The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1012

"I'm the one who dare to practice madly. I'm just a master of blood training

Lin Zhengqing said, the whole body momentum flow, it seems that they want to fight to solve Lin Feng.

After all, he has already found out the details of Lin Feng. Lin Feng is just a practitioner of bone melting state. Even though he had many amazing performances before, he could not make up for the weakness of his low level of cultivation.

How strong can a practitioner of bone state be?

Therefore, Lin Zhengqing did not pay attention to Lin Feng at all.

However, when he was ready to start, he heard a big drink outside the door: "who dares to call himself an expert?"

The sound fell, the door was pushed open again, and a thin old man walked in leisurely.

The old man was wearing a black woolen overcoat, which was open to the wind, revealing the gray cashmere sweater inside.

But what Lin Feng saw was that the old man's lower body was wearing this red tight trousers. Everything was normal. But when he saw the bright red trousers, everyone was embarrassed.

This is a typical begging style!

Lin Feng also covered his forehead, shaking his head and laughing.

The man here is no one else. It's the old man Qingfeng.

Lin Feng asked Liu Wenwen to take time to buy clothes and trousers for him, otherwise he would still wear the army green cotton padded clothes now!

But didn't you buy pants?

Why is his signature red trousers on display again?

Before he could understand, Qingfeng came to Lin Zhengqing and said, "you said that. Are you an expert? Do you want two moves? "

Lin Zhengqing was naturally impressed by Qingfeng. That day, at his father Lin Junlong's banquet, Qingfeng made everyone very afraid. Even Chen, the emperor of Wu, wanted to call him martial uncle.

This kind of big guy is not something you can deal with!

He swallowed and spit, and said, "elder Qingfeng, I don't mean anything else, I just...

" what do you mean? " The breeze asked aggressively.

Lin Zhengqing bit his teeth, and his hatred flashed in his eyes. Suddenly, he said with a smile, "I'm just teaching you a lesson. Since you're here, you'd better watch. I welcome you, so please take a seat."

With that, he reached out to the stool next to him.

"Teach me a lesson?" The breeze thought for a while, suddenly looked at Lin Feng: "he is teaching you, isn't he?"

Lin Feng spread out his hands: "who teaches who doesn't know? What's more, he has the face to say that he is an elder? I think it's time for me to teach him a lesson! "

"Lin Feng, you are too wild!" Lin Zhengqing cheered.

Without waiting for Lin Feng to speak, Qingfeng said: "Lin Feng is rampant and has his wild capital. Moreover, I can't look down on you, a bully who relies on your seniority. In terms of seniority, I'm higher than you. If you dare to bully Lin Feng today, believe me or not, I'll bully you!"

Lin Feng picks an eyebrow to smile, the critical moment, this breeze old man is true to uphold justice!

However, he didn't want others to interfere in his own affairs. Lin Zhengqing was destroyed. He had to clean it up by himself and would never give it to anyone.

He pulled Qingfeng's clothes and said, "old man, why do you join in the fun? There is still wine on the table. Go and have a drink. I'll take care of it myself!"

Qingfeng was embarrassed and put his mouth to Lin Feng and said in a low voice: "you boy, you asked someone to buy me a suit of clothes. I have to repay you. You see, how good the material is. I haven't worn such a good dress yet!"

"What about your pants?" Asked Lin Feng.

"The trousers are too small to fit in!" Qingfeng said, "Oh, these are not important. If you are good to me, I will give you back. Don't mention it. I just want to help you teach them a lesson."

"Come on, you two don't chatter!" Lin Zhengqing said coldly: "originally, I still wanted to respect the old and love the young, but you are determined to fight against me. Come on, I'll fight one by one, and I'll play a pair with two!"

"Ouch, I think you are the most arrogant when you say this and that arrogance." Qingfeng exposed his arm and rolled his sleeve: "just me. I'll see how you play it!"

Then he stepped forward.

Lin Zhengqing naturally does not have the strength to fight against Qingfeng. The reason why he is so confident is because the middle-aged man with white hair is his big brother.

He winked at the middle-aged man with white hair. The white haired middle-aged man came leisurely, stopped the way of the breeze, and said, "senior, if you go further, I'm not polite!"

"Who are you?" Qingfeng said, "are you his thug? Shouldn't it? "

Although the breeze seems crazy, it is extremely keen.

When the middle-aged man with white hair came to him, he felt that this man was extraordinary. He was definitely not a general soldier.

Lin Zhengqing is also a cultivator of Qi state. How can he make such a master willing to be his subordinate?

So, Qingfeng has some doubts.White haired middle-aged people naturally feel the strong breeze, but if there is no strong fluctuation, it is also true and illusory, which makes him unable to fully confirm.

However, being cautious is his life creed, he said: "I and Lin Zhengqing is not an employment relationship, we are a cooperative relationship, so I can't let my partners in danger, the old generation, also hope to give a thin face!"

"Do you want to give him face?" The breeze looks at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng waved his hand: "no!"

"Do you hear me?" With a smile, the breeze started to push the middle-aged man with white hair.

"That will offend me!"

The middle-aged man with white hair suddenly changed his eyes, and the opportunity to kill him burst out. His palms were closed like a machete, and he quickly chopped at the neck of Qingfeng.

"What a strong spirit!"

The breeze exclaimed, but suddenly stretched out his hand and quickly grasped the wrist of the middle-aged man with white hair.

It seems that a gentle grasp, but hard to white hair middle-aged all the offensive.

The middle-aged man with white hair was very surprised. His knife was so powerful that even a big tree could be cut off. However, the old man stopped his attack with a light wave of his hand.

He was surprised to see the wind suddenly smile: "young man, you are too arrogant!"

Said, suddenly a punch toward the white haired middle-aged man in the past.

The fist, with the roar of a dragon and a tiger, smashed into the chest of the middle-aged man with white hair.

White haired middle-aged people quickly gathered their hands to block the air, but heard the "boom" of a cyclone burst, and the white haired middle-aged man was unexpectedly shaken out.

In this scene, the people present were shocked.

You know, the middle-aged man with white hair, but the existence of the peak of Huaqi state, is a boxing fly by the breeze. What is the realm of Qingfeng?

At this time, Lin Feng shook his head and said with a smile: "old man, it seems that on that day, in the ancestral residence of the official family, you and I did not fight with all our strength!"

The breeze says: "you are wrong, I am to fight with you, cannot use all one's strength!"

"Why?" Asked Lin Feng.

"Want to know why?" Qingfeng has also played a key role.

"Say it!" Lin Feng looks at the breeze with a smile.

"The reason is very complicated, but the main reason is that you run too fast, and I can't catch up with you!" Qingfeng said with a serious face


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