The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 942

"Dad is such a good man!" Cloud shallow moon smile.

"My father is not a good man, but he thinks that everything in the world will be reincarnated. It is better for people to be good unless they have to. Don't get tired of yourself. It's like 15 years ago, when I defeated Tiansheng's 150000 troops and horses. Although I tried my best to avoid it, I still killed and injured tens of thousands of soldiers. Later, I couldn't recognize you for more than ten years. It's cause and effect. " The cloud Lord shook his head and sighed, "but it's absolutely necessary to do it. When you have to do it, you don't have to worry about too much. If you live a lifetime, you should do what you want, and you can live your life. My daughter is as good as she wants to be! "

"Well!" Cloud shallow moon nods, feeling warm heart and lung. Such a father is really good.

"But this illusion consumes the source of the body. It's better not to use it frequently. It's OK to use it once in a while." "This time you go to the blue house, you should take a veil and show it when necessary. The rest of the time, you should use your original appearance."

"Well!" Yunqianyue nodded, thought for a moment and then said, "I want to take Huasheng and other seven people with me this time. But Ling Lian and Yi Xue have been with me for a long time. They are familiar with Ye Tianyi. It's a problem. "

"You'll call them in a moment. I'll cover them up with magic! " Cloud Wang Ye thought for a moment.

"That's the best! How many days can it last? " The cloud is light and the moon is bright.

"I can't do it without my solution. I can't untill I come back." The cloud Lord said.

"That's the best!" Cloud shallow moon fell a big stone in the heart, and then said: "then you also cast a spell for me not to get! Where do I need to study hard this night, come back to learn again! "

"You have to look that way day and night to use me. Are you sure you want Xiaojing to look at a strange woman every day? " "Besides, he may not be happy that I taught you this."

"Of course not. Forget it!" Cloud light moon immediately gave up the idea. Even if you are yourself, you can't! Originally, he raised his steps to leave and asked, "what about the scene? He can't appear as a son of honor. Maybe he is the master of Chu family! I have changed, and he has not changed. It's no use! "

"Xiaojing must have her own way!" Cloud Wang Ye waved his hand, "go, it's dawn, he's about to wake up early!"

Cloud shallow moon nodded and went out of the room. It was just a little light outside. Mr. Yun got up early, but was not in the room. She should have gone for a walk in the backyard. She turned to him and said, "Dad, you can wait here for a while. I'll ask Ling Lian and Yi Xue to come and find you."

"Good!" King Yun answered, waved his hand, and sat on the chair at the table, his eyebrows and eyes were a little tired.

Cloud shallow moon sees his brow and eye faintly tired, some heartache, the way: "elder brother Chen Shi still can take elder sister-in-law tea?"? Don't fall asleep and miss the hour. On the first day of your brother's wedding, you should drink tea from the bride. You don't have to go early! Don't rest until they have finished serving tea. "

"Well!" Cloud Wang Ye waved his hand and lovingly laughed, "Dad is not so weak. Go! Go to LAN's house and be careful! But I don't worry if you have a little scene with you. "

Cloud shallow moon nods, went out the door. Stepping on the morning fog to the moon Pavilion.

Back to the shallow moon Pavilion, the courtyard is quiet. Ling Lian and Yi Xue run out of the room when they hear the news. They are about to say something. Yun Qianyue waves her hand to them, "you go to the old prince's yard to find my father. Let him change your looks. Come back and talk about it! "

Two people smell speech to nod, turn to shallow moon pavilion to walk outside.

Yunqianyue pushes open the door and sees that Rongjing has already woken up. At this time, she is wearing proper clothes and leaning on the bed to look at her. She looks lazy, like a weak young man. She came in and laughed at him. "When did you wake up?"

"Midnight!" There are two words in the scene.

"And then no sleep?" Cloud shallow month sees him to be like abandoned child, suppress smile to ask.

"Well!" Rong Jing stuffy hums, "you are not in, cannot sleep."

"Then you will not sleep when you leave me for a while?" Clouds and moon raise eyebrows.

"That's not the same!" Rong Jing shook his head.

Cloud shallow month looks at him, see he does not have spirit, then smile way: "I squeezed father, learned a magic skill, change to show you good?"

"Well!" Rongjing nodded his head.

Cloud shallow moon stands in front of him, so-called "once born twice ripe". It soon became the scene. Let Jingteng sit up from the bed, can't believe to look at the cloud shallow moon, a pair of Phoenix eyes rare surprise.

Yun Xiaoyue smiles at him and says, "how about it? It's amazing

"Nonsense! Change back His face was angry.

Cloud shallow moon by his exasperation makes the heart next tremble, twinkling of an eye spirit disperses. She looked at Rongjing and remembered her father's saying that Xiaojing might not be happy that he had taught her this. She asked carefully and tentatively, "what's the matter? Are you not happy? "

"Should I be happy?" Rongjing seemed to suppress his anger.

Cloud shallow moon frown, "it is just a magic art, you are not happy to become you, I do not change is."

"Who else do you want to be? Do you know what this is? " When Rongjing heard the speech, his anger seemed even worse."Didn't you leave the capital to go to the blue house today? I want to appear as a little master of the Red Pavilion, but the ordinary face changing skill can't live at night Tianyi. I must know it's me. I thought it didn't matter to me. Let him know that I had a red Pavilion. At most, it will be more troublesome in the future, and we need to be more careful in guarding the cloud palace. But when I saw my father meeting this, I asked him to teach me etiquette. At least it can cover up my appearance "I think it's just fun, and I need it. It's amazing how much I think about it, but your reaction is too big."

"Big response? Do you know it's not magic at all Rongjing almost roared.

"What is that? My father said it was magic. Did he still harm me? " Cloud light moon frown. I've never seen Rong Jing so angry with her that she's almost gone.

"Uncle yuan dotes on you! You ask him to teach you. " Rongjing seems to realize that his reaction is too big. He has never talked to Yun Qianyue in such a tone. Seeing her as if frightened by him, he pulls her into his arms and hugs her. His tone softens a little and explains: "this is called spirituality."

"Spirituality?" Clouds and moon raise eyebrows. I don't seem to have heard of it.

"Uncle yuan calls it magic, which is a wizard. Its sorcery is spirituality. Illusions are only superficial, and some warlocks can do it. However, there are essential differences between spirituality and illusion. Spirituality is formed by the condensation of essence and Qi in your body, which can change hundreds of appearances. In fact, it is to use essence and Qi to condense into things you imagine. You can imagine how much you've lost your roots. " Rongjing some angry way: "if I know that you are not talking with him this night, but learning this thing, I will not let you learn it even if I die."

"I don't think it's a loss of origin! What's wrong with learning everything? It's just amazing. " The cloud is shallow and the moon is shining.

"Why don't you understand?" Rong Jing was angry, pushed her aside and said angrily, "don't you want to be an immortal? In fact, spirituality is the root of your body's aura. Bone marrow root is a kind of art that is more powerful than that of Southern Xinjiang. You are a normal person, not a God or a devil. What do you want it to do

Yunqianyue blinked his eyes and chuckled. Then he understood the anger of Rongjing and joked, "do you really think this thing is magic? Can you fly to become an immortal or a demon? Where is that serious? If it's serious, if it's really harmful, Dad won't teach me. You did not learn, if you did, you will know that this is not against natural physiology, there are rules and mystery. But it's amazing! It has something in common with the incantation of Southern Xinjiang. "

Rong Jing glared at her and said angrily, "I don't know how to repent! It's sheer ignorance

"Rongjing! Do you have to fight with me when I come back happily? " Cloud shallow moon angry. How could she not repent and be so ignorant? I just thought it was amazing, so I learned it. In her opinion, it's better than a candy, right?

Rong Jing pursed his lips and glared at the cloud moon, who was unwilling to yield. What else can I do if I have learned everything? Her ability to remember is to forget and never forget. Besides, she didn't think there was anything wrong with this except surprise. In the future, she didn't have to. Now going to the blue house is an expedient measure.

"Two thousand years ago, it is said that there was a spiritual family called the cloud clan. He is proficient in the art of Tongtian, and the whole family lives on spiritual power. Then he died! After the unification of the world, the emperor destroyed all the records of the cloud clan with his files, and the cloud family was no longer followed by the world of mortals. This is about what uncle yuan taught you. Everyone says that the cloud clan is a lost land of the Xianzu. I don't know how Uncle yuan can do this. It doesn't matter if you learn it, but I don't advocate you to use it. It is recorded in ancient books that spiritual power hurts the body and moves its origin. All things in the world, cause and effect cycle, there are gains and losses, the extreme will reverse. More or less will complement each other. Your magic is spiritual power. Now it overflows from your body, so there must be a loss in your body. Over time, the source will be lost. If you use it for a long time, you can imagine the consequences. " Rongjing was defeated in the eyes of the cloud moon, sighed and said earnestly, "what I want is a complete and complete cloud moon. I love you more and want you to be more, more, not less, less. Do you understand? "

Cloud shallow moon where do not understand? It turned out that he was nervous about himself. She immediately laughed, and nestled her own soft into Rongjing's arms, hugged his body, nodded with a smile, "got it! Very clear! My father said that it's OK to use less. Now, going to the blue family is the law of rights and interests. When I get out of the blue family, I don't have to. I don't have to learn it. How about that? "

Rongjing's face softened down and nodded, "Hmm!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!