The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 948

The cloud is shallow and the eyes are shining.

Rong Jing said again, "are you sure you don't cooperate?"

"Peach blossom is in flood!" Cloud shallow moon low scolded a word.

"Not only the Chu family, but also many women from the top ten families are interested in me." The scenery is also a way.

"It's rampant!" Cloud shallow moon again low scold a.

"Rong Jing low smile, the voice is soft," so, aggrieve you! Anyway, sooner or later you will marry me. I will lend you the title of husband first, and I will not charge you any money. "

"Take advantage of me?" Cloud shallow moon raises eyebrow, although he cannot see.

"Well!" Rong Jing nodded affirmatively.

Cloud shallow moon completely speechless, has seen arrogant, has not seen so arrogant, but who calls him really this capital! What is said under capital is not true! Just now she seems to feel a lot of sad sight, about from women.

Rong Jing took a deep look at the cloud and the moon, hid the smile in his eyes and held her to go to a courtyard.

"Master of the house!" Two excited voices came from the gate of the courtyard.

Rongjing said "um" and walked into the courtyard. While walking, he said, "madam, I'm tired all the way and need to rest. From now on, I don't have any orders. No one comes to disturb me."

"Yes Two voices were heard at the same time.

The bead curtain is lifted and gently swings. Yunqianyue smelled a faint fragrance, which was obviously emitted from the censer. The fragrance was different from that of the Rongwang mansion. It seemed that there was a faint fragrance of peach blossom and dragon sandalwood. She is identifying the gap, Rongjing has come to the bed and put her on the big bed.

The dark sleeves were removed from her face and she saw what was going on in the house. The crystal curtain, the window, the jade and jadeite, and the furnishings are all excellent. Not only the best, but also most of them are rare treasures and rare things. The room is not small, but elegant mirror.

"This is where my mother lived before she died!" Rongjing explained.

Cloud shallow moon nods, Rong princess, the head of Chu family. It must be an unusual conduct for the king to marry him.

"You take a bath and rest. I'll go to my grandfather's office first." Rong Jing Wen Sheng Dao.

"Good!" Cloud shallow moon nods.

Rongjing turns and walks out. Cloud light moon looked at the bead curtain shaking, he figure out of the door, heard him to the outside of the people whispered a command, outside the people repeatedly answer, his footsteps out of the yard away.

Not long after, someone came in. A woman in her forties, followed by two boys, carried a steaming barrel. After coming in, the woman looked at Yun Qianyue carefully and said with a smile: "madam, your servant is warm fragrance. I used to serve my lady. The mother of the owner. It's your first time here. I'll see you outside. The master of the house told his servants to bring in hot water. You take a bath and have a rest! It will take some time for the owner to go back to the old one. "

"Good!" The cloud light moon nods with a smile across the veil.

Warm fragrance a wave of hand, behind the person carried the water into the screen. After a while, the two men came out and retired.

Nuan Xiang didn't go out with her, but went to Yun Qianyue and said in a low voice: "except for the old master and the elder, as well as me and the seven uncles who served the old master, no one knows about the young lady who married the Rong King's mansion in those years. It was deliberately concealed by the old owner. Later, the young lady died, and the son of Rongwang came back. The old master did not disclose her identity and let her take over the position of the master. In addition, they took the surnames of the two families as their surnames. Chu Rong, the word Zi Gui. "

Cloud shallow moon nods, so it is. Zi Gui means to have a son come back!

"So, the lady is the lady of the cloud palace, isn't she?" Nuan Xiang asked with a smile.

Yunqianyue blinked her eyes, thinking that since she knew the secret hidden by the Chu family, and that she was Rongjing's mother's maid, Rongjing asked her to come in to see her. She must have been very trusting and praised: "aunt Xiang is so smart."

"At that time, the young lady treated the maidservant as a sister, and the maid didn't ask his wife to call her aunt Xiang, so I had the cheek to accept it." Nuan Xiang seemed very happy and said with a smile, "it's not the smart maiden, but the lady jingshizi's favorite lady of the cloud palace. It's known to all. Just because I knew that the owner of the house was Jing Shizi, I guessed that you belonged to miss shallow moon. "

Cloud shallow moon smiles and nods.

"I know that the master will definitely come back because of the blue family. I also thought of taking you with me. I have long wanted to meet Miss Xiaoyue, who is famous all over the world. But did not think that the original light moon miss is the Red Pavilion small master. It was an accident. You didn't see it! When the head of the family said to those people in the family that you were his wife, the young and old were so surprised that they dropped their chin. It's funny to think about it. " It's warm and sweet.

"Why is that?" Although cloud shallow moon faintly knows the reason, but still can't help asking.

"The owner of the house is a cold and inhuman animal in the Chu family. People of the Chu family couldn't see him for a year, but from top to bottom, everyone didn't dare to be presumptuous. Even the uncles were respectful in front of him. He had never heard of him taking a wife, and suddenly brought a wife back, but this person was still a small master of the Red Pavilion who was taboo to Mo Shen by the top ten families. How can you not startle your chin? " Warm fragrance to cloud light moon.

Cloud shallow month smiles to nod, "I also was startled.""In doing so, the master was afraid that the princes of the top ten families would rob his wife. So I took the place first! It's impossible for the princes of the top ten families to think about it. " Warm fragrance smiles more happily.

Cloud shallow moon light cough a, shake head, "he says is because ten big aristocratic family many women are fond of his reason."

Warm fragrance smell speech, smile to nod, "also be like this! In the year when the head of the family took over as the head of the family, he showed up in front of the top ten families. Since then, many young ladies have been nostalgic about their owners. The most powerful ones are the two little girls of the blue family and the flower family. They can't find the trace of the master of the house. They come to the Chu family every day to get news of the master. Unfortunately, no one knows where the master is. I'm a maid. I'm very good at sending them away, but the old master is so annoyed that they can only hide away every time they hear two little girls coming. "

"So?" Yunqianyue thinks that Rongjing is really a peach blossom.

"That's it Nuan Xiang said with a smile: "so, madam, take good care of the owner. The other two little girls will soon hear that the owner has brought his wife back, and they are expected to find her soon. I'd like to remind you first. Those two little girls are very difficult to deal with. "

"Thank you, aunt Xiang!" Cloud shallow moon thanks, to Madam this appellation unexpectedly quickly adapted.

"Take a bath first! The maid went to prepare the meal. The owner said that he would have dinner with you when he came back Warm fragrance stops talking.

"Good!" Rongjing nodded.

Nuan Xiang goes down. The 40 year old woman is still graceful and graceful. Obviously, although she called herself a slave in the Chu family, she was definitely more than a slave. , the fastest update of the webnovel!