a cup of coffee in one hand.

"Lin Feng?"

It's just that everyone is surprised. Why is Lin Feng upstairs? Did he hear such a big noise?

Everyone thought Lin Feng was out, but he didn't want him upstairs.

Lin Feng didn't tell them that he was out. He came back and took care of the group of people outside. He went to the second floor directly. Anyway, there was nothing serious going on downstairs for a while. He took time to make a cup of hot coffee to warm himself up.

But this can make Qing Feng's atmosphere very bad. He scolded Lin Feng: "Stinky boy, why don't you come down upstairs? Are you watching me being bullied by them? Do you have any conscience? "

"I'm sorry. I was halfway through my coffee just now. It's not convenient to come down." Lin Feng apologetic: "now grinding coffee, I have to watch point!"

After all, it was unexpected that Qingfeng was slapped in the mouth. Lin Feng didn't expect that the scarred man's men were so brave.

Scar man at this time is a face of surprise, her heart a lot of question marks.

Didn't Lin Feng go out? That oneself arranges so many ambushes outside, is not to waste one's mind?

What's more, he is still in the mood to make coffee upstairs because of such a big noise downstairs?

How much experience does this person have? , the fastest update of the webnovel!