The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 943

The cloud light moon saw that the atmosphere of Rongjing was warm, and she took a breath of relief. There was some mystery in this spirit skill. Since he didn't like it, she didn't want to learn it! Besides, he was right. Everything has its own advantages and disadvantages. It's not good for your body if you use them more.

"You've been up all night, and you're in a good mood." Rong Jing pushes aside the cloud and gives her a lazy glance.

Cloud shallow moon can smile, "this thing has invigorating effect!"

Rong Jing snorted softly, warning way: "what good effect again, you give me to restrain some, do not use indiscriminately."

"Good!" Cloud shallow moon promised happily.

Rongjing no longer paid attention to her, but stood up and went to the clean surface of the clear water basin shelf near the window.

Yunqianyue looks at him for a moment, secretly makes a grimace. Before she can take back her expression, she sees Rongjing look back. Her expression suddenly freezes. Rongjing turns back and continues to clean her face as if she didn't see it. Her mouth twitches and she takes her sight from him. Although he doesn't bother with her spiritual skills, she must still care. She looked a little suspicious.

"Are you all set up?" Rong Jingjing finished his face and wiped his face with Juan PA.

Yunqianyue remembered that she had been delayed in the darkroom when she had to see the third childe and Hualuo who had come back from Xiyan last night. Originally, he wanted to ask Ling Lian and Yi Xue outside, but he remembered that they had been sent to his father by her. Then he asked, "do you disguise yourself? You can't go as a son of honor! Now you are a member of the imperial court. You can't leave Beijing without the permission of the old emperor. "

"Mind yourself!" Rong Jing doesn't look at her, but her tone is still a little annoyed.

Cloud shallow moon knew he was still uncomfortable, so he stopped paying attention to him. Also went to the basin clean face, simply washed, went to the mirror will be the usual string of hair, changed a never combed tedious bun. She was busy with her work. Rongjing sat at the table without any intention of helping, and did not look at her.

Yunqianyue is busy and busy. She takes care of her hair bun and goes to the wardrobe. She turns around for a while and looks back at Rongjing. "What can I do if I don't have any clothes to wear?"

"Green shadow!" Rongjing called out to the outside.

"Son of a bitch!" The green shadow floats and falls.

"Go to xianyifang to see if the two sets of clothes I ordered to make last night are ready?" Rongjing ordered.

"Yes Green shadow left.

Cloud shallow moon suddenly smile, "you prepared last night?"

"Waiting for you to get on the sedan and prick your ears?" Rong Jing snorted a little.

Yun Xiaoyue had thought that he had squeezed his father's magic skill and was happy in his heart, but now he has been worn away by Rongjing. She was a little depressed. She knew that she would be cold-blooded when she came back. Even if she learned, she would not show it. Now, when it's good, it's time to do it! Where is this squeezing his father? It's like squeezing yourself.

"Which yard? What's the matter? " At this time, the sound of listening to the snow and rain came from the gate of the courtyard.

Cloud shallow moon is depressed, smell speech looked up to look out of the window, two looks strange women, but said strange is not all, at least and Ling Lian and Yi snow have a bit vaguely similar, she immediately understood that this is her father to change their appearance, is really an expert. She immediately called out, "listen to the snow, listen to the rain, let them in."

Listen to snow, listen to rain doubt, immediately get out of the way.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue take a look and respectfully enter the room.

Cloud shallow moon stands in front of two people to look at carefully, half silk does not have the trace of the magic, it is hard to imagine how her father did it. She couldn't help but be interested in this technique, and exclaimed: "Dad is really divine!"

"Miss, we are all scared! It's amazing. " Ling Lian was surprised.

"Yes! The Lord is really capable. " Yi snow touched her face, "just like the real one."

"The world is so big that there is no wonder!" Yun Qianyue looked at them. "Your eyebrows and eyes are still somewhat similar. It seems that dad is careful and keeps the similarities between the Ling family and the Yi family. After all, you were born in these two families. It's not too strange. Now it's just like this. It's specious. It's you, and it's not you. "

"Well!" They both nodded.

"I don't know how Dad did this? It should be in the middle of your eyebrows. " Cloud shallow moon points two people eyebrow heart, the hand cannot help but some itch, seems to want to study some.

"Cloud shallow moon, take down your claws, and dispel your mind! Otherwise, I will go to Uncle yuan now. He must have a way to make you forget what you learned last night. " Rong Jing's cool eyes swept over.

Cloud shallow month immediately withdrew the hand, to Rong Jing smile, "think what? I promise you, I won't abuse it. "

"Just be conscious! Otherwise, I don't mind helping you forget. " Rong Jing light way.

"You are really my uncle Cloud shallow month is angry ground turns round, when did he become her housekeeper? Is she the housekeeper? If she was a housekeeper, she would dare to drive people out, but when the man was cold, she could do nothing.

Rong Jing suddenly laughed. I don't know if he was angry, or if this sentence was really funny. He said slowly: "cloud moon, your skin is really loose. I think it needs to be tightened.""Excuse me, young master! If only the skin of the little girl is tight. " The cloud light moon snorted in a sullen voice.

Rong Jing doesn't speak any more. Her eyes sweep over Ling Lian and Yi Xue. They immediately realized that they left the door in a hurry.

"Wait, where are the third childe and Hualuo?" Cloud shallow moon turns back to look at two people.

"Miss Hui, do you want to see them? Last night I knew that the young lady didn't come back, so I sent a message to them that she didn't have to come. Now if you see it, I will tell you now. " Ling Lian Dao.

Yunqianyue thought for a moment and nodded, "let the third young master come! Hualuo doesn't have to come. Wait for me to go to the blue house with Huasheng and others outside the city! "

Ling Lian nodded and answered.

"Yi Xue, no, listen to snow!" The moon called out again.

"Miss!" Listen to the snow outside and answer immediately.

"If you go to tell the jade bracelet and the green branch, you will say that from today on, sister-in-law will take charge of the affairs in the house, no matter how big or small, to her sister-in-law." Cloud shallow moon another command.

"Yes Listening to the snow, he went down immediately.

Yunqianyue looked down and thought for a while, and felt that there was nothing else to explain except waiting for the third young master to come. Turning to ask Rong Jing, "has Ye Tianyi left yet?"

Rong Jing didn't answer, as if he didn't hear.

"Hello, I'm talking to you!" The cloud is shallow and the moon is glaring.

"If you talk to me, should I reply? What's the reason? " Let's have a leisurely tunnel.

Cloud shallow moon immediately angry, "Rong Jing, when do you want to be awkward? Do you have to part with me because of this? Are you willing to go your own way? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!