The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 937

The air in the air seemed to be still for a moment, and the king of cloud walked forward again without saying a word.

It's really It's really It was as if she had punched the cotton with one punch, but she could not get angry. She had already let out half of her anger and rushed to the forehead again. She took a step forward, grabbed his sleeve and asked angrily, "what do you want?"

King Yun stopped his steps and turned his head. He saw the white fingertips of Yun Qianyue holding his sleeve. He looked up at her and saw her angry and stubborn face. His stiff face suddenly laughed and sighed helplessly, "I should ask you this. What do you want?"

Cloud shallow moon glared at him angrily, "how can I want you? What can I do for you? You say? What else can I ask of you? "

Cloud Wang Ye's smile faded and he was silent.

"You don't pay attention to me now, do you want to leave me?" Cloud shallow moon clenched teeth to ask.

Cloud Wang Ye shook his head, "no!"

"I dare you to leave me alone! If you dare to leave me this time, I will I just I don't know each other anymore Cloud shallow month looks at him fiercely, difficultly spits out a word, in the heart's ruthlessness even cloud Wang Ye's sleeve all grasps.

King Yun suddenly laughed, "well, if I leave you again, I'll die old and not contact with each other!"

"You still laugh! You're beautiful after throwing me away for so many years, aren't you? Proud, aren't you? " Cloud shallow moon eye socket suddenly red. How could she not see half shame in this man's face and eyes? Don't you have any consciousness of being a father? Thanks to her knowing that he was his father, she wept with joy.

"In a flash, my daughter is so old! The power of one person to support the huge cloud palace. Although stumbling and stumbling, but also safe Ran Ran Ran, live well, even the old emperor has no way to take you, I should not be proud? " The king of cloud reached out to touch the head of Yun Qianyue and said in a warm voice, "dear, what can I do to talk about it in the old man's yard?"! I'll tell you what you want to know. "

Cloud shallow month hums a, drag him not to let go, exasperated ground asks, "you leave me, do not have half cent shame idea?"

Cloud Wang Ye blinked his eyes and looked at the cloud moon seriously, "no!"

How can you not? Am I your daughter or not Cloud shallow moon obstinately comes up, stare at him with red eyes.

"You are my daughter, yes, but I am not ashamed to leave you. Man is up in the sky, standing on the ground. If you have something to do, you can't do it. If you leave me, I can't do it. Why should I be ashamed if I can't do it? " "From small to big, I have done what I think I should do. Worthy of the parents of heaven and earth, but also worthy of their children. If there is any shame, I am ashamed of the ancestors of the cloud palace, and I am ashamed of my surname Yun. "

Cloud shallow moon looks at this pair of calm eyes, in the eyes serious look, suddenly angry was so calm eyes to dissipate. In her heart, two of her own are in a tug of war. One is to hope to see his guilty eyes, just like the guilty eyes of the cloud Lord when she repaired the Phoenix side princess. She will look at him coldly and ignore him. Because he owed her. One is convinced by such calm eyes and words, thinking that this is her father. A man should be a real man, how natural and unrestrained he should be, and how thoroughly he sees things in the world. He should do what he wants to do, what he should do, what he must do and what he can do. What you can't do will not be too guilty and entangled. She admired it from the bottom of her heart. If she had a choice, he would have preferred to be such a father, although he seemed eager to get her a punch.

"Let's go! I'll talk to you when you get to the old man King Yun turned and walked forward.

Cloud shallow month dead drag his sleeve not to let go, stand still, although the anger in the heart dissipates, but still do not want to compromise with him. He was always asked to give her an account, but she didn't know what it was. Anyway, she didn't feel comfortable.

"Well, you are What a child The king of cloud suddenly felt his hand in his arms. After touching for a moment, he took out a thing and put it into Yun Xiaoyue's hand. He said with a smile, "it's time to let go of me this time?"

Yunqianyue looked down and saw that it was a candy. Her eyes were black. She felt a group of crows flying over her head. She was annoyed and gnashed her teeth and said, "i-no-i-little-child-son!"

King Yun reached out and rubbed his head. He said in a bit of distress: "this is really embarrassing for me. I came to Xiaojing in a hurry and didn't bring anything with me. There is nothing for you now

Little scene? Is it Rongjing? Thunder killed her! Come on! Yunqianyue looked at him with tears and laughter, and said angrily, "do you think I'm holding you just to find what you want to eat? Want something? What's your brain? "

"What are you doing with me?" King Yun looked at her suspiciously.

Yunqianyue felt that she was going to be angry, but she didn't know how to die. She stares at the cloud King ye, he innocently and distressed looking at her, she suddenly loses heart, releases the hand, depressed way: "forget it! Who calls you my father

"Well, I'm your father. If the goods are genuine and the prices are genuine, they will be replaced if they are fake! " Lord Yun nodded his head.

"I don't think so! How can I have such a stupid father as you? You can't even fool people! " Cloud shallow moon angrily crossed him and walked forward. The heart is really depressed. She quarreled with him for a long time, but nothing came out. It was like a Hercules beating a cow and killing an ant. No, it's wrong. It's a candy. God, she's never had candy since she was little!Cloud shallow moon walked in front of the depressed, did not find the man walking behind him looking at her mouth slightly raised, a pair of eyes are full of sly smile. Such as Ran Ran Ran star light, his whole person is illuminated.

One after the other, they went to the courtyard of old lord Yun.

Jade bracelet is waiting at the door, see two people come, hastily respectfully salute, "maidservant to Wang Ye please, to miss to greet!"

"Where's the old man?" The cloud is shallow and the moon is not stopping. Suddenly remembered that just after the person mentioned two times grandfather, also did not address, said is also bad old boss, she can not help but smile. I wonder if this is handed down from the roots? Nanlingrui also calls for his grandfather.

"The old prince is resting in his room! No one will be seen Jade bracelet road.

"Where can't I see you?" Cloud shallow moon hums a sound, go straight to the inner room.

Jade bracelet know not to stop, also dare not to stop, then side standing on one side, waiting for two people to enter.

The door was closed, not only closed, but inserted from inside. It's the first time I've seen it. Cloud shallow moon pulled the door handle, the door did not move, she frowned, thinking whether to split into pieces with one hand.

"Don't you pry the door? Pry open from the outside The king of cloud took a look at the motionless door and suggested to Yun Qianyue.

"How do you know I'll pick the door?" The moon turns back. , the fastest update of the webnovel!