The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 940

Cloud shallow moon skimmed her mouth, also did not entangle, and asked, "I was looking at my mother's throat, in the Lithospermum. How did you get her back? Is she feigning death? She will give me up too

"This is a long story. But let me have a simple word with you! Your mother heard that a man was in trouble. In order to save him, she fell into the purple grass. You know that Lithospermum has no solution in heaven, but it has solution in one place. But under, I let her take the medicine of closing breath, before the attack of Arnebia, kept her a ray of life. He took her and saved her life. At that time, the emperor was staring at your mother and had no choice but to escape. Your mother couldn't give up you and wanted to take you away. But the old man didn't agree and forced me to leave you and take your mother away

Yunqianyue nodded and looked back at old cloud. She had been in the cloud palace all these years. It was the poor old man's credit that she had been pretending to be. Otherwise, she would not have been a child without father and mother.

"What are you staring at me for? I'm your grandfather! You don't know I can't give you up? " Cloud old lord roared.

Cloud shallow month originally some complain and exasperation suddenly receded, vomited tongue to him, "know, you are willing to beat and scold me! If you don't beat me and scold me, you can't see me "You gave birth to a good daughter. She knew that she was always angry with me for so many years. Like you, she should have let you take her away at the beginning." Mr. cloud was so angry that his beard curled up.

"In my opinion, you are very happy to be angry with her!" Cloud Wang Ye said with a smile.

The cloud old lord snorted coldly, which was the default.

Yunqianyue is suddenly in a good mood. Although she has no father or mother these years, her life is not bad. Bad old man is lonely. If she had been given a choice, she would not have left. After all, her two-year-old child also has the soul of a previous life and can choose from. But some grudges have not known that the parents are alive, there is always a vacancy in my heart. But as Rongjing said, is the world safe and sound? Nothing is perfect. Now she's satisfied. At least her parents are alive, and now a person has been born in front of her, she can reach, lift her eyes can see. Within reach. He didn't want to leave her alone or take away her heart, but he had no choice but to be threatened by the old man's life and poison oath. Compared with what she didn't know, they had children who couldn't walk around their knees. They must have suffered a lot in these years. In this way, she felt that God had treated her well and she was happy enough.

"Is there anything else to ask?" Cloud Wang Ye clearly saw the cloud shallow moon between the eyebrows and eyes of the gloomy scattered, asked with a smile.

"No, I'll ask later." Cloud shallow moon shakes his head, suddenly loosen to hold his hand, stretch out a hand to him way: "a candy wants to send me? No, I want a gift. "

"King Yun laughs," I have nothing to do now. What kind of gift do you want? Let's talk about it first and supply it to you later. "

"Where can I have the gift later? No way Cloud shallow moon shakes his head, stare at his face, stretch out a finger: "want this!"

"Which one?" Cloud Wang Ye blinked his eyes.

"Your magic! Teach me. " Cloud light moon of course, half silk sorry not. This is her father. As Rongjing said, she can squeeze it hard in the future. Let's start with this illusion!

"Little girl! You are my daughter Cloud Wang Ye smiles happily and reaches out to hold the moon in his arms.

Cloud shallow moon obediently nest into the cloud Lord's arms, feel his heartbeat and his refreshing breath, eyes slightly hot, "I am your daughter naturally."

"Well, it's my good daughter!" Yun Wang Ye nodded with a smile and reached out to pat her.

"How many daughters are you?" Cloud shallow moon suddenly thought of something, some sour asked.

"Just you!" The cloud Lord said.

"How many sons?" Cloud shallow moon asks again.

"Just your brother!" Lord Yun has questions and answers.

"Who is Luoyu with you?" The cloud is shallow, and the moon is reluctant.

"Niece King Yun sighed with a tone of helplessness.

"What is a niece?" Cloud shallow moon pushes him away, raises eyebrow to look at him, facial expression is not good.

"I grew up with us, but your mother and I didn't take her as a daughter. You are the only one of our daughters. " King Yun seems to know what Baiyun Xiaoyue thinks in his heart and explains with a smile, "she is pestering your mother. Your mother can't help but take her around. I didn't expect it would be so many years. "

Cloud shallow moon hummed, the answer is still satisfied.

"How elegant the vinegar is King Yun looked at her in a funny way.

Cloud shallow moon face a red, some embarrassed, but she soon will cover up a lot of meaning, hum: "do you teach me or not?"

"Teach!" The cloud Lord nodded and took a look at the sky, "but do you want to learn now?"

Is it difficult Cloud light moon also looked at the sky.

"It's not difficult, but it's not easy! About one night! " The cloud Lord said.

"Are you tired?" Yunqianyue remembers that he is also Zhou Ma laodun who came in a hurry. Rongjing is so tired that he sleeps with his pillow. He must also be very tired. He pursed his lips and said, "if you want to be tired, even if you want to be tired! Wait for me to come back from the blue house! ""Not tired!" Cloud Wang Ye shook his head and pondered for a while, "since you want to go to the blue house, you should not go like this? Is it necessary to use the Red Pavilion? If so, your present appearance should not be disclosed. It's better to learn this magic. Not only can you change your appearance, but you can also hide your body shape and change it into another person. The Red Pavilion and the ink pavilion are two major organizations in the world, which have been feared by various countries in recent years. The old emperor once suspected that your mother was a member of the Red Pavilion, but because your mother was too secretive and could not be found out, he could only be helpless. Now if you go to the blue house as a red Pavilion, your identity as the legitimate daughter of the cloud palace will surely be uncovered. It's too eye-catching. The old emperor would have taboo against you. This is not a good time. "

"But ye Tianyi and Yunting both know that I must go to LAN's house. I'll have a different person, but I won't go. Don't they doubt it? " Cloud light moon frown.

"Doubt is better than exposure! It's better to be secret now The cloud Lord said.

"All right! I'm all yours! Learn now. " Cloud shallow moon nods, feel cloud Lord says reasonable. Originally, she also wanted to change face, but simple face changing is useless in front of night nature. Now with her father's magic, it's safe. At that time, it will be simple to disguise a person from the bone. Moreover, it may not be necessary to disguise at all. It will be good to show her original cold and hard feelings. Isn't Xiao Qi saying that she has become a stranger to him? Then go back. She has been lazy and scattered all these years. In addition to Rongjing, I'm afraid even Tianyi will not know it's her. This is the best. Don't worry about becoming the identity of the little master of the Red Pavilion, you will get into big trouble for the cloud palace. , the fastest update of the webnovel!