The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 936

Yun Qianyue pursed her lips and looked at his movements. Suddenly, her eyes turned and she was laughing very brightly. "These gold needles were buried in the Jinluan hall when the emperor's uncle was on his 55th birthday. Oh, the array set up with the gold needles is called" there will be no return. ". So far, it has not been found out who secretly set up the frame up. This gold needle has always been kept by me. Now that you like it, I'll give it to you. "

Cang Ting made a move and then laughed deeply, "no matter whose it is, give it to me from you, it is your thing. I'm very honored. "

Yun Qianyue was cold in his heart and was about to satirize him again. At this time, King Yun sent the guests away and said to them modestly: "the seventh prince, the Lord Cang, thank you for coming to see the wedding ceremony of Gouzi. I hope you'll excuse me for the poor reception. "

His voice, his manner, his walking and his modest tone are the same as those of King Yun. Cloud shallow moon is in a trance for a while, originally want to say words swallow go back, cover the look in the eye.

"Uncle Yun, you are welcome! Tianyi rushed back and didn't bring the gift. Later, he sent someone to make up the gift. " Ye Tianyi has been standing on one side with a cold eye and watching the fight between the cloud and the Cang Pavilion. At this time, he turns his head and is also kind to the cloud Lord.

"The seventh Prince is very kind." The cloud Lord repeatedly arched his hands.

"I'll leave for LAN's tomorrow, and Yueer won't miss the opportunity to join in the fun. But now the month of the mother's mother is growing day by day. You should pay more attention to the mother's body. Don't be too late to repent because of poor care. " Ye Tianyi looks at the cloud light moon, as in the past, the tone is gentle.

"I'll take care of my affairs naturally. I won't bother the seventh prince!" The cloud is light and the moon droops.

"That's the best! You and I are estranged from each other because of Jing Shizi. You should not like me. It's a waste of effort. " Ye Tianyi turned around and went to the gate, "Uncle Yun Wang doesn't have to send it! It's just a wall apart. It means that one day the wall in the middle will collapse, and the palace of Prince Yun and the house of seven princes will be like one family. "

"The seventh Prince is easy to go!" King Yun seems to be sweating.

"Ah, I also look forward to the day when the walls of the cloud palace and the seventh Prince's house collapse. I will live in the seventh Prince's house for a long time. If this wall collapses, it will be more convenient. " Cang Ting put away the folding fan, turned around with a smile, and said to the king of cloud, "don't give it away! I have known miss Qianyue ten years ago. At that time, we played a game of chess together! It's still fresh in my memory now

"It's easy to go, little Lord!" It seems that Lord Yun doesn't know what to say.

"Miss shallow moon, I'll go home tomorrow. Everyone in Cang's family wants to see which little girl let my grandfather never go back. If you go to blue house tomorrow, you can't let Cang's family down!" Cang Ting suddenly turned back, the cloud shallow moon smile not deep meaning, "especially don't call in the next disappointment."

"Nature! Don't worry about it. Don't be unable to bear my gift Cloud shallow moon plate under the face, cold voice.

"Why? I can keep all the proprieties of Miss Xiaoyue. Ten years ago, there was a lesson! " Cang Ting laughs and walks behind night Tianyi, leaving the gate of cloud palace.

Cloud shallow moon no longer speak, eyes look at two people leave.

"Shallow moon!" The cloud Lord looked at the cloud and called softly. This voice contains a variety of emotions, but it seems to be strongly restrained. If you don't listen carefully, you can't distinguish the feelings inside and think it's the same as before.

The cloud shallow moon recovers the sight, looks at the cloud Lord lightly, in the eye has no wave does not have the Chen.

The king of cloud seemed to be awed by the dim look in Yun's eyes. He trembled slightly, then lowered his head. For a moment, he seemed to sigh in secret, stopped talking, and turned to walk inside.

Yunqianyue looked at him and went away like this. She was not angry in her heart. But she also knew that the gate was not the place to speak. How many pairs of eyes were staring at her back! She bowed her head, pursed her lips, and walked up to keep up with him.

King Yun did not go to the study, nor to his own yard, but to the courtyard of old king Yun.

Cloud shallow moon follows behind him, stepping on the footprints he has stepped on, following suit. Although the person walking in front of her is still the appearance and appearance of Wang Ye Yun, who has known him for more than ten years, at this moment, maybe it is because she knows that he is his father, so she feels different. The figure is like a mountain. She has never found the feeling of involvement in the former Lord Yun, but now it has been found. He felt even more down-to-earth.

This depiction of his footprints was childish, but it was beyond her control. Although the heart is angry that he left her for so many years, but saw him, still want to get close to him, can't give direct indifference to her, even the face of the temper. Even when she thought of him, she would think of how courageous she was when she defeated Tiansheng 150000 soldiers in the battle of Fenghuang pass 15 years ago. She felt that let her heart all the grievances scattered, only into a mountain of reverence.

Father! People who can't be expected in the past life! People who never thought of this relationship before this life! Immersed in her own complex emotions, Yun Qianyue walked step by step with her head lowered. She suddenly bumped into her and her head ached. She stepped back two steps and heard a very low laugh. This kind of laughter was very pleasant and moist. It was like a young man's laughter. She raised her head and saw him smiling at her What a childAlthough she was the same as when she saw off the guests at the gate, she seemed to be a different person. For a moment, she was a little worried. She looked at him and was speechless.

King Yun turned back and went on.

"Who told you to stop?" Yunqianyue saw him turn around and looked around. Now she has come to the backyard. In addition to the two servants in the house, the road is very quiet. She can't help but get angry.

"My feet are on me. If you want to go, you can stop if you want. Girl, you have to bump into me. I was almost knocked down by you at my age. Is it unreasonable of you to blame me now? " The cloud Lord does not look back, his voice is faint with a smile.

"I'm not reasonable. What's the matter? Who told my mother to die early? My father and his wife are so many that they take me as a root grass? Children without parents' education, that's it! " Cloud light moon or can't help but anger, her buried thorn exposed to the sun.

The cloud King Ye steps a meal, the body suddenly some straight stiff.

Yun Xiaoyue said something regretful. She knew that he must have difficulties in saying something, but she could not help sarcastic and capricious towards him. It was not a word of forbearance. The person in front of her was her father. She threw her away for so many years. Although she respected him in her heart, she could not help but feel the grievance and wanted to pour all the grievances to him. A person who has lived two lives is really like a child. It is a wonderful thing for her to believe in blood relationship. , the fastest update of the webnovel!