The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 101

Lin Feng had a sumptuous dinner at Chu Yuqi's house. Although it was not the delicacy of the restaurant, he had not tasted the warmth of this kind of home since he left home.

Lin Feng ate with great emotion, and this meal also strengthened his determination to find the family blood jade.

After dinner, Lin Feng went back to his residence.

Su Jing hasn't come back from work yet. He sits at the window alone and begins to think about what happened these days.

So far, he seems to have offended many people.

He offended Qin Yu for playing basketball. Qin Yu is the younger brother of long Shao of Longkou group in Xicheng. Before that, he had a deep resentment with long Shao. Now it seems that long Shao will come to him soon.

One day yesterday, he let Shen Mao of Shen's group lose a person severely, and then hurt the younger brother of Huoshen, black bear. It can be said that he had a good relationship with Shen's group and drag racing party Huoshen.

Jincheng four major associations, three consortia, he just came more than a month, offended three.

However, Lin Feng doesn't care. His coming this time is to stir up the storm in Jincheng.

Lin Feng's eyes were suddenly blurred, and his thoughts seemed to have drifted back to a long time ago:

Jincheng was his former home. With his parents being persecuted, this simple town seems to have undergone earth shaking changes, with tall buildings and filthy.

Lin Feng still likes the former Jincheng, of course, this is a kind of feeling, a kind of memory of the past, he knows, those good times, after all, gone forever.

With his mission, Lin Feng once came back to Jincheng four years ago. At that time, he wanted to find the group of people who persecuted his parents. But when he began to look for them, his beloved, Jin Wan'er, disappeared without any reason.

Jin Waner's disappearance made him degenerate. He suddenly lost his goal and motivation in life. Fortunately, Lao Hu pulled him back from the edge of degeneration several times, so that he recovered himself.

So this time he came back, he would not be affected by anything. In any case, he would like to find out the group of people.

Therefore, he doesn't mind stirring things up in Jincheng. On the contrary, if it's too quiet, he finds it boring.

So, opponents, come on, I will overturn you one by one.

Even if the whole city is overturned, I will find that group of people!

Lin Feng looks at the colorful city in the night. He suddenly has a kind of loneliness from his heart. Maybe people are chasing money and power, but those things seem to be available to him, so he doesn't like them or cherish them.

On the contrary, the most common and simple affection is what Lin Feng wants most, but for Lin Feng, it is also the most difficult.

Night city, still in neon flashing, but filled with lonely heart!

That weekday Slouchy man, at this moment, seems so soft and sensitive.

Maybe this is the person. Everyone has his own secret in his heart, but he doesn't want to mention it and is not far from being seen, because everyone lives with a mask. The masks like this and that are colorful, crying or laughing, red or green.

Lin Feng lies on the sofa and listens to his favorite song "empty city" released from the loudspeaker box:

the city is so empty, this memory is so fierce,

the streets are full of traffic, who can I embrace.

This eyebrow is so heavy, this missing is so strong,


the sea of people is surging, can we meet again.


listening, he fell asleep.

In his sleep, Lin Feng was still a child of his own, he was carrying a schoolbag, happily holding his father in one hand and his mother in the other, happily walking on the way to school, singing children's songs, jumping and jumping.

At this moment, the whole world is happy and happy.

However, how he could not see his mother's face, he tried to look at the past, on tiptoe, all the effort to look up, and finally slowly see, see the mother's appearance.

Su Jing!

Lin Feng suddenly wakes up and sees Su Jing sitting beside him looking at himself!

"Do you miss your mother sometimes?" Su Jing looks at Lin Feng with strange eyes.

When she came in, Lin Feng was sleeping. He wanted to go back to the room to sleep. Don't disturb Lin Feng, but he heard Lin Feng calling his mother in his sleep!

Su Jing trembled like an electric shock. The word "mother" was also the most touching word for him.

Su Jing's impression of Lin Feng suddenly turned 180 degrees. This Lin Feng has such a side. Is this still Lin Feng who doesn't care about anything on weekdays?

Lin Feng rubbed his eyes and suddenly grinned: "are you back? Would you like to go out for a drink in the charming night? "

"No, I'm a little tired!" Su Jing said. Today's opening ceremony left her exhausted.

"Cut, it's boring. I'm thinking about drinking too much and eating your tofu!" Lin Feng said."A dog can't eat shit!" Su Jing said coldly and turned to the bedroom.

"You are so charming that you don't want people to eat tofu. Are you still reasonable?" Lin Feng looked as if he had taken it for granted.

Su Jing frowned. What's the logic of Lin Feng? Should I give you tofu if I look good? If I have big breasts, do I have to touch them for you?

He's a real rascal!

She also had a trace of interest in Lin Feng just now, but now, it's gone.

"Mr. Su, why do you always follow me thousands of miles away?" "We all live together. Shouldn't we cherish each other and try our best to do something?" Lin Feng asked

"You think of beauty, I treat all men like this, so you don't have to think about it!" Su Jing said as she changed her clothes in the room.

"Mr. Su, you haven't explained you to me until now. You can wear that stuff. You don't understand the amorous feelings in your bones?" Lin Feng said.

"Lin Feng, I warn you, you are not allowed to mention that underwear!" Su Jing said angrily, "I don't have to explain it to you."

"Good, good! I don't mention underwear, so I ask you, what the hell is the condom on your bedside? Which man are you going to use it with? " Lin Feng asked.

"Lin Feng, you are too much! Do you even turn over my bedside stuff? " Su Jing was furious.

"No, it was you who knocked over the box and jumped out. I didn't turn it over. If you don't believe it, you can watch the surveillance video yourself!" Lin Feng Road.

Su Jing suddenly remembered the previous video. She was accidentally knocked over by overpowering drugs.

"I... I bought this just in case of you!" Su Jing said.

Su Jing lived in the U.S. since childhood. She received western open education. When she was still in her infancy, her teachers taught them to carry condoms with them. If someone wants to invade you, it's really difficult to let them take them, so as to avoid getting sick or pregnant. This is also a way to cherish yourself.

So after Lin Feng lived in the house, Su Jing bought it. He was afraid that Lin Feng would become a beast one day and be unprepared if something happened.

At this time, Lin Feng nodded and seemed to understand something, "Oh! It turns out that Su always bought this thing to enjoy with me

"You rascal Su Jing scolded.

"You said it, in case of me! Mr. Su, what you think is really comprehensive. I suddenly feel that nothing happens to us when we live together. The responsibility lies with me. I am too conservative. You can rest assured that I will be more open and try harder to get close to you, so that you can fully enjoy the happiness of being a woman...

"shut up!" Su Jing covers her ears. Lin Feng is really a pervert.

"Mr. Su, by the way, there is soup and porridge in the kitchen. I made it in advance. You have to take care of your body so hard!" Lin Feng said.

"Well?" Su Jing was stunned. When she entered the door, she did smell the fragrance.

I didn't expect Lin Feng to be so careful.

Su Jing stood up and decided to taste it.

But listen to Lin Feng said: "that soup is very tonic, make sure you finish, the rest of the energy has no place to release. So you are welcome to watch my pants. My little brother is waiting for you to watch

"Dead pervert, you get out of here --"

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