The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 939

What did yunqianyue do when she was twelve and a half years old?

He Rongjing continued to play hide and seek to help Ye Tianyi consolidate his initial control of Northern Xinjiang. He found her brother as crown prince in Nanliang. Occasionally, the old man was angry and threatened to pull out his beard. Occasionally, he had a fight with Leng shaozhuo and got angry. By the way, and continue to chase after the night sky tilt behind pretending infatuation. When she was twelve and a half years old, she seemed to have done a lot! At that time, I didn't know that there was a father, and what a hell of an agreement.

"Say it! What's going on? Why didn't you come to me two years ago? " Cloud shallow moon see cloud Lord don't speak, stare at him.

"Why didn't you come? We're here, but your mother says you're fine now, so don't disturb you! " King Yun sighed.

"How am I? Which eye of you will see me Cloud shallow month hears him mention her mother, think her mother is really alive.

"Little girl, do you dare to say that you have a bad life? You play the old emperor around, and you can't find the north in the night sky. How can it be bad? What's more, there is a spoony little scene, who has been tortured like that by cold poison, and still looks at your portrait every day... " The cloud Lord said.

"Every day he Look at my portrait? " Yunqianyue grasped this sentence sensitively.

"Well! There are a large number of your portraits in Lord Rong's mansion. They are all painted by him, from small to large. Countless pictures. " Wang Ye said with a smile, "I'm amazed at what I saw! It's because of you that you suspected his painting skills. "

"Where is it in Prince Rong's mansion? Why didn't I see those pictures? Didn't you hear him talk about it? " Cloud shallow moon asks suspiciously.

"Oh, two years ago your mother and I stole the portrait away! He probably didn't tell you! " Cloud Wang Ye said with a smile.

Cloud shallow month rolled a white eye, stare at him one eye, anger is small a few, but still not reconciled, "you also bear heart, clearly all come and go."

"It's been ten years, but it's a year and a half to go?" King Yun took a sip of tea and sighed: "we are all dead people. I'm afraid that once it gets into your life, it will bring you trouble. Besides, you are not yourself, not just our daughter. Or the legitimate daughter of the cloud palace, gathered in your body's line of sight is too much. So as not to lead Lianyun palace. Anyway, you've had an idea since you were a child, and we've had a good time without it for more than ten years. Our daughter, naturally at ease. Even if you throw it in the mud, you can live well. What can't bear it? "

"Are you praising yourself or me?" Cloud light moon is not angry.

King Yun laughed and his voice moistened his ears.

Yunqianyue found that his voice changed after he entered the room. It was no longer the old and cautious voice of the disguised King Yun. Instead, it was as moist as a spring. It was less clear than a young man, but more magnetic. He looked at her, suddenly approached, looked at his face, "is this face true or false? You look like my uncle? "

"Different! One mother gives birth to nine children, and each of them is different! " Lord Yun shook his head.

"Take off the mask and I'll see it!" Yunqianyue stares at his face and can't see the trace of the mask.

"Not a mask! It's an illusion. Oh, let me show you! It's not easy to meet. You can't even know your father. " King Yun put down his tea cup and went to sit on the soft couch.

Cloud shallow moon looks at him, for a moment. Magic?

After sitting on his knees, he raised his hands and gradually overflowed the mist. The mist looked like fog, but it seemed to have a light and clear color. Gradually, the fog gathered more and more, and it was like a cloud in his hand, but the clouds piled on top of each other and seemed to bloom one layer after another.

Yunqianyue didn't dare to blink. She only saw his movement for a moment. The cloud broke away from his palm and rushed to his face. In an instant, it covered his face. Then a miracle appeared. At this moment, the clouds dispersed and a strange face appeared in front of her.

How to describe this face?

There are some similar eyebrows and eyes with Wang Ye Yun, but if you don't look carefully, you can't see the similarity at all. This is a beautiful face. It's too implicit to say that it is beautiful. What's more beautiful? He has met a lot of beautiful men. Rong Jing doesn't have to say, for example, the jade quality of yuzishu, the beauty of night light dyeing, the beauty of Rongfeng, the beauty of nanlingrui, the appearance of peach blossom, and so on, which she thinks has covered all the men's faces. But now it seems that there are still omissions.

Have such a face, have nothing to do with age! Just as she first met Nanliang Guoshi, the old emperor's 55th birthday, he appeared in the palace with a mask, thin and lofty, unable to distinguish the date. Twenty is him, thirty is him, forty is him, or fifty is him.

It is not more beautiful than Rongjing and yuzishu, but a unique gentle Tsinghua University. Eyebrows, eyes, mouth and nose, separated from each place is not the most exquisite carving, but together, it is extremely harmonious. As if he was born to be like this. Among thousands of people, you can definitely catch your eyes at a glance.

"You..." Cloud shallow moon looked at the cloud Lord, and then looked at the cloud old lord, puzzled: "are you really my grandfather's own? Why is it so far away? "

"Stinky girl! How to speak Mr. Yun blows his beard and stares."I'm talking about things. You see, my father looks like this, but you are far behind him. " Cloud light moon road.

"Son of a bitch! I'm an old man. What can you see? " Cloud old Wang Ye scolded a word, took a look at the cloud Lord, angry way: "look at your face, I am full of anger, hurry to get back to me!"

"You don't like my face. I haven't been hiding from you for more than ten years?" Lord Yun waved to return it.

Yunqianyue grabbed his hand and exclaimed, "don't, let's do it first! Let me see more, tut, more eye! Is my appearance inherited from you? "

"No! You look more like your mother. " King Yun shook his head with a smile.

"Who do you look like? Variation? " Cloud shallow moon doubts.

"It is said that I am like the ancestor of the cloud king a hundred years ago." Cloud Wang Ye said with a smile.

The moon suddenly said, "Oh! It turns out that the ancestor King Yun looks so good

"What do you look like an ancestor? On the white head looks like the ancestor's face, loses the ancestor's face. Asshole Cloud old Wang Ye seems to take a look at cloud Wang Ye are not willing to, disgusted to put aside his eyes, "hurry to get back!"

"Don't listen to him! A bad old man knows how to shout all day long. " Cloud shallow month holds cloud Wang Ye's hand not loose, looks at his eyebrow carefully, thought this is his father! This is his father. "How did you know my mother? I'm actually getting married in exchange for a job. "

"It's a long story! Let your mother tell you about it later! " Cloud King Ye looks at cloud shallow moon with smile, eyes light is loving. , the fastest update of the webnovel!