The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 100

The black bear's mouth puffed. The reason why he was able to dominate in this area was because he was also good at fighting. It was rumored that the black bear had played black market boxing in the west of the city before, which was very cruel.

In recent years, I washed myself white and jumped out of that circle, but I still have the strength.

He saw that Lin Feng's skill was very good, and he did not dare to despise Lin Feng any more. He opened his posture and without saying a word, he hit Lin Feng with a fist.

Black bear is called black bear because he is nearly 1.9 meters tall, big arm and round waist, strong like a bear.

This punch can really cripple people.

However, Lin Feng was not in a hurry. Seeing the black bear's fist, he took the black bear's fist and threw it out directly.

"Bang!" The fierce body of the black bear smashed a fruit shop.

"Oh The black bear howled, and the cold sweat came down.

According to the normal principle, the black bear smashed the fruit stand, so as not to hurt like this.

But unfortunately, his buttocks are solid and solid sitting on a Durian, durian shell than washboard can be sharp Lido.

The durian was sitting in a mess by him, and a bad smell came out from his bottom.

"Did he get shot?" Someone said, covering his nose.

Black bear stood up and covered his buttocks with one hand, and looked at Lin Feng with his eyes spurting fire. He said angrily, "I'll fight with you

He roared and punched Lin Feng again.

"Can't you change it?" Lin Feng once again dodged, and once again caught his fist, which was an over shoulder fall.

"Go back wherever you come from." Lin Feng gave a big drink and threw the black bear back to its original place.

The black bear flopped on the floor and felt that his hips and waist were about to be separated.

At this time, he felt a flash in front of him, but Lin Feng had already arrived at him.

Lin Feng took the black bear's hand, put his knee against the back joint of the black bear's arm, pressed the bear on the ground, and said, "black bear, it's totally contemptuous of the law to collect protection fees here. I will punish you for the law today."

Say, listen to "click" a, black bear's little thumb is broken by Lin Feng.

"Ah -" the black bear howled miserably, and a piercing pain came.

Lin Feng continued: "you bully men and women, even dare to Chu Yuqi move crooked mind, I for Chu Yuqi, sanctions you!"

With that, he snapped the ring finger of the black bear!

"Ah -" cried the black bear. He tried to struggle to get up, but his anti joint was crushed by people. The fierce pain made him feel powerless. Looking at his two severed fingers bent in a strange arc, the black bear began to panic.

"Black bear, I want you to stop collecting protection fees from today. Can you hear me clearly?" Lin Feng said.

The black bear clenched its teeth.

Lin Feng snorted coldly: "you are infatuated with money. I'll help you open your mind."

Then, with a bang, he broke the forefinger of the black bear.

"Ah -" the black bear howled again.

Ten fingers linked, the pain of the fingers, let the black bear whole body can not stop shaking, to see others startled.

"That boy is so cruel

"That's how to deal with the black bear. I think the boy did the right thing!"

"That's a good boy. That's how to get angry!"


at this time, the black bear had lost his momentum just now. His face turned purple with pain, and he quickly begged for mercy: "brother, brother, let me go, I will never dare to do it again!"

"Let me ask you, is there law and justice in this world?" Lin Feng Road.

"Yes, yes, you are law and justice!" The black bear said gratefully.

"You are wrong Lin Feng said coldly, directly click, broke the thumb of the black bear.

"Ah -" the black bear's cold sweat Shua Shua ran, "big brother, where do I... where wrong, I change!"

"I'm not law and justice, I'm on behalf of law and justice, and, just for this moment, I'm for law and justice, okay?" Lin Feng asked.

"Yes, I understand!" The black bear's head is like pounding garlic.

"So, this vegetable market will not charge any protection fee in the future. Do you know?" Lin Feng said.

"Well! Yeah! I don't dare to do it again! " Said the black bear.

Lin Feng grabbed the black bear's broken four fingers hand, put it in front of the black bear, said: "look at this hand, what do you see?"

"I see f u c k!" The black bear said trembling.

Because four fingers are broken, and the only middle finger is upright, which makes people look like they are cursing.

Lin Feng shook his head and said, "you and he are really stubborn. I'll show you your hand. If you dare to collect protection fees from the vegetable market in the future, your other hand will be the same as this one. Do you know? Do you see it clearly? ""Mm-hmm, I know that!" Bear the pain said the black bear.

"Get out of here Lin Feng scolded.

He originally wanted to let the black bear drill his crotch, but he thought that this guy was dark and dirty. Don't insult his noble crotch.

So he let the black bear run away.

The black bear stood up and ran to the market. It was about a safe distance. He turned back to Lin Feng and yelled: "Damn it, I remember today's hatred. I'll call my elder brother to clean you up. Wait for me. I'll call you to die!"

With that, the black bear disappeared at the other end of the market.

Lin Feng shakes his head and laughs bitterly. This kind of person will never give up until he reaches the Yellow River!

However, looking back, did he offend people again?

He really likes the feeling of offending people. If it's peaceful, it's really meaningless!

Lin Feng went to help his bicycle. At this time, a group of peddlers rushed up. The pork seller carried a hoof, and the fruit seller carried a basket of fruits. They sent them to Lin Feng's arms one after another. Those who sold potted plants also sent Lin Feng cactus vigorously. "Take it, brother. Don't take the one that was smashed by the black bear just now."

But Lin Feng helped them out of a bad breath, and the monthly protection fee, but a large amount of expenditure, this time the vendors feel that life is full of light.

Yes, this is law and justice. Law and justice should bring light to the people.

But at this time, Lin Feng said to everyone: "thank you, thank you for sending me things, that what, all on the ground, I will take all away! Thank you

Well, people are confused. Is this boy polite? How thick skinned!

Lin Feng went to Chu Yuqi and Chu's mother and said, "is aunt OK?"

"Nothing, nothing!" Chu mother said happily: "thanks to you, you are not hurt?"

"How? How can they hurt me? What a joke Lin Feng looks like Laozi.

This can't help but tease Chu Yuqi to laugh out, gentle way: "you ah, in the future can't so fight with people, looks strange frightening!"

Looking at her daughter's lovely appearance, Chu's mother would smile. Her daughter has never treated any boy like this. It's really rare. It seems that her daughter has grown up!

She said with a smile: "your name is Lin Feng, isn't it? It's really bad to take care of today. We'll pack up our things now, buy vegetables and go back to cook. We can't let the guests go hungry! What's more, you are a great benefactor of our mother and daughter

"Auntie, what you said doesn't exist. I just came to fight and have fun, haha!" Lin Feng scratched his head with a smile, like a child who didn't grow up!

Chu Yuqi just reacted at this time. Lin Feng went to her home for dinner and said, "I'm going to buy some dishes."

"What else can you buy! Is this local dish not enough? " Lin Feng pointed to the gift from the vendor: "there are vegetables, meat, fish and shrimp, chicken, duck, toad, and a big king. The dishes are simply very rich."

"Well, how can I forget this?" Chu Yuqi blushed and began to clean up the things on the ground.

"Yuqi, you put it there!" Lin Feng said: "such a heavy work, I'll do it. You just have to be responsible for the beautiful flowers."

"Disgusting!" Chu Yuqi gave a coquettish voice.

Lin Feng put his mouth to Chu Yuqi's ear and whispered, "you are responsible for beautiful flowers. Can I arrange flowers every day?"

"You -" Chu Yuqi blushed to the neck. It was the first time for her to be such a naked joke by a boy. She felt her heart beat.

"Ha ha! Don't mind. You're kidding Lin Feng said.

Lin Feng's attitude towards every woman is different. For a shy girl like Chu Yuqi, he never makes jokes and is afraid of others.

But Chu Yuqi's figure and appearance are really attractive to Lin Feng. Every time you just take a look at Chu Yuqi, you feel hot blood.

Especially Chu Yuqi's majestic twin peaks trembling on her upper body. Lin Feng smacked her tongue: this size is really big. If you bury your face in it, you can't be suffocated!

But at this time, Chu Yuqi has a strange feeling. At the thought of Lin Feng's "insert" character, she felt hot all over her body and her face was even redder.

This scene was seen by Chu's mother. Although she didn't know what Lin Feng had said to her daughter, she could understand her daughter's appearance. She said to Chu Yuqi, "you are too old. You really need a boyfriend!"

"Mom, keep your voice down. Don't let people hear you!" Chu Yuqi turns her head in shame.

"My aunt is right!" Lin Feng called.

"Oh, I'm so ashamed!" Chu Yuqi buried her head on her mother's shoulder and stamped her feet.

Seeing this, Chu's mother laughed: "you, you, ha ha!"




after the black bear ran out of the vegetable market, he directly stopped a car and went to the hospital. After bandaging his fingers, he became more irritable.Because four fingers a bandage, exposed the middle finger, straight in the outside, plaster squeeze, there is no way to bend down.

As soon as he reached out, others thought he was pointing his middle finger at others.

"It's all from Bai Linfeng!" Black bear is angry. How can this matter be revenged? He will cut off Lin Feng's hand to vent his anger.

He went out to take a taxi and went straight to the eastern suburb cemetery.

He's going to find him.

Drag racing party used to be the four heavenly kings, Huoshen, Chaigou, Chenda, V!

Chai dog died, V retired, no longer involved in the drag racing party, so only the God of fire and Chen Da.

Huoshen's power is greater than Chen Da, and has always been out of overwhelming superiority. Therefore, the drag racing party, Huoshen is considered as a brother.

And the drag racing Party replaced the position of the wolf club, and was promoted to one of the four major associations in Jincheng. The business and status of Huoshen increased rapidly, and the value of Huoshen also soared.

And I heard that the God of fire used his relationship a few days ago, and he also approved a very wide land for the younger brother of the drag racing party to train, which further increased the momentum of the drag racing party.

The eldest brother mixed up so well that he naturally had to follow suit. Moreover, a large part of the monthly protection fee he collected was given to Huoshen. If he was in trouble, he would have to settle with Huoshen.

When the black bear found Huoshen, Huoshen was still studying how to transform the newly approved land.

"Tell me, what's the matter?" The God of fire sat down and looked at the black bear.

"Brother, I was beaten! Now, the protection fee can't be charged! " Said the black bear.

The God of fire frowned, and suddenly scolded: "do you charge him a few months' protection fee? Is that how it's done? "

The reason why Vulcan is called Vulcan is that he has a big temper and is easy to get angry.

"Big brother, I really can't help it. That man is so powerful that I've lost my hands!" Said the black bear, raising his hand to the God of fire!

"Do you dare to give me a middle finger?" The God of fire rushed up and slapped his mouth!

"Brother, you misunderstood me!"

Black bear wants to die of heart have, this broken hand, just him? This shape, how to adjust?

The God of fire looked at the black bear's hand, his temper went down a little bit, and said, "who dares to beat you like this?"

"That boy's name is Lin Feng!" Said the black bear.

"Two dragon mountain chariot God?" The fire god's face was angry: "he not only killed my brother Chai dog, but also dared to beat my little brother. It seems that I should settle accounts with him!"

"Yes, big brother, he made us lose the protection fee. We have to kill him!" Said the black bear.

The God of fire waved his hand: "OK, I know. I will deal with this matter. I won't let you get hurt in vain."

"Thank you, brother!"

"It's OK. You go back first."

"All right, brother. Bye!" Black bears wave their hands habitually.

"NIMA's, still pointing at me? Believe it or not, I'll kill you

"Big brother, I was wrong, wrong, wrong!" The black bear put his hand in his trouser pocket and ran away in gray!

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