The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 102

For the next ten days, Lin Feng spent all his time in idleness.

Occasionally I went to the public relations department for a walk, and occasionally went to Su Jing's office and Yu Lan's office to make fun of her.

Of course, the two attitudes towards Lin Feng are diametrically opposite.

Yu Lan usually welcomes Lin Feng, but Su Jing scolds Lin Feng for nothing. Lin Feng always says, "why don't you learn from sister LAN? You can see how enthusiastic people are. You can see that you are cold all day long, as if they owe you 200 diaos!"

Su Jing always calls for security guards to drive Lin Feng out. Every time, Lin Feng laughs and says, "I'm the security guard. Don't shout!"

Su Jing was so angry that she stamped her feet and wanted to tear Lin Feng into pieces.

But today, Lin Feng once again entered Su Jing's office because of boredom, and found that Su Jing was very sad.

He sat down opposite Su Jing, cocked his legs, picked up the mirror on Su Jing's desk and looked at himself:

"Mr. Su, what can I do? Why is it so handsome? If you go on like this, you can still get it? "

"You don't stink, put the mirror down for me!" Su Jing said.

Lin Feng is not a cold headed green. He is more powerful than anyone else. Seeing Su Jing's sad face, he asked, "general manager Su? What makes you so upset? Let's hear it! "

"It's none of your business!" Su Jing said coldly.

"Mr. Su, it's just the two of us now. Can't you be so cold to me? You see, I smile at you all day long. Don't let my hot face stick you cold every day What Lin Feng said is very obscure, but the meaning is obvious.

"If you talk glib, I'll..." she just wanted to call security, but immediately changed her way: "I'll call that Shenman policewoman and let him arrest you into the police station!"

"That younger sister, don't tell me. I miss her a little bit after I haven't seen her for a long time. I have to do something to commit a small crime to see her some other day."

"You see, what are you doing?" Shen man asked.

"Don't you understand that? She has to drive a special car to pick me up, or I'll have to ride my bike. I'll have to use the wheels Lin Feng said.

Su Jing rolled her eyes and said, "it's unreasonable!" She is now annoyed. At present, there is a very difficult thing to deal with, but she has no good way, so she has no energy to deal with Lin Feng.

At this time, I heard the door of the office ring.

"Come in, please." Su Jing said.

The door opened, and ye Yuwei, director of sales, came in.

This ye Yuwei, willow eyebrow, cherry mouth, narrow eyes are very good-looking, is a typical oriental beauty, she is tall and symmetrical, with an ol office suit, very charming!

Ye Yuwei, a master of marketing from American State University, joined Dongsheng Group two years ago. She has been an intern and now a director of marketing.

But such a beauty, up to now has been single, not that she can not find a boyfriend, but she feels that no man is worthy of her!

She has never seen any man in Dongsheng Group, including Lin Feng.

In her eyes, no matter how handsome and rich a man is, how good his figure is? He is only interested in men with high IQ and EQ.

And so far, he didn't think that man's IQ was higher than her, so she had been single.

Lin Feng hears that ye Yuwei is a workaholic. He has been working in Dongsheng Group for more than a month. She seldom sees Lin Yuwei. She is either entertaining outside or in a meeting. Occasionally, she just says hello to each other and then passes by. Today, she is able to sit and play together.

"Come on, sister Xiaowei, please come to my side and let's accept the influence of general manager Su together!" Lin Feng patted the leather sofa beside him.

Ye Yuwei frowned and looked haughty, as if she had not heard what Lin Feng said and ignored him.

This is to make Su Jing smile, Lin Feng, let you have fun, everyone? Do you think ye Yuwei is another woman? Ye Yuwei has never seen any man in the eye, at least in Su Jing's impression, it is like this.

As a small security guard, don't even think that people will think highly of you.

At this time, ye Yuwei asked, "Mr. Su, what can I do for you?"

Finish saying, smile slightly.

Lin Feng can see her professionalism from her smile.

As a sales elite smile: a little nod, smile without teeth, eyes focused on each other, this is the most polite and friendly smile.

Ye Yuwei has done it all. It's great!

"Not bad, not bad!" Lin Feng exclaimed.

Ye Yuwei frowned again. What do you know? It's right there. You're a veteran security guard who can only fight!

Lin Feng is not angry because of Ye Yuwei's attitude, he has always believed that if you sincerely praise a person, sooner or later that person will feel your appreciation and thank you.

This is like chasing a girl, only shameless pursuit, rejection, or try to chase, as long as the gap is not too big, one day that girl will become your girlfriend.Su Jing glared at Lin Feng: "director ye and I have something to talk about. Go out for a minute! By the way, close the door by the way

"What's wrong with me? Am I not a member of Dongsheng Group? Are you talking about personal matters? But in the studio time, we shouldn't talk about personal matters! " Lin Feng said.

Su Jing looked cold and said, "now Dongsheng mining branch is in crisis. I'd like to discuss with Mr. Ye the countermeasures. You don't understand the commercial matters. Go downstairs and go to fitness!"

Su Jing wants to send Lin Feng away in a few words.

"I want to learn because I don't understand it!" Lin Feng said: "how can you not give new employees the opportunity? It will hinder my enterprising spirit and my enthusiasm for serving the company..."

"well, if you want to listen, you should keep quiet. By the way, all the contents of today are kept confidential and you have to be responsible for leaking them out!" Su Jing rubbed her temple, but she didn't want to talk to this guy. Besides, Lin Feng is not an outsider, so it's OK to know.

"Good!" Lin Feng sits aside obediently and looks at Su Jing and ye Yuwei quietly.

Su Jing motioned to Ye Yuwei, "please sit down!"

Ye Yuwei sits down and Su Jing pours a cup of tea for her.

Lin Feng saw it and was not happy: "Su Zong I also want tea!"

"Pour yourself!" Su Jing glared at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng rolled his eyes and murmured in a low voice. He got up to make tea.

Su Jing didn't look at Lin Feng any more. She turned to Ye Yuwei and said, "Dongsheng mining industry has been struggling for less than half a month since its establishment. In Jincheng, no enterprise is willing to buy our mine. The market water in other places is very deep. On the surface, we only fight price war, but our newly established company has no way to fight price war with old enterprises! Therefore, Dongsheng mining has a difficult road ahead! "

Ye Yuwei took a deep breath and said, "Mr. Su, I'm sorry that I didn't find a big business to cooperate with and didn't sell our minerals well!"

Su Jing said: "Mr. Ye, I'm not complaining about you. Today I called you here to try to find a way with you, because the inherent business model of Dongsheng Group can no longer support our growth. Only by making achievements in the mining field can Dongsheng Group grow bigger and bigger. Otherwise, we will be overtaken or even crushed by other enterprises sooner or later."

We have been engaged in high-quality business for many years, but we have never been engaged in such a high-quality industry

On hearing this, Su Jing frowned tightly and fell into thinking.

Ye Yuwei is silent, and the scene suddenly falls into an awkward silence.

"Cough!" Lin Feng coughed a few times and said, "have you ever thought about this problem from other aspects?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!