The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1013

What the hell is running too fast to catch up with?

King Kong asked Lin Feng, "boss, have you dealt with this old man?"

"Yes The breeze said, "draw!"

"What? My boss didn't beat you? " King Kong said, "it's not scientific."

"What? He didn't beat me, unscientific? I still think it's not scientific for him to draw with me! " The breeze blows beard, glares the eye to say.

Lin Feng helplessly said with a smile: "OK, OK, what are you talking about? We Xiahua crouching tiger, hidden dragon, like the old man Qingfeng, oh no, it's such a person as the old master of Qingfeng. It's the best master, King Kong, you can't underestimate it!"

"It's the boss!" King Kong said respectfully.

A group of people here blow each other's business here, but Lin Zhengqing over there is very frightened.

He all depends on his brother Yan. However, brother Yan is no longer the elder brother at this time. Compared with Qingfeng, he may even be inferior to the second brother.

Therefore, Lin Zhengqing suddenly lost his security, which is just like soldiers on the battlefield losing their guns.

But Lin Zhengqing still had a glimmer of hope. He hoped that his brother Yan was careless and was beaten by a fist.

Therefore, he ran to his brother Yan in a panic and asked, "brother Yan, do you have a problem? Are you hurt? "

It seems that he is concerned, but actually he is considering his own situation. He is analyzing whether he wants to run away now.

Brother Yan said, "no problem, but I didn't expect that the old master's skill is so profound."

Hearing the word "unimpeded", Lin Zhengqing took a reassuring pill and said, "brother Yan, Qingfeng is a legendary figure in the ancient martial arts cultivation world, so please take it seriously!"

"I will!" Brother Yan stood up, took a deep breath and adjusted himself.

"What? Do you want to fight? " Qingfeng said, "if we fight again, it will not be this peaceful way."

Lin Zhengqing took a deep breath and said to brother Yan, "brother Yan, whether the plan can be carried out smoothly depends on you!"

Yan big brother a face dignified nodded, said: "spell!"

The atmosphere of Lin Zhengqing and brother Yan is very depressing and tense. If you look at Lin Feng, it's very relaxed and even a little careless.

This should be a life and death struggle, but it was made funny by Lin Feng and Qingfeng, which makes people laugh and cry.

Seeing this, Lin Zhengqing was even more angry. Originally, he was in charge of the overall situation, but it was because of the arrival of the breeze that he felt an unprecedented crisis and even collapse.

At the moment, he can only put all his hope on brother Yan.

Brother Yan opened his posture. He was already ready to go. Qingfeng was not a good man. Seeing brother Yan looking at him covetously, he waved his hand to brother Yan and said, "come on!"

"Then I'm not polite." Brother Yan suddenly took a step forward when he spoke. His body was more than three meters away from the breeze, but his hand was directly cut towards the wind.

Visible to the naked eye, a cyclone is thrown out from brother Yan's hand and cuts across to the breeze.

The breeze carries the vigor, waves the arm lattice block, but hears "hiss" a sound, the clothes on the arm are pulled out of a hole.

It is brother Yan's Qi blade that cuts the cuff of Qingfeng, but Qingfeng's body is not hurt.

But the breeze was angry: "Oh, my clothes, my new woolen overcoat!"

He also looked back at Lin Feng and said with heartache, "look at this..."

then he turned his head and looked at brother Yan: "you dare to destroy my clothes. I'll go to your sister. I have to cripple you today!"

With that, he opened his arms like an eagle spreading his wings and rushed to brother Yan.

Big brother Yan saw that the wind was coming fiercely, and he did not dare to fight against it. He could only choose to avoid it.

However, just after Qingfeng hit him with a fist and was dodged by him, he looked at the back of Qingfeng's head and was fierce with a knife.

If this is cut up, the breeze will be in a different place in an instant.

Moreover, he this hand speed is extremely fast, is about to chop to the Qingfeng's back neck.

Between the electric light and flint, the people had no time to be surprised, but they saw that the knife was cut on the neck of Qingfeng.

However, there was no sound.

When brother Yan's hand knife was close to the breeze, he suddenly felt empty in front of him. It was clear that the breeze had escaped at the last moment.

Because it was only in the last few minutes to avoid, coupled with the extremely fast speed, human eyes have errors, feel that the wind is cut down.

This is also Qingfeng's intention. He just wants brother Yan to be careless. Then, he will fight back and win.

Sure enough, ginger is still old and spicy.

While brother Yan was surprised, he felt something black on his left face. He suddenly saw a flower in front of him and turned around.

In other people's field of vision, it is after the breeze dodges, a punch hits Yan big brother's left face.As long as it is hit by a master, it will leave an indelible wound in the light, and lose the life if it is heavy.

See Yan big brother's body fly out six or seven meters away, heavily fell to the ground.

Although the face did not deform, but the whole half face was bruised to show that he was seriously injured.


Brother Yan spat out blood. He stood up dizzy and wanted to resist, but he heard a voice mixed with anger and heartache in his ear: "you specially compensate me for my woolen coat!"


Qingfeng hit brother Yan in the face again.

This time, brother Yan completely muddled, heavily fell on the ground, consciousness has been chaotic.

Lin Zhengqing saw that things were not good, bit his teeth, turned and fled to the gate.

"Run away, don't let him run!" Jin Xiangnan shouts.

The Revenge of killing his father must be revenged. He has been staring at Lin Zhengqing.

"Want to run, see if I don't bring you back!" Said the breeze.

However, a hand was patted on the shoulder of Qingfeng: "old man, thank you. I'll come this time. I have a personal grudge with him."

Finish saying, Lin Feng starts phantom step, chase toward the door, disappear instantly in the door.

King Kong is not at ease, or in the rear to chase out.

As soon as Lin Feng left, the Lin family was in a mess.

Lin zhengwulin is busy looking after the old man. Lin Hongxia and Lin Dong have been holding Lin Zhengkai's arms and crying. Lin Hongyu stamped her feet in a hurry, because he and Lin Zhengqing were brothers and sisters of the same father and mother. Her brother was afraid that something might happen. So, did he call the police or what?

But those outsiders hired by the Lin family don't know what to do. The old man of the Lin family fell ill, the eldest young master of the Lin family went mad, and the second young master ran away. Who should we listen to after this?

But hearing Lin Junlong shaking his hands, he grabbed Lin Zhengwu's arm and said to Lin Zhengwu and Lin Zhengming, "go and help Lin Feng. Lin's family can't live without him." , the fastest update of the webnovel!