The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 944

"I've been so awkward for a moment. You can't hold on?" Rong Jing puts down his tea cup and raises his eyebrows.

"Who would like to see your cold face in the morning?" The cloud is shallow and the moon is dull and humming.

"Forget it! It's better to get this discomfort from Uncle yuan some other day! He certainly knew I would mind and promised to teach it to you. I won't make him comfortable in the days to come. " Rong Jing rubs his eyebrows.

Cloud shallow moon blinks an eye, suddenly hee hee a smile, went to embrace him, "anyway, you don't feel uncomfortable with me on the line! You're right. Dad knows that. You're not happy to learn this. He didn't make you comfortable! You can't make him comfortable in the future

Rong Jing stretched out her hand to hold the body that she rubbed over and shook her head with a smile, "there's no way to take you!"

Cloud shallow moon eyelid turn over, think I take you have a way?

"Son of a bitch!" The voice of the green shadow came from outside.

"Here it is?" Let go of clouds and light moon.

"Yes Green shadow along the open window will be a small package thrown in.

Rong Jing reached for it and handed it to Yun Qianyue, "go and change it!"

Yunqianyue took the package and opened it. There was a set of black brocade men's robes, which could be worn by the size of Rongjing. There was a light blue silk with jade inlaid with green lake color. According to her stature, she took two pieces of clothes and looked at them carefully, then took the silk to go behind the screen.

Cloud light moon just arrived at the screen, Rongjing waved gently down the curtain, untied his crescent white robe, picked up the black robe and put it on his body.

Across the screen, they could hear the sound of changing clothes.

Cloud light moon dressed properly, the scene has been replaced. Cloud shallow moon stares at Rong Jing with a strong look. To tell you the truth, from childhood to adulthood, she had never seen him wear clothes of other colors. They were all white robes with crescent moon. Now I have changed into a fitting black brocade robe and a jade belt around my waist. It's quite different from the usual warm jade. It's like a piece of Dark Jade or a thousand year old black iron. It hides the sharpness behind the black brocade robe. If it's not for the same face, it's like two people.

"Not pretty?" Rong Jing raises eyebrows and looks at the straight eyes of the cloud and the moon.

"Good looking!" Cloud shallow moon nods, facial expression some strange way: "I finally understand why you do not wear white."

"Well?" Rongjing looks at her.

"White can cover your fierce, black dignified, the old emperor would not allow honor to the palace, if you wear it every day in front of the old emperor. He probably doesn't want you to live. " Cloud light moon road. As her aunt and her uncle once said, which emperor would like his ministers to be better than him? She thought that the white robe could explain his temperament, but she didn't want the black robe to let him show his dignity from the bone. It is the sentence "graceful and elegant, the prince is unparalleled."

"Ah..." Rong Jing chuckled, "it's not as actuarial as you said, but I like white."

Cloud light moon eyes flash, no longer speak, went to the mirror to look at themselves, change this dress, they did not change much, if the change of change, is the combination of blue and green, one is the sky, the other is the lake, much colder than purple bright and warm. Instead of being playful and lazy, she had a slight heroism between her eyebrows and eyes. At first glance, it's quite different. If you use the spirit to hide your appearance, then you can't recognize it.

At this time, there is a strange wind outside the window. After the wind, a person will fall.

Cloud shallow moon turns to turn round, see three childe is carrying curtain to come in, when see two people in the room and the past wear different, obviously stunned for a moment. Just for a moment, he said with a smile: "sure enough, people are clothes and horses are saddles."

Seeing that he had spontaneously changed his appearance into her, Yun Xiaoyue said with a smile: "this journey to the west is hard! Is there any gain? "

"Not bad!" The third young master's smiling eyes and eyebrows are dim.

Cloud shallow moon picks eyebrow, "the situation is not too good?"

"Well!" The third young master nodded and said in a low voice, "she still has half a year's life."

Cloud shallow month received smile, positive color asks, "what kind of incurable disease?"

"Tuberculosis!" Three childe spit out two words.

Cloud light moon face a change, this is really incurable disease. She took a look at Rongjing. Seeing that she was calm, she asked, "did she make arrangements for you?"

The third young master also looked at Rong Jing, shook his head, and said in a low voice, "she knows that I am following you now, so she told me to follow her well and ignore her."

The cloud is shallow and the moon frowns.

The third young master's pale face turned and his tone relaxed: "she has not been around me these years, so I don't have such a deep love for mother and son. I'm just suffering a little bit. Don't worry. I won't be down until I know she's dying. "

"Well! I'll discuss this matter with you when I come back after I've settled the blue family's business. She's your mother anyway. See if there's any way to save it. " Yunqianyue knows that he pretends to be relaxed. There are no parents who don't want their children, and there are no children who don't want their parents. About, but the third childe is definitely not in this category.The third young master nodded, "good!"

Cloud shallow month pursed lips, thought for a moment: "this time is not to ask you to play me in the mansion, but to go to the blue house."

"Blue house?" The third young master was stunned again.

"Don't worry, it's not to let you go to the blue house, but to do it. Let the people of Fengge protect you. The old emperor knew that I was going to the blue house. If he didn't want me to stir up the situation, he would send someone to stop him on the way. When the time comes, you will be injured falsely. If you can't go there, you can go back to your house to recuperate. " "Cloud shallow month softly orders," and I change an identity to go to blue home. "

"I see! You want to distract the old emperor. It's not that we don't go to the blue house, but we are blocked from going. The blue family is so busy, otherwise it would be strange if you didn't go out in the boudoir. In this way, it's not surprising. " Three childe suddenly said.

"Smart!" Cloud shallow month hit a ring finger, ask to Rong Jing, "you?"

"If someone changes to be me, Xiange and the eighteen hermit guards around me will be with you. It's more realistic, isn't it? " Rong Jing raises her eyebrows.

Yunqianyue knows that the eighteen hidden guards of Xiange and Rongjing never leave the body, which is really lifelike. She nodded. "That's it! Ye Tianyi went to the blue house to represent the royal family. He took a guard of honor with him. He was accompanied by many officials. Third childe chords are after them. It's good to be official. I know that there is a natural road leading to the top ten families. This is the secret record of the skyscraper cliff. It's just that they are all high mountains, so it's hard to walk. But it's hard for us. You and I will go that way

"Well!" Rongjing nodded.

"Mother Zhao, take breakfast!" Cloud shallow moon words fall, to the outside shout. Eat too early to set off. , the fastest update of the webnovel!