The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 934

Hearing this voice, yunqianyue felt as if she had committed a heinous crime by throwing down night light dye. She coughed softly and could not bear to make a voice to Rongjing, "Rongjing, is this not good?"

"Well? What do you say? Why don't we also have a wedding party tonight, and let the night light dye? Please go and watch? I will let him learn. What do you say? " Rong Jing turns his head and looks at the cloud and the moon gently, as if to turn into water.

Yunqianyue's face changed, her body trembled, and she immediately shook her head, "forget it..."

"Forget it?" Rong Jing raised her eyebrows.

"Forget it, he is here to watch his brother and sister-in-law Very good... " Yun Qianyue nods, and she grinds her teeth in her heart. Night light dye is so fixed that she can see a fart three feet away from the tile they have lifted. But now she dares not resist him with ten courage.

"Good, really understanding, I also feel very good!" Rong Jing reached out and lovingly touched the head of the moon.

Cloud shallow moon listen to such magic sound to cry without tears. Unable to help, she did not dare to go back to see night light dye. She thought that although he could not see anything, it was better to listen to the voice in the new house than her. She did not see or hear anything.

Rong Jing looked at the cloud light moon low head, clever appearance one eye, no longer speak, pull her out of the West Maple Garden.

Night qingran knows that he can't hope for anything when he looks at the cloud and the moon drooping his head and brain. But he is helpless, but he can't really listen to the wind here. Fortunately, the weak beauty doesn't point to his dumb acupoint. He shouts, "come on, send me Xiao Wang back to the house!"

One of his bodyguards immediately appeared, holding night light dye left the roof of the new house.

In the dark, Huasheng, Fengyan and canglan have a look at each other, but they can't help but feel guilty. I have to feel that one thing falls into another.

"How did you come out?" Yunqianyue was dragged by Rongjing for a long time before she remembered that Rongjing should still be in the front hall.

"Tell the emperor that I am tired!" Yung King Road.

Yunqianyue thinks of him. He runs around day and night, and rushes back. His stomach wanders all over the place. He says in heartache, "go back and have a rest! I'll be on my way early tomorrow morning! By the way, did the old emperor say at the banquet today that nanlingrui would go to the blue house three days later? "

"Yes Rongjing nodded.

Yunqianyue thinks that it is the same thing to think about it. For the king, there are three words that do not leave the country. Even if it is a wedding banquet today, he will not mention it. "What do you say? Didn't it mean that someone should be sent to testify? Who are you sending? It's not you, is it? "

"No! The seventh Prince's night is natural. " Let Jingzhi answer everything.

Cloud shallow moon frown, think of it is also night Tianyi, such a big event, night Tianyi to the top ten families can town the royal face and court. She said: "it seems that we have no fair reason to go, we can only steal it!"

"Well!" Rong Jing answered.

Cloud shallow moon no longer talks, thinking about the reason to leave. It will take at least seven days to go back and forth this time. It can only be said that there is no stopping for seven days to get there. If it is slower, it will take eight or nine days or even ten days. You have to settle down the arrangements before you leave. But since her father is back, the aunt in the palace doesn't have to worry about her, and there is nothing to worry about in the house. It's not hard to leave.

Back in the shallow moon Pavilion, Rongjing let go of the cloud and the moon, and went to her bed spontaneously. She closed her eyes and went to sleep.

Yunqianyue stood in front of the bed for a moment. Seeing the sound of even breathing from the scene soon spread out, touching the pillow, it can be imagined that it is really tired. She turned and sat down on the chair at the table, looked down for a moment, and wrote a letter to Feng Jin, telling him to leave tomorrow and go to LAN's house three days later. After writing, thumb and index finger on the lips gently play a small whistle, a jade bird flew in from the window, stood on the table, she bound the letter to its legs, the bird flew out happily.

Bird just left, outside ring Ling Lian's voice, "Miss, just received the news, three childe and flowers from the West back, now just into the capital."

"Just right back! I just need them. You can send them a message now and ask them to Well, come to me in the evening. " After hearing the speech, Yun Xiaoyue was pleased and said, "by the way, tell Huasheng and others to leave for the banquet in Xifeng garden. They will withdraw and prepare for it. Tomorrow, the seven of you will go with me to the blue house. The identity of going to the blue house this time is not the identity of Yun Qianyue, but the identity of the little master of the Red Pavilion. "

Ling Lian seemed to be stunned, then her tone was obviously happy, "yes!"

"Go The moon waved her hand. At that time, her mother chose seven famous families and took away seven talented young talents from the seven families. Later, the seven elders returned to the seven families and took away Huasheng, who was all excellent in talent and talent. She left the seven families and went to Hongge to cultivate them. Now, for her brother's sake, she has to go to the blue family. All the top ten families will take part in such things. She is bound to meet the seven families. The identity of the little owner of the Red Pavilion is the most favorable. Maybe many people can buy it. Even if they don't, this trip to the blue house can't disgrace her mother and is bound to be satisfactory.

Ling Lian responds and runs down in a hurry. Her steps are lighter than usual. The little Lord went to the blue house to show the identity of the little master of the Red Pavilion. That is to say, from now on, the Red Pavilion has really entered the world. We should know that the seven of them have been waiting for this day for a long , the fastest update of the webnovel!