The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 99

But at this critical moment, a cactus appears in the sky, blocking Chu Yuqi's mother.

A black bear can't dodge, a slap on the cactus.

"Oh, my trough!"

Black bear pain big howl, palm full of cactus thorn, palm instant flow full of blood, cactus was shot fly!

"You give me back the cactus!" Lin Feng took an empty basin and said with heartache, "I just bought it next door. How can you be so violent? You compensate me

Because this vegetable market is quite miscellaneous, selling vegetables, fruits, meat and all kinds of flowers, birds and fish, the cactus was bought by Lin Feng at the next stall.

"NIMA!" Black bear pain straight out of cold sweat, to the side of the younger brother said: "help me to pull out the thorn, quick!"

The little yellow haired boy took the lead and began to pull the thorn. Every time he pulled it, the black bear howled. But the cry was in the ears of the people around him. Don't mention it.

"Lin Feng, you are here so soon Chu Yuqi wiped her tears and said to Lin Feng.

"Little Qi, do you know?" Chu Yuqi's mother asked.

She thought she was going to be beaten by the black bear just now, but she didn't expect the young man to come out and block herself with cactus. She was very grateful.

"Mom, she is the friend I told you to have dinner with today! Lin Feng Chu said.

"Grass, you and his are in a group Black bear rage way.

Black bear noticed Lin Feng just now, because riding a bicycle with broken wheels looks like a two hundred and fifty, which attracts the black bear's attention. Unexpectedly, this guy is with them and stabs himself with cactus. It's so disgusting.

Originally, black bear just wanted to beat and scold Chu Yuqi's mother and daughter, and then confiscate the stall. But now, he doesn't want to let go of the mother and daughter and the two hundred and fifty. He must take three of them, otherwise he can't mix up in this street in the future!

But before he spoke first, Lin Feng spoke first.

"That black thing, you beat my cactus, you have to pay me one!" Lin Feng said, pointing to the black bear brother said.

"You are the only thing! Are you cheating me? You dare to ask for compensation from me. I think you don't want to live any more. You don't want to leave today! " Black bear said, aggressively step forward, behind a few miscellaneous hair younger brother also rushed up, one after another to Lin Feng glare, as if to eat Lin Feng alive.

"Lin Feng!" Chu Yuqi said: "it's none of your business. You go first. I'll invite you to dinner with my mother some other day."

"No!" "I can't go today," said Lin Feng

"Why?" Chu Yuqi asked.

Lin Feng held up his head and said: "just now you asked, is there any law and justice in this world? I want to tell you that law and justice have always been there. Today, I am the representative of law and justice! "

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" That little yellow hair smile tears are coming out.

"Brother, you see, he has committed another two! He also stands for law and justice. It's so funny, ha ha Xiao Huangmao just saw Lin Feng riding a bicycle, he laughed and fell back and forth. He would listen to Lin Feng saying that he could basically conclude that there was something wrong with his brain.

Other black bear's minions are also laughing, the first time to see such a funny silly B.

However, Lin Feng was smiling and said, "on behalf of law and justice, is there a problem? First of all, hit my cactus, you have to pay, this is the law, you must implement! Second, if you do not implement it, you will challenge the social order and endanger the interests of others. I will represent justice and destroy you! "

With that, Lin Feng also made a gesture of Ultraman beating a small monster, and made a gesture to the black bear and others. His mouth still kept sending out the sound of "biubiubiu ~ biubiubiu ~".

Seeing this, the black bear was furious.

How come such a wonderful thing, riding a broken bicycle, taking a broken cactus, and treating yourself as a little monster, is that the gate of the mental hospital is not closed, let him out?

"NIMA's, you are more stupid than mentally retarded!" "Do you know who you are talking to? If you don't ask, what will happen if you fight with your grandfather black bear? "

The younger brothers around him flattered one after another: "my brother black bear is a overlord in this area. Do you dare to provoke me, brother black bear, and wait to be beaten and maimed!"

Chu Yuqi also pulled the Cape of lalinfeng, indicating that he should not be hard and hard with the black bear. The black bear was angry. It was a total denial. No one was afraid of him in this area.

And those who sell vegetables on one side also worry about Lin Feng one after another. Black bear walks horizontally in this area on weekdays. Who dares to provoke him? Those who dare to provoke him will either be beaten up or disappear.

So although everyone hated the black bear, no one dared to speak.

"If you mess with this black thing, you'll get beaten up? Wow, what a horror Lin Feng skimmed his mouth!

"Well, big brother, you see he's scared!" The little yellow hair pointed to Lin Feng.Black bear raised his head and arrogantly said to Lin Feng, "I'm afraid now. It's too late. Unless I kneel on the ground and kowtow to Lao Tzu three times, and then drill through the crotch. If I'm happy, I can give you a chance to be a new man!"

"Kneel down!"


The little brother behind the black bear yelled.

One side of the peddler, also began to weigh up, if it is their own, certainly choose to stay in the green hills, not afraid of firewood burning, drill on the drill, the husband can be flexible, better than being beaten disabled!

At this time, people see Lin Feng to the black bear in front of him, smiling at the black bear.

"Look, he's going to get down on his knees!"

Someone whispered.

"Well, you know how good I am now?" Black bear said triumphantly.

"Well, I know..."

Lin Feng nodded his head, then stretched out his hand and gave the black bear a slap.

"I know your uncle!" Lin Feng said.


This time, all the people present were shocked!

Dare to fight the black bear? Isn't this death?

The black bear was stunned for a few seconds. When his mouth was hot, a mouthful of old blood vomited out, and several teeth fell out. He didn't react. He was beaten by this boy just now!

"You are a bully to others, but to me, you are a king!" Lin Feng said.

"I don't care!" When did he suffer such humiliation, he said to the younger brother behind him: "go on, kill him, and leave no alive!"

The younger brothers took orders and took out sticks and daggers one after another. The little yellow hair took the lead and hit Lin Feng's head with a steel pipe.

Lin Feng said to Chu Yuqi, "take your aunt to one side first!"

Finish saying, a flash body, a grab small yellow hair of the steel pipe, back to small yellow hair is a steel pipe.

"If you have a steel pipe, you can be a cow B, right?" Lin Feng said, a few steel pipes and toward small yellow hair hit in the past.

Xiao Huangmao was beaten and scurrying, "brother, don't fight, ah - ah - pain --"

"did your mother give birth to you to be a gangster?" Lin Feng beat the little yellow hair, while teaching.

Brother black bear's eyes were red, and his big hand waved: "all of him? Give it to me together!"

The remaining three or five younger brothers rushed up one after another.

A few punches were done, but Lin Teng took a quick turn! Looking at the side of the people, stunned.

Even Chu Yuqi was stunned. Lin Feng was so able to fight. She really didn't expect it.

At this time, Lin Feng stood in front of the black bear and smiled: "is it great to have a little brother? Now your little brother has been cleaned up by me. It's your turn! Get down on your knees and get through my crotch , the fastest update of the webnovel!