The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1005

Looking at this scene, Lin Junlong suddenly felt powerless, desperate and angry.

His lips moved and his voice murmured, "beast, beast!"

But Lin Zhengkai said with a smile, "Dad, this is not thanks to you! You forced me! If you don't walk so close to Lin Feng and don't want to correct the balance for Lin, I will not let you retire so early! Ha ha ha

The reason why Lin Zhengkai is not afraid of Lin Feng's arrival today is that he has studied with his brothers and sisters. Once the old man knows what happened then, they will rise up and let him abdicate.

In this way, even if the old man is angry again, he is helpless to them.

The Lin family, after all, is theirs.

Lin Zhengkai looked at Lin Feng and said, "Lin Feng, you still have to get out of the Lin family. So, today is the last time that the Lin family will give you a meal. Then, take your rotten friends and get out of the Lin family for me!"

"Who are you talking to?" King Kong stood up abruptly, standing in front of Lin Zhengkai like a hill. In an instant, he rushed to Lin Zhengkai with the momentum of Mount Tai.

"King Kong, sit down!" On Lin Feng's calm face, Gu Jing Wu Bo said, "bitches have their own days, so we don't have to worry about them."

King Kong didn't understand what Lin Feng's words meant, but the elder brother's words were the imperial edict there. So, King Kong glared at Lin Zhengkai fiercely, and then sat down angrily.

Lin Zhengkai thought that Lin Feng was afraid of him, so he couldn't help being more proud. He raised his glass to all humanity: "today is an important day for our Lin family. It's my honor and our honor to have you witness this day together. I hope that in the future, under my leadership and with the concerted efforts of everyone, the Lin family will get better and better To a higher level than now

With that, he raised his glass to indicate: "it's my brothers and sisters. Let's drink together. I'll do it first."

With that, he looked up and drank it.

And this drink at the same time, he is not idle, the corner of his eyes looking at everyone.

A large part of these people have been bought by Lin Zhengkai, and a small part of them are also afraid of Lin Zhengkai's wantonness, so they all hold up their glasses and drink them down.

This scene makes Lin Jun's heart cool.

I didn't expect that the scenes that appeared in history actually happened in the Lin family. He, the head of the family, was forced to abdicate by his own son.

This is the saddest thing in Lin Junlong's life.

However, he also knew that his cunning son had been plotting for a long time. When he drove Lin Zhengtian away, he had already thought of setting up a layout in the Lin family. One day, he would replace him and control the Lin family.

Now that it's natural, he can't go back.

His old age, in the end, will spend in the desolation and regret, he never thought, this will be his old age life.

Lin Junlong's eyes closed gently. Today was the happiest day in recent years.

Not only can I see so many young people perform on stage, but also I can recognize my grandson Lin Feng.

However, today is also the saddest day in his life.

He murmured to himself, "what have I done? Heaven will punish me like this?"

After drinking the wine, Lin Zhengkai nodded with satisfaction and said, "it's very good. It seems that everyone has a common understanding. I'm very pleased with this. I believe that the Lin family will prosper with the joint efforts of everyone in the future."

"Just..." Lin Zhengkai suddenly turned to Lin Zhengqing and asked, "second brother, why don't you raise your glass? Are you not happy that the elder brother inherited the family property of the Lin family? "

Lin Zhengqing said with a smile: "elder brother, I didn't say that you did this wrong!"

"Oh? What's wrong? " Lin Zhengkai takes back his smile and looks at Lin Zhengqing seriously.

Lin Zhengqing said calmly: "since ancient times, there were also sons who killed their fathers and took the throne. However, it was all a kind of treacherous act. Do you think that if you take charge of the Lin family in this way, how long can you stay?"

Lin Zhengkai didn't expect Lin Zhengqing to say that he was rebellious. He had a look of anger on his face. However, he tried to restrain his anger and said, "second brother, I don't like what you said. At that time, we had a meeting, but we all had opinions together! Now it's good. How can I become a person of immorality? what about you? Are you a dutiful son

"I didn't say I was a filial son!" Lin Zhengqing said, "but at the meeting, I didn't say a word. I didn't express any opinions. You thought that the minority should obey the majority, so you decided that you should be the head of the family!"

"Oh? Do you disagree with what you mean? " Lin Zhengkai's eyes are as sharp as those of hawks and falcons.

Lin Zhengqing did not show any weakness. Instead, he was calm and said, "yes, I don't agree with you."

As soon as the voice fell, the crowd was in uproar.

Well, there's a good play to watch. It was originally a part of a son overthrowing Laozi, but now it's OK. Another younger brother and elder brother are fighting for power. It's a surprise wave after wave.King Kong at this time also slightly understand the meaning of Lin Feng, the boss seems to have figured out that there will be such a step, otherwise, how can we keep standing still.

It has to be said that the intelligence quotient of the boss can't be more than a few more brains. It's really a matter of fact.

It's just, how does the boss know that?

King Kong had doubts in his mind. He didn't understand.

Lin Feng didn't even look at them. He looked down to eat the food and drink wine. He was leisurely and leisurely, as if all this had nothing to do with him.

Lin Zhengkai laughed. He didn't expect that it was Lin Zhengqing who stood up against himself.

He has not paid much attention to Lin Zhengqing, because he is the least existential person in the Lin family. He seems to be very elegant, speaks softly, does things carefully, and has no courage. The only thing to praise is that he has a high IQ and a lot of things. He can think ahead of others.

However, Lin Zhengkai was not satisfied with this point, and he was also very farsighted. From the beginning of driving Lin Zhengtian away and adding the layout to today, we can see his city government and foresight.

So Lin Zhengkai didn't pay attention to Lin Zhengqing at all.

"Second brother, I'm in charge of the Lin family. I'm the second brother. I don't want to do anything with my elder brother? Do you want to turn against me? " Lin Zhengkai wants to appease Lin Zhengqing.

Of course, with such a thing, he won't let Lin Zhengqing go. He was not born by a mother. Why be polite?

Even if it's a mother, in this kind of big family, there are not a few people who want to fight for power. Therefore, Lin Zhengkai has listed Lin Zhengqing as his enemy list. He appeases him first and kills him secretly.

However, Lin Zhengqing is not as simple as he thought.

Lin Zhengqing has the final say of being cautious and cautious. Even when he was a little more, he seldom spoke. But today, he is very bold. As if he were winning the game, he said to Lin Zhengkai, "I call you a big brother. I advise you not to argue with me. You can't argue with me. This Lin family should be my Lin Zhengqing's final rule."

With that, he scratched his mouth with a chilling ferocity, quite different from Lin Zhengqing. , the fastest update of the webnovel!