The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 947

Run away, burning bright.

If you put this sentence in ten li peach blossom forest, you can interpret it incisively and vividly.

Rong Jing has been holding the hand of cloud shallow moon, not fast or slow. His black hair, black brocade robe, dark sun boots and black jade belt around his waist, though he walked slowly and leisurely as usual. But the feeling to yunqianyue was different. She felt as if she had known him for the first time.

"What's the matter?" Aware of the cloud shallow moon's Zheng Chong, Rong Jing looks at her with a gentle voice.

Cloud shallow moon lip petal slightly toot, shake head, "be OK!"

Rongjing seemed to know what she was thinking, and with a slight smile, she approached her ear and whispered, "in any case, I am still me, you are still you. Where do you have so many thoughts in mind? "

"You belong to Ascaris!" Cloud shallow month mood suddenly a loose, stare at him one eye.

"If you can, you can be a worm in your stomach all your life." Rong Jing withdraws the body, the tone is a little lazy.

Cloud light moon face red, "you want to get beauty!"

Rong Jing looked at her and saw that although she was across the veil, her delicate face was more colorful than the peach blossoms in the ten li peach forest. He suddenly reached out and held her up.

Cloud shallow moon pine can not prevent, "ah" ground exclaimed.

Qibo, who was leading the way in front of him, turned around to see that Huasheng and others at the back looked nervously.

"She sprained her ankle!" Rongjing gives an explanation.

Seven old man's eyes flashed, nodded and went on. Hua Sheng and others looked speechless.

Cloud shallow moon face already red as haze, low voice to Rong Jing chiiru, "who said I foot sprain?"

"I said it!" Rong Jing looked down at her with a smile in her voice.

"You're talking nonsense!" Cloud shallow month to him stare, "quick let me down, have walked so far road, you are not tired?"

"I won't be tired if I hold you!" Rong Jing shakes his head.

Cloud shallow moon struggling to come down, Rongjing arm tightened. She looked at him and whispered, "let me down!"

"I'm so dishonest when I'm sprained. Dear, I'm not tired Rongjing's voice is low and soft.

Seeing that he had made up his mind to carry her away, yunqianyue closed his eyes and stopped looking at him. He didn't understand how he suddenly went mad. If he carried her into Chu's family, not only Rong Wangfu and Shizi were involved in the Chu family, but also the master of Chu and the little master of Hongge were involved. She thought it funny. Change identity, or tangled.

"You can sleep!" Rongjing murmured.

Cloud shallow moon "Er" a, familiar embrace, powerful arms, these days, although the road is easy, but also a little tired, she shallow yawn, really go to sleep.

Half an hour later, the peach blossom forest in ten miles came to an end.

"See the owner!" There was a deafening sound ahead.

Cloud shallow moon was awakened, thinking to listen to the voice, afraid there are thousands of people. She opened her eyelids and wanted to look up. Rongjing covered her face with sleeves to block her sight. She was just about to be dissatisfied. She just heard that he changed his old gentleness, his voice was low and calm, and he was different from each other

"Thank you The same is true of all.

"Master, this is..." An old man, different from the seventh uncle, got up and looked into rongjinghuai.

"My wife! Little master of the Red Pavilion This is what Rongjing introduced.

When did she become his Wife? Why doesn't she know?

The old man who asked was also surprised, not only him, but also a large number of people.

Yunqianyue heard Qi Qi's consistent pumping sound and felt countless eyes gathering on her. She finally understood why Rongjing wanted to hold her and block her face at this time. This is no different from a blockbuster bomb, which not only made her a bit unable to find the north, but also obviously shocked the people in front of her.

After the pumping sound, no one seemed to speak for a long time.

Huasheng, Hualuo and other seven people were obviously shocked. But they have been honed by the astonishing words of the scenery occasionally along the way. After a shock, they quickly return to normal. Any amazing things in the world can be discounted if they are placed on Jing Shizi's body.

"This When is this? Old master I don't know, do you? " The old man stuttered with fright.

"Not long ago! I'll tell you when I see my grandfather The voice of Rongjing is still deep and cold.

The old man seemed to nod, no more words.

"Go back to the house!" Rong Jing didn't want to say more. He threw down a word and walked forward with cloud and moon.

Hua Sheng and other seven people followed him. The old man and several people of his age looked at each other with the same astonishment in their eyes. After a while, the old man seemed to have come back to his soul. He lowered his voice and asked him, "Qi Bo, what's going on here?"

"I don't know..." Seven uncle quickly shook his head, looked at the posture also obviously startled.

"Go back to the house first!" The old man nodded and waved to everyone. Take a quick step to chase Rongjing.After everyone was surprised, they were more curious. No one saw what the wife looked like. They all followed up. There were many young men and women in the crowd. Young men have heard that the Red Pavilion master once picked out seven aristocratic families. Now he is the little master of the Red Pavilion. How elegant is it? Many of the young women's faces were broken.

After walking for a while, the cloud shallow moon still can't return to God in the arms of Rongjing. Wife!

"Why are you so stiff?" Rongjing inquired in a low voice with a voice that only two people could hear. The voice was not difficult to hear a smile.

"Why do you Nonsense again Cloud shallow moon hold for a long time, difficult to spit out a word.

"I want to sleep in Chu's house and not share the room with you. I can only say that! If you think about it, the family style of the top ten families is very strict, otherwise we will have to sleep in separate rooms. " Rongjing whispered.

"That's why?" The cloud is shallow and the moon is silent.

"Well, that's why. Otherwise, what do you think is the reason? " Rong Jing asked with a smile.

Yunqianyue rolled her eyelids and wanted to see the expression of Rongjing. Unfortunately, her face was covered by his dark water sleeve. She only saw the dark cloud pattern, and nothing else could be seen. But she felt that it must be more than that. He could not see each other for half a month when he was harnessing the water. How many days can he live in the Chu family now? She snorted, "a lot of lies! Believe you have a ghost

Rongjing laughed low and joyfully.

"You'd better be honest." Cloud shallow moon low voice warning, "otherwise don't blame me not to cooperate! You want me to be your wife if you don't wear the Phoenix crown and the bridal gifts, and the sedan chair doesn't come to my house? Dream

Rong Jing coughed low. In a moment, he closed his smile and said: "there are many girls in Chu family who love me." , the fastest update of the webnovel!