The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1038

"What legend?" Lin Feng asked.

Yu Wenji said: "in legend, blood jade can open a secret place. If you can enter the secret place, you can stay young forever in it."

"Oh? What else? I don't know that! " Lin Feng said with a smile: "so, just for the sake of eternal youth, you have been salivating for blood jade, right?"

Yu Wenji said with a bitter smile: "which woman doesn't want to be beautiful forever? Is there a mistake? "

"Yes Lin Feng replied, "but if you want to rob other people's things, you are wrong."

"Is the blood jade the Lin family owned since ancient times? It's not your ancestors who snatched it from others! " Yuwenji road.

"I'm not sure it was dug up in the mountains by the ancestors of the Lin family?" Lin Feng joked: "who said that Qing?"

Yu Wenji's words are not very good.

Lin Feng said: "anyway, our Lin family has been guarding the blood jade for generations, and we have done our duty for generations. In terms of this credit, blood jade should also belong to the Lin family."

Yuwenji Liu eyebrows tightly frown thought: "well, well, blood jade matter, I no longer intervene in it!"

Originally, she wanted to get close to Lin Feng and let him take it lightly. When Lin Feng found the blood jade, she got the moon near the water and drugged him to take the blood jade.

However, she found that she was too naive, and Lin Feng had already noticed her!

She couldn't help being curious: "how do you know I came for blood jade?"

"Not so much why, intuition!" Lin Feng said

Then he added, "how can the first evil girl in Miao Autonomous Region suddenly give up her original life and enter the city and be willing to be a parasite?"

Yu Wenji asked, "you didn't think about it. I really like you...

" I didn't think about it! " Lin Feng Road.

Yu Wenji's face appeared a thick sense of loss, and then relieved: "of course, you are such an excellent person, surrounded by a group of women, how can you look at me?"

"You are beautiful enough to make men in the world fall in love with you, but..." Lin Feng smile: "the more beautiful the rose, the more thorns, the more gorgeous snake, the more poisonous. So, I'm sorry, I have always been wary of you!"

"Now that it's open, can you put down your guard against me?" Yu Wenji said: "I admit that I have been playing the idea of blood jade, but I also like you. If I get blood jade, we can enter the secret place and stay together forever, isn't it?"

This word comes suddenly, even Lin Feng is a little surprised.

He did not expect that Yu Wenji would say that he wanted to stay with her forever.

Yu Wenji saw Lin Feng's face surprised, she said with a wry smile: "of course, I know that I am not worthy of you, I have self-knowledge!"

"Sister rain, I don't mean that!" Lin Feng Road.

He didn't say anything. Yu Wenji directed and acted on her own, and she played and sang. Lin Feng was also speechless.

"It's OK!" Yu Wenji waved her hand: "everyone will be old, but I still have enough capital. Although I can't match you, I still like you. I've seen too many men in the world. But you are the only one who impresses me and fascinates me. I decide to use the rest of my life to like you as a man. This is what I want to do for the rest of my life."

Lin Feng bit his lips, did not expect this rain Wenji a confession, so frank and frank, not like those little girls shy and astringent.

Lin Feng doesn't know how to say it. This woman has a kind of breathtaking beauty, which is enough to make Lin Feng fall in love with her. However, with Lin Feng's situation and identity, it's impossible to talk about feelings with her. Maybe later, but it's not the time.

"Sister rain, I know there is a way to prolong life and youth forever!" Lin Feng said.

"What method?" Yu Wenji's eyes brightened.

Lin Feng said: "I heard that there is a kind of Gu Shu, combined with several rare medicinal materials, can keep people's appearance young all the time!"

After that, he added: "of course, this kind of youth is just superficial youth. One day, people will still die, but when they die, people are still the youngest and most beautiful."

"I don't want long life, I just want not to grow old in my life!" Yuwenji said happily, "so this method is very suitable for me!"

She suddenly looked up at Lin Feng: "how do you know this? According to the truth, I should be more proficient than you

Lin Feng said with a smile: "it's a coincidence. I'll go back and talk to you slowly."

It's a coincidence that ye Beili told Lin Feng about this method. Lin Feng was always surprised by yebeili's age. Yebeili's work style is very mature, her eyes are sharp and her aura is powerful. But on the surface, she is only in her twenties. So Lin Feng and yebeili talked about this matter, and yebeili disclosed it to Lin Feng. In her secret art of Chiyou written by shenhemen, ye Beili mentioned it To a way of eternal youth.

But Lin Feng is happy to listen to, did not expect today can be used in Yu Wenji.As soon as Yu Wenji heard that she could stay young without blood jade, she was very happy and said to Lin Feng, "when can you tell me about this method?"

"I will take you to Kyoto tomorrow," said Lin Feng? Go to Kyoto, naturally someone will tell you! "

"Good!" Yuwenji road.

Two people untied the estrangement, then did not have the previous vigilance psychology.

Lin Feng took Yu Wenji around the East Cemetery, but because the East Cemetery was too big, they did not see the two intertwined trees.

Therefore, Lin Feng thinks that it is still a matter of season. In two or three months, spring is almost blooming. When it comes to that time, we should be able to find blood jade. It is useless to worry about it now.

Two people are preparing to call home, at this time, Lin Feng's phone rang.

It's a mouse.

Lin Feng quickly picked up the phone, on the phone that mouse said anxiously: "boss, where are you? Come back quickly! Our villa is surrounded by a group of people who don't know where to go

"What kind of person?" Lin Feng asked.

"A bunch of... Geeks!" The mouse did not know how to describe it: "in short, these people are not like normal people!"

Lin Feng is also a face muddled force, not a normal person?

However, he did not intend to cross examine any more. If not expected, these people were all salivating for blood jade and would come to trouble.

However, to assassinate secretly, in the past, what was the operation of direct encirclement? Isn't this an open robbery? What kind of organization is this? How dare you?

Time is pressing, and it's useless to think about it any more. Lin Feng said to Yu Wenji, "there's something wrong with Swan Lake Villa. I'll go back quickly. You'll hide outside and wait for my call."

"Good!" Yuwenji road. , the fastest update of the webnovel!