The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 933

It seemed that he had not heard this conversation. He still kept his head down and played with the wine cup. He watched the wine in the glass circle around the wall of the glass, showing a crystal clear color. His thin lips seemed to smile, but he could not see what he thought.

Yunxiaoyue naturally didn't know that she just showed up for a short time, which caused some disputes in the Xi hall. She walked briskly to the West Maple Garden. Now that she has nothing to do, she naturally wants to see the bridal chamber of Yunli and the seventh princess? Well In other words, what kind of bridal chamber? You can learn to prepare for later use.

Just out of not far away, heard the familiar footsteps behind her, she turned back, squint at night light dye, "how come out?"

"Urgent urination!" Night light dye is not good.

Cloud light moon blinked, reached out to the West and said, "here, there is the cottage!" Then she turned and went on. After walking for a while, night light dye is still following her. She turns her head again and asks suspiciously, "are you worried? Why not go to the cottage? "

"Is there a cottage in the West Maple Garden?" Night light dye asked.

Cloud shallow moon is silent for a moment, nodded, "have!"

"Then I'll go to the cottage in the West Maple Garden!" Night light dye see her dallying, but over her, stride in front. The direction is naturally the West Maple Garden. It looks like it's in a hurry.

Cloud shallow moon follows behind him, can't help laughing. I think it's really lovely when I feel uncomfortable with night light dyeing.

Two people on such a front and a later West Fengyuan. Before I got close, I felt the innumerable faint air currents in the West Maple Garden, almost one step at a time, defending the West Maple Garden like an iron wall.

"Little girl, are you afraid that someone will rob your sister-in-law?" Night light dye looked at the West Maple Garden, asked back.

"In case. Isn't Qin Yuning robbed? " Yun Xiaoyue is very satisfied with the defense of the West Maple court, and reaches out to a corner of the inner court and points, "here, that's the cottage!"

Night light dye light cough, "still not urgent!"

"No hurry?" Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

"Well! How many people are watching here and there? Even if I'm in a hurry, I'll be able to get out? " Night light dye hum.

Cloud shallow month Mo, looking at night light dye, really can't help but way: "have urine to hold back to go back?"

Night light dye face a red, flash a silk of embarrassment, a moment later to cloud shallow moon low voice angry way: "little girl, you don't forget that you are a woman, have such and a man talk about urine do not urine?"

"There are three urgent needs. You and my friends, I can't watch you die of urine Cloud shallow moon tries to hold back a smile way.

Night light dye Jun face red and white for a moment, gnash teeth way: "don't worry, suffocate not to die!"

When she thought she didn't know that every time he sneaked out of the banquet, she used urgent urination as an excuse? It used to be this problem. This person is lazy enough to find other excuses. I've been abroad for seven years, and now I'm back here as an excuse. It won't make her laugh or not.

"Is that enough laughing? That's enough laughing. Let's hear it! " Night light dye back to the body, red face, a grasp cloud shallow moon's arm, drag her to go.

"It's a disgraceful act to listen." Cloud light moon smiles to remind night light dye.

"It's just learning. You and I are diligent and eager to learn. It's not shameful." The reason of night light dye is magnificent.

However, Minyue's behavior is very funny

Ye qingran picks her eyebrows and stops talking. She drags yunqianyue for a few steps. She seems to feel that she is too slow, so she points her toes lightly and goes straight to the roof of her new house. There are hidden guards around, just to show up, see the cloud shallow moon, are hidden again. Night light dye with clouds, light moon floating on the roof. Step on the tile and be silent.

On the roof, night light dye loose cloud shallow moon, reach out to uncover tile.

Cloud shallow moon also does not stop her, not only does not stop, still follow him to uncover tile together. Both of them were masters of this road, so soon the two tiles were gently taken off, and half a silk was not heard. In ancient times, a layer of tiles was laid on the house. Therefore, after the two tiles were taken off, a small hole appeared on the roof of the house, which was just enough for two people to probe. They looked at each other and pasted their heads together.

At this time, a slight wind behind her, accompanied by a touch of snow like lotus breath hit, cloud light moon has not responded, the person has been grabbed back to the collar to lift up, in a twinkling of an eye gently a rotation, she just feel a touch of crescent white sleeve brush her face, light soft, in an instant, the person has been taken away from the roof, floating in the backyard.

"Weak beauty, what do you do?" Night light dye low voice of anger.

"Yes, Rongjing, what do you do?" Cloud shallow moon wave off Rong Jing's hand and turn to look at him.

Rong Jing glanced at the cloud and the moon, reached out and took her hand. She lifted her feet and left, "it's suffering to disturb the bridal chamber of others!"

"I'm here to learn!" Cloud light moon face red, argue.

"Oh? It's learning! You don't have to. I'll teach you by example when we get married Rong Jing turned his head and took a deep look at the cloud and the moon. He turned back and went on.Cloud shallow moon feels heart "bang" ground burst open, put a big fireworks. Her eyes were black and then white. She was calm and felt that the four words of "teaching by example" made her want to die. She took a deep breath and said timidly, "I didn't see anything!"

"That's the best! I'll have to take the trouble to correct it The scenery is slow and leisurely.

Cloud shallow moon a stagger, nearly fell, but that is impossible. Because the hand that held her hand was strong. She closed her eyes as appointed. It's too bad to think about it. According to her understanding of Rongjing for so many years, he is definitely a master with a good memory. She could not help shivering at the thought of the bridal chamber and his words and deeds.

"Weak beauty, you untie the acupoints for me! Damn it Night light dye low roar.

Yunqianyue just remembered night qingran. When he turned back, he was fixed on the roof of the house. His posture was OK. He was standing. He got up immediately when Rongjing arrived, but he still hit Rongjing's way.

"Can't you break the hole? Then take your time He did not look back, nor did he look at the night.

"It takes 12 hours for me to get rid of it!" Night light dye angry.

"That's right from now on, until this time tomorrow, you want to learn bridal chamber candle, enough!" Rong Jing's tone is gentle, how to listen, how to think about the light dye of the night.

Night light dye smell speech grinding teeth, "to this Xiao Wang untie the acupoint!"

Rong Jing does not answer, and then ignore the night light dye, drag cloud shallow moon, the pace is not fast, but walk is very neat.

"Little girl..." Night light dye knows that Rong Jing's black heart is useless for him to wear his lips, so he turns to cloud light moon. The tone was plaintive. , the fastest update of the webnovel!