The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 938

Cloud Wang Ye's eyes flashed, very quickly, "Xiao Jing told me!"

Cloud shallow moon eyebrows frown tight, think Rong Jing know she will pry the door? She didn't pry the door in front of him, did she? Since she came to this world, she has pried the door once. What she pried is not the ordinary door, but the Xiyan Treasury. A few years ago, she went to Xiyan to find an important thing to save people. Only Xiyan Treasury had it. So she ran to pry the Treasury at night. Even in the ancient state treasury, the big lock lump was less than one tenth of the current safe. Naturally, it was quite easy for her to pry it open. In that year, she remembered that Rongjing was not in Xiyan, but what did he not know? Then he turned around and hummed, "he told you everything."

"Well, tell me a lot about you." King Yun nodded and his eyes flashed again.

Yunqianyue curled her mouth and pulled down a hairpin from her head. She put it in through the crack of the door and mixed it for a moment. With a bang, the latch inside fell off and fell to the ground. She put the hairpin back on her head and pushed the door. The door creaked and opened. She looked inside and saw the old man lying on the bed, sleeping soundly, as if unaware of their arrival She walked in slowly.

King Yun followed him in.

Cloud shallow moon came to bed, looked down, bad old man side asleep, snoring like thunder. She stretched out her hand to pull his beard and said, "if you pretend to sleep again, I will pull out your beard one by one until you wake up."

"You stinky girl! It's against you. " Cloud old Lord opened cloud shallow moon's hand, jumped up from the bed, where has just snored like thunder? A pair of old eyes needs more spirit and more spirit.

"Don't pretend to sleep?" Yunqianyue slowly withdrew her hand, turned back and sat on the soft couch. Looking at them, she said slowly: "I'll go out today and spend time with you here. If you don't tell me clearly and clearly, I'll tear down the cloud palace, and I won't let you two feel better! "

"You stinky girl, how can you talk? I'm your grandfather Mr. Yun was furious.

Yun Xiaoyue shook her wrist and raised her eyebrows, "my good grandfather, you should think about how to keep your house rather than be angry with me. If my hand shakes and my heart is upset, you will have no place to sleep! "

"You..." Looking at Yun Qianyue's posture of trying to demolish the house, Mr. Yun was extremely speechless. After a moment, he turned to Mr. Yun and said angrily, "you have a good daughter!"

"My good daughter! If she was not good, how could my father forbid me to see her Cloud Lord slowly spit out a word, turned to sit on the chair beside the table.

Cloud shallow month one Zheng, looked at cloud King ye one eye, again looked to cloud old Wang Ye, "is you don't let him see me?"

Cloud old Wang Ye hums a, ignore cloud shallow moon, to cloud Wang Ye way: "you still calculate to keep a promise!"

"You let me swear in front of the ancestors in the cloud palace that if I see her, she will break her arm and leg. How dare I?" King Yun poured a cup of tea for himself, and spoke slowly.

Cloud shallow moon Teng ground to stand up, stare at cloud old Wang Ye, angry way: "bad old man, why don't you let him see me? And swear She didn't expect that to be the reason! The crux of the problem is here.

"Why? Just because I am his father, you are my granddaughter. They're all gone! Leave my old man here. What if he sees you and abducts you? " Mr. cloud glared.

"Then you can't deprive me of my father's love!" Cloud shallow moon also stares.

"Father's love? Don't you have a father? " Mr. cloud snorted.

"I don't kiss him. He only has a lot of concubines in his eyes. Where can I be?" Cloud shallow moon talks with almost roar.

"He's your uncle! Stinky girl, the reason is not him. It's you. Although he is cowardly, he is good to you at the beginning. It's not that you are so cold to him, pretending to be stupid, being a dandy, and becoming more and more unlike his appearance. Gradually, he doesn't pay attention to you. " Mr. cloud took a look at the moon.

"If he asks you to swear, do you? How do you grow your brain? " The moon turns her head and stares at the cloud Lord.

"What can I do if I don't swear? He not only threatened me with your mother's life, but also threatened me with his own life. If I did not agree, he would not take away your mother's coffin, and he would commit suicide. It's all over the neck. It's not only skin but also bone. If I don't spit, he will die. Do you think I can watch him die in front of me

"So?" Cloud shallow month turns a head to have a look to cloud old Wang Ye, see cloud old Wang Ye complacently pick eyebrow, she is angry, "you this old man, how are you so bad!" This old man is his grandfather. She swears a lot, but she can't really scold him. A "bad" word does not dispel anger, let alone the strength of deterrence. Angry way: "he is my father, see me why? Why don't you let it go? Where can I go with him when I see him? "

"Maybe! Don't do what my old man is not sure about! " Mr. Yun has no regrets.

"You..." Cloud shallow moon is short of breath and aphasia. She deserves to be his grandfather and his father. She deserves to be their granddaughter. Look, like father, like son, this sentence is absolutely not unreasonable. Every mountain is higher than one mountain. She took a deep breath, calmed down, and asked, "how can he see me now? Don't you think I'll break my arm and my leg? ""The agreement is ten years! You will not be recognized for ten years from the time your mother left. Now it's over! Naturally, the oath has been lifted. " Lord Yun sighed.

"I was two and a half years old when my mother left. Ten years later, I was twelve and a half years old, but now I am fourteen and a half years old. What did you do for the remaining two years and didn't come to me? " Cloud shallow moon looks at cloud Lord again. , the fastest update of the webnovel!