The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1006

Everyone was shocked by this scene. Is this still the gentle second young master in their impression?

However, in addition to Lin Zhengkai's lineage, others are inclined to the second young master Lin Zhengqing, because Lin Zhengqing is usually amiable and popular.

If there is a master of the Lin family, they sincerely hope it is Lin Zhengqing. In this way, perhaps their life will be better.

After listening to his brother Lin Zhengqing's words, Lin Zhengkai not only flashed contempt in his eyes, but sneered: "Zhengqing, when are you so confident? In my impression, you haven't had much courage

Lin Zhengqing said: "a strong person, his appearance is not necessarily strong, his style of doing things, not necessarily sharp, his means of communication with people, not necessarily very hot, but he must have a strong heart."

"When the heart is strong, this person is really strong. He will not change his behavior because of the external point of view. He will do things according to his own will and get rid of this environment. Because a really strong person disdains to be associated with other people, and a really strong adult does not need to be integrated with the environment."

Lin Zhengkai frowned. After hearing Lin Zhengqing's words, he burst into laughter: "brother, no wonder you are so elegant. I guess you have read too many books. This philosophy is so mysterious."

After that, he suddenly bit his teeth: "I almost believed you, a waste who only can talk on paper!"

His voice rose abruptly, pointed at Lin Zhengqing and growled: "what qualifications do you have to contend with me for the master? Who is in charge of the industry of the Lin family these years? Apart from my father, I am running around all over the place. What have you done? It seems that you can only hide in the back study and recite your four books and five classics? "

"Now, the old man is old. I'm going to preside over the Lin family, but you stand up. Where is the courage to fight with me? Do you deserve it? " Lin Zhengkai's words are very ugly.

This is also what he said in his heart. He disdains to be tactful in front of these people. He is very tired.

Moreover, he didn't pay attention to Lin Zhengqing at all. If Lin Zhengqing didn't object to him, maybe he would share Lin Zhengqing's share after he became the leader.

However, now it seems that this man who is not able to praise should be the first one to get rid of.

Looking at the two brothers pinching each other like mad dogs, Lin Junlong felt that his face had been lost. However, he had no strength and no ability to teach the two rebellious and unruly bastards. Lin closed his eyes and thought that today should be his death.

When he has strength, he will choose a quiet place to repent to his ancestors and Lin Zhengtian's family, and then go on his way.

He has no ability to restore this situation, he has worked all his life, really tired.

Everyone's focus is not on the old man. They want to know who will win the game.

Of course, most people's guess is that Lin Zhengkai will be in charge.

Lin Zhengkai is premeditated for a long time, but Lin Zhengqing is only temporary. How can we win over this?

What's more, almost half of the Lin family's property is now in Lin Zhengkai's hands. Lin Zhengqing wants to fight, but what is it?

Lin Zhengqing, however, changed his former docile character. His eyes flashed with a strong hatred and asked Lin Zhengkai, "Lin Zhengkai, you are as overbearing as your mother! Your mother said to my mother that she wanted to grow up and take charge of the Lin family's post political affairs. In this way, my mother was oppressed by your mother for 20 years! "

"If there is a priority, your mother should be a little girl if she marries later." Lin Zhengkai did not expect Lin Zhengqing to mention the old things.

Lin Zhengqing said, "hum, should we be small? Will you be bullied when you are young? Do you have to be a dog when your mother is a child? In front of the old man, your mother says one, and my mother can't say two. Is that the difference between the elder sister and the second sister? "

"I admit that Lin Zhengqing was a weak character since childhood. However, more than half of them are due to your mother. As long as your mother comes to my mother's side, our whole family will have to serve him like servants. Do you have an impression? The two of us, one is like a young master and the other is like a servant. Don't say you forget that you robbed my beloved toy and trampled it in front of my face, but I remember clearly

Lin Zhengqing said more and more excited, as if that deep in the heart of the old anger, like a volcano general jet out.

Lin Zhengkai bit his teeth and said, "you are cowardly, you deserve to be bullied!"

"Fart!" Lin Zhengqing scolded: "that's because I'm young and my mother has no status. Therefore, our mother and son will be bullied by you. Xiaoyu was young at that time, and she was not sensible. Therefore, only I can clearly remember these old debts. Therefore, I will not let history repeat itself today. If you are good, I will be the master, and I will give you a meal and drink. If you are not good, don't blame me for turning over my face and being merciless! "

"What a heartless man Lin Zhengkai sneered contemptuously: "what are you capable of? I'd like to see how ruthless you are

Lin Zhengqing said coldly, "you forced me, but don't blame me!"With that, he suddenly called out to the door: "come in, give me this big brother a big meal!"


The door of the banquet hall was pushed open, and a man strolled in.

The man was dressed in a black casual suit with a duck cap. Except for his chin full of whiskers, the rest were shaded by the brim of the hat.

He stepped forward, took out a mobile phone and handed it to Lin Zhengqing.

Lin Zhengqing picked up his mobile phone and said, "Lin Zhengkai, everything you like is here, or I'll play it out and show it to everyone."

With that, he turned on the light on the side of the mobile phone. The light was shining on the white wall, and some images appeared.

The mobile phone has the function of projector. The things played in the mobile phone can be clearly projected on the wall.

Lin Zhengqing, holding a mobile phone, touched and began to turn the page. His mouth introduced: "look at the catalog first. Here you have recorded all the earth shaking events you have done, such as bribery, rape, homicide, commercial fraud, and so on. Next, there is enough evidence for each of them. Let's go back and look at it."

With that, Lin Zhengqing turned to the next page: "you see, you should be familiar with the people in this photo? This is the purchasing manager of 502 project. He told the truth about how much you bribed him. Here is his video! "

Then, the picture turns to the purchasing manager, who says with trepidation: "I admit that I made mistakes, and now I want to make up for them. In recent years, I have given Lin Zhengkai three projects in total. Lin Zhengkai has privately given me 26 million yuan, and a car, and sent over a total of more than 20 women to accompany me to sleep...

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