The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1007

The banquet hall was silent, and everyone was staring at the big screen on the wall.

Lin Feng was the only one who still buried himself in eating the delicacies on the table. Occasionally, he drank two mouthfuls of ginseng soup. Then he said to the Liu family and King Kong: "don't be so surprised. Eat quickly. It will be cold for a while."


King Kong was stunned. He picked up his rice bowl and took two mouthfuls. Then he ate and turned his head to see the projection on the wall.

Lin Zhengkai's face turned red and white, and sweat came out from his forehead. His legs trembled slightly. He was so angry that he called out to Lin Zhengqing: "Lin Zhengqing, you are so vicious that you are investigating me secretly!"

"It's your own carelessness Lin Zhengqing said: "for so many years, you are in the layout, and I am also in the layout, but the difference is that you are planning to seize the power of the Lin family, and I am planning to remove you. Then, is the power of the Lin family in my hands? Ha ha ha

"What a move Mantis catches cicada, yellow finch in the back!" Someone sighed.

No one has ever thought that their seemingly weak second young master would set up such a big Bureau.

In Lin Zhengkai's game, he added another game. Is this a game in the game?

Any one of them is enough to sentence Lin Zhengkai to life imprisonment?

What's more, it means huge bribes, personal attacks, commercial fraud and even killing people. The proper death penalty is still to be carried out immediately, and there is no room for it.

Lin Zhengkai was flustered. He was completely flustered.

It is hard to guard against thieves by day and night.

His attention, has been on Lin Feng, he thought, Lin Feng is his biggest enemy.

However, he never dreamed that the most terrible thing was the half brother who had been with him for more than 20 years.

At this critical juncture, Lin Feng is calmly enjoying a table of delicious food, as if it has nothing to do with them, but in the end, it is their own people playing their own people!!!

Lin Kai's eyes are full of grief and indignation, and Lin's eyes are filled with grief and anger

Lin Zhengqing said faintly, "are you wrong? Am I that bad? Please see the situation clearly. Now I am in charge of the situation. If you dare to say no, I will immediately change the owners of your industries and send you to prison and get shot! "

Lin Zhengkai clenched his fists and clenched his teeth.

The other brothers of the Lin family didn't expect it to be like this. Their eldest brother and second brother were all such cruel people. At this critical moment, their immortal fight made them helpless.

"Second brother, sit down and talk about something!" Lin Hongyu advised Lin Zhengqing.

"Big brother, we are all brothers. In the future, the Lin family will still be in charge of it together. Don't be impulsive!" Lin Hongxia advised Lin Zhengkai.

"Am I impulsive? He is the one who wants to fight with me Lin Zhengkai said without showing weakness.

Lin Zhengqing is also tit for tat: "yes, I just want to fight with you. With me Lin Zhengqing, there will be no place for you. You have to pay for what your mother did in those years!"

Lin Zhengkai gritted his teeth and scolded: "you and he are too arrogant. Don't think that there is evidence, I can't take you. You know, today's party, I'm the host. If you don't have me, no one can get out of the Lin's house. What if you have evidence? I won't let you out of the gate!"

When he said that, Lin Kai didn't give me a command to close the door

"Yes There was a shout outside, and then, someone told me, "look after them. If you don't have a young master, you can't even let a fly out!"

Lin Zhengkai looked at Lin Zhengqing and said with a cold smile: "Er Di, er Di, although you have brains and are reasonable and reasonable, you should not forget that when a scholar meets a soldier, you can't tell why you are right!"

Then, he made a look. At the table in front of the banquet hall, old Du and others stood up one after another. Even abacus Li also stood up.

There are four or five people in total. All of them are masters of Huaqi state. Each of them can take charge of it on his own.

Now, they stand together, it is obvious that even if you are a master, you will not be their united opponent.

Lin Zhengkai stretched out his hand and said, "take the mobile phone. By the way, you should have a backup, but it doesn't matter. Put it. Anyway, you won't appear again!"

Lin Zhengqing didn't mean to hand over his mobile phone at all. Instead, he said with a light smile on his face: "when a scholar meets a soldier, if you can't make sense of it, then you won't be reasonable. But don't forget that after the scholar gets his fame, he is a civil servant. Naturally, there are generals under him. Do you really think I have no brain?"

As soon as his voice fell, the man with the cap and beard stepped forward.

For a moment, the man's whole body strength soared, and his clothes were inspired by the hunting of the strong wind.Lin Zhengkai has a cool look. He himself is a practitioner of the four levels of Qi state. However, there is a huge gap between him and his vigorous and vigorous spirit.

At least, this person is also a practitioner of the five levels of Huaqi state, even higher.

A heavy training, a heavy day, he made a heavy, equivalent to the strength of a large section of higher than.

In particular, the later the cultivator is, the greater the gap of strength between each weight is.

What's more, Lin Zhengkai has never met this person. He never thought that Lin Zhengqing hired such a powerful cultivator from outside.

It seems that Lin Zhengqing is fully prepared!

However, he hasn't dealt with them before, and it's hard to judge accurately. Maybe this guy has cultivated some martial arts secret books that make the vigor look more powerful, which can be used to bluff people.

There are five Qi level masters on my side and six of them. I'm afraid that none of them will succeed?

Lin Zhengkai thought of this, and then hardened a little bit, said: "second brother, you are still so naive. Can the people you hire from outside be more reliable than those we cultivate ourselves? What's more, it's naive that you want to fight against five. I'll give you a chance to hand over your mobile phone. Or, don't blame me for being cruel and cruel! "

Lin Zhengqing said with a sneer: "even if you come here, it's even more obvious that you advise me if you say so much."

"Asshole!" Lin Zhengkai's blue veins burst out and waved to Mr. Du: "the second young master scolds us as eggheads. Mr. Du, take your brothers and give him some color to have a look! Oh, by the way, save your life

"Yes, young master!"

Mr. Du said to other humanitarians: "I haven't stretched my arms and legs for a long time. Today we have a chance. We should seize the opportunity!"

The other several people you look at me, I look at you, the heart is full of pride.

In Du Lao's a big drink, everyone rushed to the banquet hall immediately turned into a battlefield.

But Lin Feng on one side burped and said: "the calculation is just good, I have enough to eat and drink, smash it, smash it casually!"

Then, he said to King Kong: "you come to protect Auntie and Wenwen sister, if they have something, I will punish you!"

"Nothing will happen. The boss's order is heaven!" King Kong said, arms left one right, will Liu Wenwen and Liu Hui over, put in the corner, he is like a mountain chapter, standing in front of the Liu family mother and daughter.

But Lin Feng, in the chaos, came to Lin Junlong.

Lin Junlong's two servants had already been scared to one side because of the chaotic situation, leaving the old man as angry as a gossiper, regardless of life or death.

When Lin Feng came over, he picked up Lin Junlong and stepped on a stool with one foot. The stool fell between the other two stools and made a bed.

Lin Feng gently put Lin Junlong up and said, "don't be afraid. I'm in charge of everything."

However, he smiles at Lin Junlong again: "grandfather!"

All of a sudden, Lin Junlong burst into tears, his mood was on the verge of collapse, and he began to cry. , the fastest update of the webnovel!