The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 103

"What other aspects?" Asked Su Jing.

"For example, have you ever thought that competitors are playing tricks in the middle?" Said Lin Feng.

"Competitors?" Su Jing thought about it.

"And what else should I say more clearly?" Lin Feng said: "come on, little red pants! Remember? "

"Ah, you mean Shen group!" Su Jingru dunding, Shen Lang attended the opening ceremony on the same day, so humiliated, iron sure hate, how to forget this.

Su Jing patted her head. There are too many things recently. It seems that she should smooth her mind!

"Shen group was the mining boss of Jincheng. His resources and layout far exceeded our imagination. So it is not very simple that he is an old soldier who wants to bully our recruits."! For example, even if they use their relationship privately, they tell big businesses that we can drink a pot of wine if they don't cooperate with Dongsheng mining industry. "

"Well, Lin Feng, you have a reason!" Su Jing nodded and looked at Lin Feng with approval.

This guy, you don't say, the critical moment is always unexpected.

But Lin Feng was a bit of cold smile in his heart. His brother studied abroad for four years. What did not learn?

Is he the old man who has never died, has trained himself in the devil, computer studies the most advanced hacker technology in the world, commerce, market, sales, finance, all learn the world's top-level, and etiquette, speech, violin, etc. only if you can't think of it, there is no one Lin Feng does not learn.

If not Lin Feng to death, almost let Lin Feng learn gay communication skills!

In recent years, Lin Feng was almost tired of spitting blood, but he was still sincerely grateful to Laohu. Without the refining like polishing, there would be no today's Lin Feng.

So for yeyuwei that iconic sales smile, Lin Feng saw the doorway at a glance.

But at this time, yeyuwei questioned: "so as you say, it is Shen group that makes a fool of it. We can't fight Shenshi group in mining, so we have to wait for death?"

This also asked Su Jing's heart that they really couldn't compete with Shen group in the mining sector.

"You asked me? You are in the meeting! It's not me! Cut! " Lin Feng drank a sip of tea and played with his mobile phone.

Yeyuwei shook her head, some disappointed.

She just suddenly felt that Lin Feng was a little clever. Now, he just thought he was just a sudden surprise.

The scene fell silent again.

However, in ten seconds, Lin Feng said again, "well, it's not interesting for you to have a meeting like this. I'll show you a clear way!"

"What is the clear road?" Asked Su Jing.

"In half a month, there will be a mining bidding conference, a tender by Jincheng government. They are bidding in five years. If you go to respond to the bidding and take this bidding, you will not worry about the mine will not be sold!" "This is the only way to save Dongsheng mining industry," Lin Feng said. "Moreover, Jincheng government is the largest customer of Shen group. Taking this bidding, Dongsheng mining will develop rapidly in a few years. Shen group will lose the official government customer, and this will grow and the Dongsheng Group will soon overtake Shenshi group!"

"Where did you see the news?" Asked yeyuwei.

"On the mobile phone! Do you think I'm down and play with the fun? " "So big bidding, you even do not pay attention to, but also speak of revitalization Dongsheng mining industry! "Tut

Actually, he sent news to the mouse, and the mouse helped him search the bidding information.

"You..." Su Jing's face is red. Lin Feng, who is subordinate, doesn't give her face.

But a careful thought is also, Lin Feng such a person, arrogant, never put anyone in the eyes.

He is like monkey king in the journey to the west, who can handle everything, but he is not controlled by Tang monks, except for the tight band curse and Buddha.

At this time, yeyuwei retorted again: "I just looked at it, it was indeed the bidding of the government, but at the same time I also found that this bidding, which has only been a passing place in previous years, has recruited a lot of mining companies to respond to the bid. Finally, it must be Shen group winning the bid! It's been like that for many years! "

"So you mean, we don't have a chance to win if we have Shen group, right?" Lin Feng Road.

"It seems to me, yes!" "Said yeyuwei.

"Then I ask Ye always to give me an analysis. Why can't we win Shen group in this bidding?" Asked Lin Feng.

Yeyuwei frowned, very unhappy in her heart.

She said, I am a sales professional, participated in the bidding meeting, not less than a few hundred, you a Leng green really think that they are amazing?

Why are men so, how do they all think so?

Yeyuwei was very proud of her heart. At this time, coupled with the provocations of Lin Feng, she decided to use professional knowledge to make Lin Feng take it into her mouth.

"If you want to listen, I will analyze it for you, just as sue is, see if I am saying this truth!" said Ye"First of all, the cooperation between Shen's group and Jincheng government has lasted for many years. It's like two familiar friends who have tacit understanding. If you join as a new friend, you can't shake the foundation of your old friend."

"Secondly, although the quality of our products is comparable to that of Shenshi group, our technology maturity is far less than that of Shenshi group. Do you think that the government will not cooperate with a partner with mature technology and tacit understanding, instead, cooperate with a new mining industry with immature technology?"

"Third, the people of the government always seek nothing but no merit. Therefore, they don't need novelty or adventure. They just need a partner who can cooperate steadily and steadily."

"All in all, our hopes are slim." Ye Yuwei talked with candor and turned her head and said to Su Jing, "general manager Su, I am not belittling myself. In fact, I can only tell the truth."

Su Jing frowned and did not speak.

But Lin Feng clapped at the side: "not bad, not bad. To tell you the truth, you have a good analysis. Dongsheng Group hired you to be the sales director. You deserve it!"

Ye Yuwei arrogant cold hum, mouth did not say what, but in the heart is very disdainful: this still use you to say?

"But!" Lin Feng said, "I think you are a little bit ungrounded!"

"Well?" Ye Yuwei took a cold look at Lin Feng: "how can we call earth gas?"

"Smile, smile just like, cold face, how earth gas?" Lin Feng laughed.


Su Jing and ye Yuwei are all covered with black lines. This guy is not here to talk about it?

At the critical moment, it's a sign of counseling!

Ye Yuwei shakes her head and sneers, ah, this is a man. He thinks that he is right and loses his chain at the critical moment.

However, at this time, Lin Feng stood up, went to the blackboard in front of Su Jing, picked up the blackboard pen, and said:

"after listening to what you said, I think it is necessary for me to give you a good sales lesson!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!