The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 941

"Then go! Let's go to the secret room King Yun stood up and walked behind the screen.

"Stinky girl, you go to the blue house and be careful. You must rescue that stinky boy! Don't let him die At this time, the old lord said, "none of the descendants of the cloud palace died outside."

Cloud shallow moon rolled a white eye, "know!"

Mr. cloud hummed twice and stopped talking.

Cloud shallow month looks at cloud Wang Ye to enter the screen, turn to walk toward the door, push open the door of the room, to outside light shout, "jade bracelet!"

"Miss moon, here is the maid!" Jade bracelet came in from the outside of the courtyard. She knew about the conversation inside, so she avoided driving.

"You go to the shallow moon Pavilion and tell me that I will go back early tomorrow morning! Ling Lian and Yi Xue know how to do it. " Cloud light moon road.

"Yes Jade bracelets answer.

Cloud shallow month turned back to the room, into the screen, cloud Wang Ye has opened the secret room to go in, she also followed in. The secret room yunxiaoyue came in because of curiosity when she was a child. Later, she found that there was an escape passageway leading to the outside of the city. At that time, she was weak in martial arts, and she often sneaked out through the secret passage of the darkroom. Later, when her martial arts were improved, she could not be found by the hidden guards, so she was no longer used. She looked at a circle of the secret room and saw that the king had already sat cross legged. She asked suspiciously, "do you come back to the mansion every year?"

"Well!" Lord Yun nodded.

"Bad old man! It's a good cover up! " Cloud shallow month hate ground indignant one.

"It's because your grandfather likes you. Don't blame him. But I know you don't blame him. "

"Well!" The moon nods. Even the old lady's wife didn't leave, but some of his concubines didn't leave. It's been lonely these years. I felt that I could understand her feelings and not let her parents recognize her.

"Come on, sit down!" King Yun pointed to the bed board opposite him.

Cloud shallow moon sits cross knee, suddenly think of what, ask again: "where is uncle?"

"I can only wronged him for a while. If something happened today, the emperor will keep a closer watch on me and Lord Yun's house. I gave him sleepy powder, sleep for a month! After a while, the wind is not so tight King Yun sighed.

Cloud shallow moon nods.

Lord Yun began to teach the pithy formula of yunqianyue. Because of the memory, yunqianyue can remember it again. Then he began to guide her to practice magic. Magic is different from martial arts. It needs internal support, but is gathered by the essence and essence of the body. It is agreed by Lingtai and mind. It is the most difficult point to get rid of all kinds of distractions and everything, and then draw the most pure and original essence of the body.

Because of Wang Ye's teaching and explanation, Yun Qianyue soon understood the mystery. But it's one thing to understand. It's one thing for her to be talented and intelligent, but she has no knack in practicing. We should start from no practice. King Yun is very demanding. He guides her step by step, and half silk is not careless. Only when one step is satisfactory can she be allowed to go on to the next step.

Yunqianyue was also a person who wanted to be as perfect as possible. What's more, his father was in front of his eyes. Lingtai was clear and bright. He was open-minded and had no distractions. Therefore, he must do everything according to the requirements of Lord Yun.

From the beginning, there is no half silk aura, and gradually there is a thin aura being drawn out, and then gradually condensing, more and more gathering. Every more Aura, one more step.

Don't practice do not know, after practicing cloud shallow moon just realize her father said is not difficult, it is too implicit. She remembered that when she saw him restore his appearance earlier, the palm of her hand gathered a thick layer of mist, like petals of flowers. Now she felt that she had lost her strength, and could not gather a flower like pattern.

Time goes by, I don't know how long, the palm of yunqianyue can finally gather into three clouds similar to petals. Wang Ye finally let her stop, "OK!"

Yunqianyue took up her hand and breathed a breath. She felt that her body was much lighter than before, and Lingtai was also clear and bright. She looked at the cloud Lord, "is this all right?"

"Well, yes! You're a beginner. It's good to be able to achieve the present effect in such a short time! " King Yun touched the head of the moon and praised him with pride: "as smart as your mother, your mother used to have three flowers in such a short time."

Cloud shallow month smell speech immediately smile, "that is of course, have its mother must have its daughter!"

Cloud King Ye chuckled and pointed to the mirror not far away, "you can go there and check what you have learned."

Yunqianyue nodded, got out of bed, went to the mirror, illuminated by the night pearl in the secret room, she clearly saw herself in the mirror. She blinked her eyes and turned to ask King Yun, "how to check and accept it?"

"If you want to be what kind of person you want to be, you can activate magic, and you will be who you are." The cloud Lord said.

"Then I want to be a scene?" Asked the moon.

"About so!" Cloud Lord laughs.

Yunqianyue took a deep breath, according to what she thought, she was blessed to the soul, and imagined the appearance of Rongjing. At the same time, she started the magic arts she had learned. After a long time, she opened her eyes and saw that the person in the mirror was indeed the appearance of Rongjing. She let out a low "ah". He turned his head and asked, "this I'll be the one I want to be. This thing If everyone could, would it not lead to chaos in the world? ""So it's the art of not spreading it!" Wang Ye said with a smile: "now in this world, in addition to me, your mother, and then you will! Your mother and I got it by chance. It's never been told. "

Yunqianyue breathed a sigh of relief, "OK! Otherwise it's too scary. "

The cloud King Ye laughed, "the little girl is kind-hearted, worthy of being my daughter and your mother's!"

Cloud shallow moon still startled enough, puzzled to look at the mirror, "Dad, how is this so magical?"

"this is the appearance of your body's aura and essence condensed into the surface of your face. To put it bluntly, it's just that you've set up a screen all over you. It's no different from the mask, but the mask is physical, and this is illusory. " "It's really amazing," said the cloud Lord

Yunqianyue nodded and looked in the mirror. After a moment, she gradually withdrew her aura into her body. Her own appearance showed up and asked, "how long can I keep this one?"

"Your study time is short, so keep it for about half an hour." King Yun said, "this is a secret chamber. You can't use the natural aura outside. These are pure auras in your body. If we can use natural aura, such as the aura of flowers, plants and trees, we can extend the time

Cloud shallow moon nodded, "that is to say, if you practice this in the flowers outside, it will be very helpful?"

"Well, you can say that!" The cloud Lord nodded, "but in general, it's better not to. Everything is living. If you absorb their aura, they will wither and kill. It's better to study by yourself. It's your own, and you'll have a bright future. It's easy to use. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!