The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 932

"My father is so smart, but he is just a stupid man when he meets the old princess. Over the years, he was bent on bringing down the cloud palace, but he couldn't grasp the handle. Now seven younger brothers have given him a handle. How can he not make good use of it? So, how do you know that today's things are just the seven younger brothers themselves? Don't the father know? I can't see. The father and the emperor went to the cloud palace to observe the ceremony because he knew that the seven younger brothers were attacking the cloud palace. Otherwise, he should be in the palace. Even if he observes the ceremony, he should be watching you as his son, not his daughter. " Night sky Yu again way.

"Well! In this way, the father must know about it. " Night sky inclines to nod again.

"The father and the seven younger brothers joined hands, and they were so secretive that they were caught off guard when they wanted to hit the cloud palace. What's more, at that time, I saw the face of Mr. Yun changed, and I guessed that he was caught off guard. In the past 40 years, one day it was suddenly revealed. Did not it happen that uncle Yun Wang was arrested? It's a pity that King Shizi is back at this time! I saw my father's face changed when he saw Jing Shizi. " Ye Tianyu sneered, "Rongjing didn't have any words to refute for the honor palace, but he asked the witness and uncle Yun one by one. Then he asked Uncle Yun to have a physical examination. My father knew in his heart that he was afraid that today's plot would be ruined, but he still made a fight. So he sent the leader of his hidden guard to go out. This was the first time that he appeared in front of civil and military officials. They also sent Prince de and Prince Xiao, but they didn't find out why. Things have come to that, does the father still want to continue to investigate? Even if you are a king, you can't be aggressive with your ministers, can you? What's more, if we go on with the investigation, what can we find out? "

Yetian nodded, "good! Uncle Yun Wang is a real uncle. What else can we find out? "

"When I think about it, I feel relieved. The father always thought that he had a vast net to cover everything. But I don't want to be old. I'm old. It's more than enough to check and balance you and me, but it's hard to deal with sister Yue and Rong Jing! " The night sky Yu quite some dispels the hatred tunnel.

"Yes! If he could really check and balance sister Yue, she would not be allowed to give him so many times face, no taboo, impudent. Besides, there is a king Shizi behind sister Yue. " Night Tianqing suddenly laughed and threw aside the gel dew she had held for a long time. "It's not without reason that sister Yue likes Jing Shizi. Who doesn't like people like that? How many scenes are there in the world? It's just that one. "

"Wrong! The jade Prince of Donghai is comparable to him. " Night day Yu shakes his head.

"The jade Prince of Donghai? Well, it is said that he and sister Yue have a friendship. In Valley County, sister Yue and he met alone in the Bibo Pavilion of Cuiwei mountain. When they returned to the city, they spoke and looked like old friends. I didn't expect that sister Yue was always unexpected. It's a pity that my eyes are dim. Sister Yue has been chasing me for so many years. I haven't seen through my life. " Night sky inclines pale face some regret.

"Ah, the seventh brother has seen through, so what? Isn't it worth the smile of Rongjing Night sky Yu smiles.

The night sky fell silent.

The two stopped talking and thought of each other.

After the moon came out of the second prince's house, he passed over the prime minister's house. He saw a quiet silence in the prime minister's house, and the red silk letter was blown by the wind, floating all over the place. It's like the fallen leaves and flowers in late autumn. Red dazzling, but dark and gloomy.

Yunqianyue thinks that she doesn't know how many ghosts are buried in the prime minister's mansion. She remembers the purple bamboo picture that she stole from Qin Yuning's boudoir last time. It's a secret about the prince Rong's mansion. Obviously, it has been retained by the prime minister's office and passed to Qin Yuning. If you have to know that the prime minister's house of Qin was originally a direct branch of Southern Xinjiang a hundred years ago and turned to Tiansheng royal family, then she would be surprised at the origin of the painting. Now that we know the hidden identity of the prime minister's residence, it is not surprising that there is such a painting.

Yunqianyue did not stay much, and even her figure did not stop. She passed the prime minister's house and went to the cloud palace.

All the way is very smooth, back to the cloud palace, the hall in front is still full of toasts and toasts. She looked inside, and saw that Rongjing was sitting there, playing with the wine in the cup. She looked so relaxed and elegant that she seemed to notice her coming back. She raised her head and looked out. Yun Qianyue spat out her tongue at him across the guests at several tables and the servants and servants who were waiting for him. She turned around and walked briskly towards the West Maple Garden.

Rong Jing naturally saw the playful expression of Yun Qianyue to him, and took back his sight, holding a cup of wine with a dull voice and a smile.

At the same time, ye Tianyi also looked out. He saw her playful look towards Rongjing. His eyes shrank, his eyes retracted, and he glanced at Rongjing. He lowered his head slightly to cover the darkness in his eyes.

At the same time, the Cang Pavilion also sensed the breath of yunqianyue. Looking up, he also strengthened the playful look of yunqianyue. He held a glass of wine and was stunned. In a moment, yunqianyue turned away, and then he took back his sight.

Night qingran naturally knows that the cloud is shallow. She looks out and looks at the faces of Rongjing, yetianyi and cangting. She snorts with her nostrils, and suddenly puts down her glass and leaves the banquet.

"Where are you going, little devil?" The old emperor called out night light dye.

"Urgent urination!" Night light dye throws out two words, the head also does not return to ground out of Xi Tang.The old emperor stopped and watched yeqingran leave. He took back his sight and said with a smile to all the people who stopped drinking, "this little demon king, I thought he would be more restrained after he became a general. I don't want to be more and more cross-country now. In the past, he couldn't sit down and run out to play at such a banquet. Once I asked him, he would be in a hurry. I don't know where to play now

"This little devil is really a headache to me! After seven years of training, I didn't see any improvement. " Prince de has no choice but to answer.

"In fact, it's not only him, but also a girl who can't sit still for a month! It's a pity that she sneaks out in the middle of every banquet when I don't pay attention to her. I can't even grasp the edge of her clothes. You see, now her wedding banquet, she simply did not come to respond to the scene The old emperor said with a smile.

"It's said that this temperament is born, and it can't be changed. According to the old minister's opinion, the young lady of the moon and the little prince dye are really enthusiastic. " Prince Xiao looked at his son and agreed with a smile.

"It's just a couple of little kids, just playing around!" Prince de looked at Rongjing and shook his head with a smile.

"Well, if it wasn't for the engagement between moon girl and Tianyi since childhood, the little devil would have to take photos with her Just, just, don't talk about these two children! Come on, drink wine. You must go back to your home today The old emperor looked at Ye Tianyi and Rongjing with a smile and waved his hand to them, indicating that he would continue.

The crowd echoed, but the earlier excitement no longer existed, and there was a trace of sensitivity and caution in the air. , the fastest update of the webnovel!