The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 104

Because Su Jing's office is very large. One wall of the office is equipped with a plasma glass blackboard. Usually, Su Jing likes to draw a picture on the blackboard, which is more helpful for her to analyze some things.

At this time, Lin Feng waved his pen and wrote directly on the blackboard: "grounding gas!"

The three characters are not as neat as those written by primary school students.

"Cough, I haven't used a pen for many years. I'm a bit rusty. I'll take care of it for a while." Lin Feng explained.

Su Jing and Ye Yuwei are all very pale. You can't write well, and you can't make complaints about them. You must have a lecturer. As a result, the word is written, it's a big surprise. You don't know how to Tucao!

Lin Feng felt two disdainful eyes, his face serious way: "two, do not care about my font, mainly my person handsome, can see my face, and listen to me carefully, thank you!"

Ye Yuwei has no voice. As a senior sales elite, she knows how to listen.

Su Jing also looked at Lin Feng with great interest to see what the devil this guy could do!

Lin Feng said: "I don't deny that both of you are high-level talents, and Xiaowei's sister is an elite in the sales field. What I'm going to talk about may subvert your cognition. Please be prepared!"

"Don't be wordy, tell me!" Su Jing urged coldly.

"Good!" Lin Feng gave a cheap smile.

He took up his pen and wrote two words "human feelings" directly on the blackboard!

Then he said, "both of you are overseas returnees studying in the United States. You have learned a lot of advanced business concepts in the United States, but who knows? Now that you are in China, you should adjust measures to local conditions, but I find that many of your places are not suitable for China!"

Ye Yuwei frowned. She felt that Lin Feng was talking nonsense. She asked, "which place is not suitable for China?"

"Well, I didn't write these two words?" Lin Feng pointed to the blackboard: "human relationship!"

Seeing that Su Jing and ye Yuwei were confused, Lin Feng said as if he were teaching a primary school student: "I don't understand, do you? Let's read it to me first, Japan's benefactor, seven responses to affection, human relationship -- "

Su Jing took a deep breath and tried not to be angry, because Lin Feng always had the ability to arouse his desire to kill people at any time.

Seeing that no one paid attention to him, Lin Feng said with a smile: "you see, this is where you are not grounded. You think that you can learn something and use it everywhere. It's a big mistake!"

Lin Feng suddenly changed his chuckle face and said: "you know, China is different from the United States. China is a society of human relations. When you work in China, you should stress friendship, face and relationship! It's not as rigid as America! You only care about what products, technologies and prices. Have you ever thought that customers are also human beings, and they have their own emotions, happiness, anger and sorrow! No matter how good your things are, people who don't like you will not cooperate with you. This is Huaxia. This is China's human society! "

She nodded a little.

There are some differences between China and foreign countries. In foreign business negotiations, we all talk about cooperation and details. Both sides think that cooperation can make money. If we find cooperation more difficult, we can end it directly.

But it's different in China. It's business negotiation, but we often talk about things that are out of touch with each other. What's more, it's normal to have dinner and chat and have a big relationship with customers. Some customers even openly ask for beautiful women to sleep with!

Therefore, the domestic market pays more attention to human relations.

Ye Yuwei thought about it for a moment. She felt that Lin Feng's words seemed reasonable. She also had some understanding of domestic human relations and society. For example, when she went out to talk about customers, she often had to participate in wine reception. During the day, she returned Mr. Li and Mr. Zhang to the dinner table.

But she still does not approve of Lin Feng, because of this kind of human society, she thinks that she knows more than Lin Feng and does not need to be reminded by Lin Feng!

So she said with a sneering smile: "the society of human relations is reasonable, but human relations are not omnipotent. If you make the other party happy, the other party may not buy your account. After all, cooperation is a big thing. You can't buy your things just because you like them!"

Su Jing listened and nodded. Ye Yuwei was right. It's useless to talk about human feelings alone!

But Lin Feng said with a smile: "no, no, you don't understand the Chinese market, especially on the government side, the use of human feelings has reached an appalling level. It's no exaggeration to say that you don't need your products to be powerful or your technology to be advanced. As long as you can rely on your relationship to get people to recognize you, you can win the government's project! "

Lin Feng felt that they were still a little unconvinced, so he gave an example and said, "haven't you seen the news? The administrative building built by the government collapsed; the road surface of a certain road was sunken and swallowed up more than a dozen cars; the plank road of a certain scenic spot was broken, causing many tourists to fall into the river 100 meters below. Which of these is not the government's project? They are totally self-employed. Only when they choose partners who are not very good, do they have problems with product quality. If they are conscientious and choose the most advanced technology and the best materials, will these accidents occur? "Su Jing and ye Yuwei are silent. They often see that, far from it, when Jincheng started building the Dragon tower a few years ago, the foundation collapsed once, because the angle deviation of the poured reinforced concrete always appeared. Later, they had no choice but to replace other suppliers with better technology to build the tower.

So the dark side that Lin Feng exposed is really true.

But ye Yuwei thinks that Lin Feng is making use of the problem, which can not fully explain the human relationship can be done to customers ah! What's more, her sales director doesn't know how to get customers, and she has to ask your security guard to teach me how to be grounded? How to negotiate with the government? How to play with people?

Ye Yuwei said: "I have to admit that you are very eloquent! You try to talk with reason, but I will not comment on your various theories for the time being. However, I personally feel that there has never been a lack of generalists who talk on paper. If you really take action, you will be exposed! "

Lin Feng, however, gave a smile and said, "sister Xiaowei, are you talking on paper? Let's have a deep analysis, and we will know. I'll ask you first, if President Su wants you to participate in the government bidding, what will you do next? Don't mention it. Come on. How many steps are there? "

Ye Yuwei takes a deep breath. This bidding is bound to take part in, because only by winning this bidding can Dongsheng mining be saved. However, she also knows that the chance of success is too slim. Jincheng is a mining city, with competitors everywhere, especially Shen's group, which is a fierce rival, has a small chance of success.

However, as a senior member of Dongsheng Group, even if there is only one chance in ten thousand, she has to fight for it. This is the responsibility.

So she thought out the plan to participate in the bidding just now.

Facing Lin Feng's question, she was prepared.

Ye Yuwei went to the blackboard, took another blackboard pen, wrote on the blackboard and said:

"first of all, go to the bidding and get the tender. Then, according to the requirements clearly put forward by the customers in the bidding documents, we will give accurate answers one by one to meet all the needs of the government as far as possible. At the same time, I will send people to spy on the information of competitors, especially the quotation and product system of Shenshi group in this bidding. We should be better than Shenshi group in every response. In this way, we can meet the needs of the government, and we are the best in terms of price and product, so the possibility of successful bidding will be great! "

"Good! That's right Lin Feng clapped his hands. An antidote against the disease is awesome.

Su Jing is also a face admiration of Ye Yuwei and Ye Yuwei's methods, and the right medicine for the future.

Ye Yuwei hands spread, a shrug, the typical European and American disdain expression, a sneer at Lin Feng.

The subtext in my heart is: do sales work, I am professional, you a security guard, don't make a fuss!

At this time, Su Jing also nodded. He fully agreed with Ye Yuwei's ideas and plans, and said directly:

"General Manager Ye is right. Let's follow general Ye's ideas! Lin Feng, if it's OK, go out first. I'll discuss the details with Mr. Ye! "

Lin Feng shook his head and grinned bitterly. Instead of going out, he took up his pen and crossed out all the plans written by Ye Yuwei on the blackboard!

"What are you doing?" Su Jing stares at Lin Feng Dao.

"If you follow this method, you will be very wrong. You will lose miserably!" Lin Feng said: "in order to continue to live here, I decided, can't look at you silly!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!