The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 935

After Ling Lian leaves, yunqianyue sits at the table with her chin in her hand and meditates.

The old emperor sent Ye Tianyi to be the witness of Nanliang and LAN family. Ye Tianyi was too familiar with her. Even if she disguised herself, as long as she met him, he was determined to recognize her, knowing that she had a red Pavilion behind her in addition to the Rong Wang Fu and Feng Ge. Her power was exposed to him, but now that their relationship has reached this stage, what if he recognized her? It's just the opposite.

But it's time for him to see something, at least she's not something he can control!

It's like that the person she falls in love with is Rongjing and can't give him what he wants.

There are footsteps outside to the shallow moon Pavilion, from far to near, and soon came to the shallow moon Pavilion. Yunqianyue raised her head and looked out of the window. She saw that Brunei was coming. She watched him approach quietly.

"Miss moon! According to the emperor's will, I come to deliver a message! " Brunei stopped at the door and said respectfully.

"Say it

"The emperor said that the Queen's wife has been bored in the palace these days. Please come into the palace and accompany her for a few days." Brunei road.

Cloud shallow moon squint, the old emperor this is to see her not to let her go to the blue house to stir up trouble? She gave a sneer in her heart, and her voice was calm, "let's talk about it in a few days! The emperor's uncle should know that I'm tired of my brother's marriage these days. Take a few days off. If your aunt is really bored, please send her to the cloud palace. "

"Miss moon, you can rest in the palace, isn't that the same?" Brunei whispered.

"How can it be the same? The palace is a palace, where can I have my own home? I don't like the palace. " Yun Xiaoyue waved her hand, "so you go back to the emperor's uncle!"

"Yes When Brunei heard that the moon was not happy, Brunei immediately said goodbye.

Yunqianyue looks at Brunei out of the shallow moon Pavilion, leaning back on the chair and closing her eyes. After a moment, she suddenly opened her eyes and took a look at the outside. The sun was already in the West. She called softly, "Yi Xue!"

"Miss!" Yi Xue answered immediately.

"Has the wedding party come to an end?" Cloud shallow moon inquires.

"Miss Hui, it seems to have just broken up!" Yi snow road.

Yunqianyue suddenly got up and stood up. She took a few steps to the door. She looked back at the big bed inside. Rongjing was sleeping soundly. She turned around, closed the door and walked outside the hospital.

"Where are you going, miss?" Yi snow follows the cloud shallow moon, softly inquires.

"I'll go to my father! You can keep watch in this yard! Don't let anyone disturb his sleep The cloud is shallow and the moon is not stopping.

Yi snow nodded and stopped.

Yun Qianyue soon went out of the pavilion. She heard the voice of "seeing off the emperor" from the gate. She thought that since the old emperor had sent Brunei to stop her, she could not stop her now, so she could not stop her. What would she do. However, no matter what after the move, she must go to the blue house. Before going to LAN's house, she naturally wanted to meet his good father today.

Turn around the waterside pavilion, around the corridor, come to the front yard, just see the cloud Lord standing at the door to see off the guests. With the departure of the old emperor's jade chariot, Prince de and Prince Xiao left successively. As usual, the king of cloud was courteous and did not change a bit. He handed people away one by one.

Yun Qianyue looks away from Yun Wang Ye, and sees Ye Tianyi and Cang Ting standing in the crowd leaving. At last, they are elegant and elegant. There was a lot of attention in the crowd. At this time, ye Tianyi carries his hands and looks at the cloud Lord and the leaving guests at the gate of the courtyard. The Cang Pavilion is a jade fan with twelve bones in hand, gently tapping the palm of his hand and looking at something carelessly. Obviously, it is the style of a romantic young master who is just like Nan Lingrui. However, in nanlingrui, he is romantic, but in his work, it is elegant and pleasing. She could see the maids and maids in the palace of cloud, whose faces were red and their eyes could not be moved.

As if aware of her gaze, they turned to her almost at the same time.

Night Tianyi eyes light color, Cang Pavilion hook up the corner of the mouth, a gentle smile, "light moon Miss also come to see off? I thought that Miss Xiaoyue was addicted to jingshizi's gentleness and never sleepless. "

"As the leader of the cloud palace, shouldn't I come to see off the guests?" The cloud light moon walks slowly, the look is scattered, "the gentle countryside of Rong Jing really makes me happy unconscious, wonderful."

"As expected, Miss Xiaoyue It's not a big girl! " Cang Ting laughed and pointed.

"Love between men and women has existed since ancient times. I'm not a big girl, of course! If so, he is not qualified to see my lady's face. " Yun Qianyue moved slightly and Lianbu approached. Half a month ago, she was restrained by him because she had damaged her body and martial arts. But now her martial arts have recovered. Nature is not afraid of him. What's more, she found a miracle. When she was injured once and recovered again, her martial arts would be higher than before. Even if he is not cangting's opponent, he will not be able to control him easily.

"Miss moon is so different from other women! It's no wonder I'm fascinated by Miss shallow moon. " Cangting folding fan "pa" to open, twelve bone jade fan in the sun, jade color congrun clear, like the face of a beauty."Don't you know if the injury of Cang Shao Lord is better?" Cloud shallow moon also not angry, pick eyebrow to ask.

"There are so many good medicines in the seventh Prince's mansion, so it will be better." Cang Pavilion swept night Tianyi one eye, see his face is expressionless, Mou Guang is tiny twinkle.

"Is it? I'll try... " Cloud shallow month a test word did not fall, the sleeve gently swung, a piece of silver light aimed at the Cang Pavilion flew out. The silver light is like a little star awn under the sun's sway, and its speed is as fast as lightning.

Cangting is not in a hurry. His steps move gently and his body turns slightly. Twelve bone jade fan shakes under his wrist. A piece of cold awn is gently put into his sleeve through the twelve bone jade fan. In a moment, he floats and falls gently, and smiles and raises eyebrows at the cloud light moon. "Thank you for the gift from Miss Qianyue. I like it very much, and I will keep it well."

"Don't be polite! I'll burn a stick of incense in front of your grave if it's poisoned Cloud light moon gently take back her hand, posture is quiet, smile, as if the person who just cruel hand is not her.

Cang Ting looked down and saw that his sleeves were black. His face changed for a while. He suddenly raised his lips and said with a smile: "I heard that there is a saying outside that the peony flowers die, and it is also romantic to be a ghost. It is said that the origin of this is still the original Miss shallow Moon said. I haven't had a good time in the past 20 years. Now I can try one. This poison needle will be kept well. Wait for Miss light moon to burn incense in front of my grave. "

"I thought it was a piece of precious jade, but it was a piece of scrap iron!" Cloud shallow moon can't help but sneer.

"They all come out of the soil. What's the difference? Miss shallow moon's Zen is too deep! " Cang Ting was very proud of his smile. He gently waved and cut off half of his sleeve. He wrapped the poison needle in his arms in front of the cloud and the moon with a smile. , the fastest update of the webnovel!