The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 946

But how many people have been able to penetrate the array of the top ten families since ancient times? Very few. Even if someone breaks in by mistake, it is impossible to come out again, or it is blocked. Therefore, this is the reason why the location of the top ten families is not known to the world.

Because of the geographical location, if you walk around the official road, it is thousands of miles. But if you take a shortcut across mountains and mountains, you can reduce the journey by half, that is, 500 miles.

Yun Qianyue, Rongjing, Huasheng and other seven people are highly skilled in martial arts. They are light and easy to walk. If they have lightness skills, they can walk 500 miles in three days. Maybe they can get to the peach blossom forest in three days. Therefore, in order to avoid night Tianyi and cangting, yunqianyue chose this road.

Out of the purple maple forest walk five miles, is the continuous mountains. A group of nine people went up the mountain. Although it was autumn at this time, the trees, flowers, branches and leaves in the mountains turned yellow, and the mountains and fields were green and yellow. But it's still dense and easy to cover up.

Yun Qianyue had never been to the top ten aristocratic families once. She couldn't find the exact location. At first, she took Rongjing and walked in front of her. After walking for a while, she suddenly remembered that he was the master of the Chu family. Naturally, she didn't have to take the trouble to identify the direction and guide the way, so she immediately changed with him and asked him to pull her forward.

"There's another way that's shorter than this one." The scenery is slow and leisurely.

"Why didn't you say it earlier?" Cloud shallow moon hears speech to stare.

"I'm not in a hurry anyway. It's rare that I haven't traveled with you for so many years. Now it's time to visit the mountains and rivers! " Rong Jing sees cloud shallow moon to stare at, smile to read a look at her.

Cloud shallow moon angry to retreat, originally also want to chide him two words, then give up!

The autumn wind is rustling and the insects and birds are chirping. The wild flowers in the mountains are full of faint fragrance. Guided by Rongjing, the group did not walk in a hurry. They could be regarded as walking while swimming. They also walked 200 Li a day.

At night, if the cloud is light, it's natural to go on the road and arrive at the destination as early as possible. However, he would not abuse himself. As soon as it was late at night, several people played game and ate it. After that, they pulled the cloud and the moon lay down on a huge tree trunk and closed their eyes for a rest. Although I didn't say a word, everyone could see the meaning and didn't intend to leave.

Yunqianyue thinks that a noble person is a noble person. Rongjing's natural nobleman, no matter in the height of the temple, or in the wild, he acts like a prince, and will not treat himself unfairly. Since he wasn't in a hurry, she didn't have to. So she nestled in his arms, pillowed his arm as a pillow, and closed her eyes comfortably.

Huasheng, Hualuo and others took a look, and they all retreated to find a place to rest.

Feng Lu is a little girl with a temperament. She has always been disciplined since she saw Rong Jing and Yun Qianyue. She dare not make mistakes at will. However, it is her limit to hold back for a day. As soon as several people sit down, she can't help but ask in a low voice, "is jingshizi really the master of the Chu family?"

The flower fell white her one eye, "idiot, didn't tell you? Ask again

"Brother Hualuo, if you don't scold me, you will suffer, right?" Feng Lu glared and whispered, "I'm just curious! Jing Shizi is really amazing. The Chu family is the first great family

"What is that? King Shizi is still the master of Mo Pavilion Another bomb dropped from the flowers.

"What?" The wind and dew stood up, the voice increased, I can't believe it.

Hua Sheng was surprised. He covered Hua Luo's mouth, pulled her to sit down, and said in a low voice, "be quiet. Don't disturb the rest of Xiao Zhu and Jing Shizi. Otherwise, I will drive you back. "

The wind dew immediately scared ground ground to live a mouth, but a pair of eyes is still open drop smooth round.

"Don't believe you ask Ling Lian and Yi Xue!" Hua Luo takes a look at Ling Lian and Yi Xue.

Several people do not know the news, Qi Qi looks at Ling Lian and Yi Xue. Earlier, when they saw two people from purple maple forest, they thought it was easy to face, but later they knew it was not. Through the explanation of Ling Lian and Yi Xue, we know that it was the Lord Yun who performed the skill. Several people were shocked for a time, but they also sincerely praised the magic.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue see a few people look, Qi Qi nods, "seem to be!"

Several people are affirmed, Qi Qi is silent for a moment. If King Shizi is the master of the Chu family, which makes people feel powerful, then if he is still the master of Mo Pavilion, it makes people feel more than fierce.

Seeing no one to speak, Feng Lu pushed Hua Sheng's hand aside and said in a low voice, "the Mo Pavilion is not the emperor of the former dynasty..."

"Fenglu! No nonsense Hua Sheng murmured and covered the wind and dew's mouth.

The wind and dew immediately shut down, eyes out of control to look at Rong Jing and cloud light moon resting direction. Seeing nothing coming, she breathed a sigh of relief and drew back her sight. Seeing several people looking at her with warning, she knew that she had said what should not be said, and lowered her head.

A few people do not speak, this place is as quiet as nobody.

Although yunqianyue closed her eyes, she didn't fall asleep. Her words still reached her ears. She didn't feel the change of scenery breath, but she knew that he was not asleep. He could hear the words she could hear more naturally. Lips slightly pursed into a line, and slowly released, no more to hear the voice of a few people, then you sleep.

On the second day, Rongjing still followed the first day's itinerary, not too fast or too slow. It's dark after two hundred miles. Nature has another night's rest in the mountains.

On the third day, after walking for half a day, I came to the cliff beside Tianxue mountain ten miles away.A few people had just arrived, and an old man rushed out of the cliff. The old man was about sixty years old. As soon as spectrum came, he knelt down to Rongjing excitedly, "master! You finally... "

"Seven brothers, no ceremony!" Rongjing stretched out his hand to hold down the body of the old man.

The old man couldn't go down. He got up straight and said excitedly, "the old master is not expecting you soon. Let me meet you." His words fall, it seems that only then found Rong Jing holding cloud shallow moon's hand, immediately turned his head, "this Is it? "

"Little master of Red Pavilion!" This is what Rongjing introduced.

Hearing this, the old man's face was startled, and he looked at the cloud moon carefully. At this time, his face was covered with a layer of gauze, only showing a pair of cool eyes. He looked at him with a faint smile and did not speak. He then looked at the seven people, including Hua Sheng, who followed her. After a long time, he regained his sight and sighed: "I don't want to see the little master of the Red Pavilion in his lifetime. blessing! Fortunately After that, he asked Rongjing, "my Lord, you have arrived half a day early, and the emissary of Tiansheng and Prince Rui of Nanliang haven't arrived yet. Will you go back to your family first? "

"Well!" Rong Jing nodded, reached into his arms, took out a silver mask, put it on, and slowly lifted his step.

Yunqianyue takes a look at Rongjing and feels that the moment he puts on the mask, his breath changes. Follow him up and walk inside.

After entering the cliff, it was really a peach blossom forest. I don't know if it's the weather or the array. In a word, although it was autumn, peach blossoms in ten li were in full swing and fragrant. , the fastest update of the webnovel!