The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1011


There was an uproar!

The eldest young master was killed ten years ago. Lin Zhengqing did that?

Lin Junlong's body trembled when he heard this. Today, Lin Zhengkai gave him a huge surprise. Unexpectedly, the two sons did not let him down!

There was a lot of chatter, of course.

But Lin Hongxia's fourth sister, including Lin Hongxia, is completely stupid at this time.

The big brother and the second brother played too high-end. They couldn't dream of it!

Before they heard a little rumor that Lin Feng was looking for a guy named Mie, and that guy was locked in the Lin family by Lin Feng.

However, we all think that Lin Feng is deliberately looking for trouble, but today Lin Feng even identified directly!

Lin Zhengqing saw that the scene was out of control for a time, and he suddenly yelled: "Lin Feng, you are bloody! How can I be destroyed? Don't look for any reason to discredit me

Lin Feng said: "I discredit you, do not discredit you, it is not two mouth said, everything pay attention to evidence!"

Speaking of this, Lin Feng suddenly snapped his finger.

The door was pushed open with a bang, and the mouse came in first.

There were two people behind.

Those who had been ordered by Lin Zhengkai to guard the gate did not know where they had gone at this time, so it was very easy for mice to enter.

Lin Feng has a wechat microphone on his body, so when he rings his fingers, he sends a signal. When the mouse receives it, he rushes in at the first time.

The appearance of the mouse, however, was not too much waves. However, when he saw the two people behind the mouse, Lin Zhengqing was suddenly surprised.

The two were Japanese generals and Jin Xiangnan of the Jin family in Songjiang.

The general of Japan was still tall and dignified. However, Jin Xiangnan did not look like a dandy in the past. At this time, he had a shaggy beard and became much more mature.

Lin Feng waved his hand to the mouse and said, "brother, come and come!"

Mouse happily with the general and Jin Xiangnan, came to the public.

But Lin Feng turned to Lin Junlong and said, "do you remember what I said at the birthday party? Today, I'm going to bring some distinguished guests to see you. The first one is Aunt Liu Hui. You have already met her! And these two are the second guest, general of Japan, and the third guest, Jin Xiangnan, the eldest son of the Jin family in Songjiang! "

Lin Junlong looked at them carefully. He had never seen him before, but he had heard of the Japanese general. As for Jin Xiangnan, the Jin family in Songjiang, he had never heard of it.

He didn't know why Lin Feng brought them here.

Lin Feng seemed to see Lin Junlong's bewilderment at a glance, and said, "these two distinguished guests, however, have a lot of friendship with your second son."

Japanese general and Jin Xiangnan came forward and bowed to Lin Junlong.

Lin Junlong waved. He didn't look down on the two men, but he was in a bad condition and couldn't do other actions.

Lin Feng said: "since you are here, don't be idle. Talk to the old man quickly."

The Japanese general first said in Xiahua: "good!"

Then he faced the crowd and said in standard Xiahua language: "I had a call with Mie many years ago. The content of the call was that Mie told me that he would take Lin Feng's father Lin Zhengtian and his mother Qin Huilan from my hands. I, you have never seen the "Mie" God, but I can hear his voice

With that, the Japanese general took out a delicate recorder and said, "his voice is very soft. It sounds like a teacher! I just recorded a piece of Mr. Lin Zhengqing's voice through the live broadcast of Lin Feng. After listening to it for many times, I finally determined that Mr. Lin Zhengqing was the one who called me back then! "

"You..." Lin Zhengqing's eyes were red and his veins were leaking out. It seemed that he was angry after being stabbed at the pain point.

He didn't expect that Lin Feng had an ulterior motive in this play.

In fact, the general and the mouse have been here for a long time, but they have been drinking coffee in the car outside the door.

The mouse connects with Lin Feng. The button on Lin Feng's chest is a camera, and he is also equipped with a micro microphone. The scene played by Lin Zhengkai and Lin Zhengqing is all recorded by Lin Feng.

Lin Feng has basically determined that Lin Zhengqing is exterminated because of the identification of Jin Xiangnan.

But he was more careful to let the general listen to Lin Zhengqing's voice repeatedly.

After the general finally determined the voice, Lin Feng was definitely convinced that Lin Zhengqing was exterminating.

At this time, Jin Xiangnan, who has been clenching his fists, finally couldn't help but curse:

"Mie, you cruel son of a bitch. Our Jin family moved to keep your secrets for you, but you still planted spies around my father. Finally, I cut off my father's whole head. You're sorry for my Jin family, but I'm sorry for my father, Today, I come to you at the risk of death, just to expose your ugly face

"You are the devil who eats people and doesn't vomit bones! You are an asshole Jin Xiangnan screamed hysterically.When enemies meet, they are envious.

Lin Feng stopped Jin Xiangnan and said, "brother, the mood should be too excited. If it comes to excitement, I should be more excited than you!"

Yeah, you're just a dead father.

Lin Feng's parents were hurt by this guy more than ten years ago!

Lin Feng's face showed a brilliant smile, although the smile is brilliant, but there is a different kind of sadness, it is very distressing to see.

He said, "although I don't want things like this, what else do you want to quibble about now?"

Lin Zhengqing took a deep breath, and his face was suddenly relieved.

"Well, since all the people have come to the door, I will not hide it. Yes, I will destroy it!" Lin Zhengqing said.

As soon as the words came out, everyone's chin fell off.

It's true, Lin Zhengqing. It's so deep!

Lin Junlong's inner bitterness at this time, no one knows, is even more bitter than eating dozens of gall.

I didn't expect that his gentle second son was a murderer.

Pointing to Lin Zhengqing, Lin Feng said, "come on, my parents are living or dying. Where are they? Where is Jin Wan'er? Where is the fourth broken jade of my blood jade? "

Lin Zhengqing was silent, as if thinking about something.

Lin Junlong yelled at Lin Zhengqing with his only strength: "rebellious son, don't say it quickly! Say it

Lin Zhengqing suddenly laughed and said, "no comment!"

"You... You are such a beast..." Lin Junlong was almost fainted by anger again.

Lin Zhengqing said: "now to this point, I have nothing to say. Lin Feng, today, I didn't want you to leave here alive. Lin Zhengkai can't kill you, but I can!"

Lin Feng is a light smile: "is it? Then you must kill me

With that, Lin Feng's face suddenly changed to be extremely cold. His eyes exuded the cold smell of hell devil. He squeezed out a few words from his teeth: "otherwise, I will kill you!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!