The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 931

Out of the night sky tilt of the inner hall, cloud shallow moon looked up at the sky, gently vomited a turbid gas, the toe lightly planned to leave.

"Sister Yue?" At this time, a familiar figure approached the courtyard of the main hall, and was surprised to see the cloud and the moon.

Cloud shallow moon originally left the toe of the ground and fell back to the ground, slant head to look, only night day Yu walked in, her eyes light slightly flash, the complexion light looked at him, "cloud palace so early scattered wedding banquet?"

Night day Yu shakes his head, one side to cloud shallow moon walks, one side way: "is I don't trust second emperor elder brother, left first!"

Cloud shallow moon smile, "is not at ease, or want to be in the cloud palace earlier things to look for him to discuss?"

Ye Tian tilted her face and flashed a trace of embarrassment. She stood in front of yunqianyue and looked at her and said, "sister Yue, are you blaming me for leading those three witnesses from Yunxian County into the cloud palace?"

"It's all over. What's the point now? Do I blame or not the fourth Prince has already done it? " Cloud light moon smile slightly cool, voice also some cool.

"I'm just making a wedding dress for someone else!" Night sky Yu wry smile.

"Now that you know, you are willing to do it, aren't you?" Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

"Willingly, but I can't help it." Ye Tianyu accepted his bitter smile and said in a low voice: "sister Yue, when the matter comes to this point, you should know that there is no chance for me and the second emperor brother to win, and the father does not give us a chance. Even if the prince and his brother had sex with Qin Yuning and had children, the father and the emperor could eradicate his grandson with ruthlessness. Even now, they are more likely to assassinate and exchange brides. And I, want to borrow Zhao Kehan to contact the Ministry of war minister, also do not mean that we must rely on women to achieve things, but women really can not be ignored, is not it? What's more, I have a good feeling for Miss Zhao, but my father's life wants to cut it off for me. He wants to give Zhao Kehan to Leng Shao Zhuo and call me to the imperial study, which makes me stop thinking. "

Cloud light moon looks at him faintly, know he has not finished, waiting for him to continue to say.

"My father has cut off all the possibilities of us, and he has rejected us before we have a fight with the seventh brother. So we've been working hard for so many years. Isn't half silk worth nothing? Even if we were defeated, we could not fight against the seven younger brothers, but we should not be banned by our father. Although I don't know who deliberately arranged for me to meet those three people, I know that someone is going to fight against the cloud palace and spare no effort to kill them. I was hesitant at first, but I thought that you would not cooperate with me, and the cloud palace was also calculated by my father everywhere. Then I would call that man's heart. Make you look better and understand. Sister Yue, the current situation has been like this, even if you do not help us, it is impossible to maintain the golden mean. Even if you blame me, even if you make a wedding dress for others, I will not regret what I did today. " Night day Yu a paragraph of words fall, pursed lips to look at cloud shallow moon.

Cloud shallow moon light smile, "I didn't blame you, will I change you, about me will also be like this. You're right. I really see something. "

Night day Yu smell speech a sigh of relief, wry smile way: "don't know why, I am really afraid to be blamed by you. It's reasonable to say that what can't be calculated in our miserable status as Prince, but when I help others calculate you, I feel like I have done something heinous. I'm always upset. "

"You don't have to be upset. There's nothing wrong with such a thing. What should be said, I have just said with night sky, you go in and ask him! I'm back to my house! " Cloud shallow moon don't want to say again, stop talking.

Night day Yu seems to understand what, if thoughtful nod.

The cloud is shallow, the foot tip is light, the body is like the flowing cloud, the light is like a swallow, and then disappeared in a twinkling of an eye.

Night day Yu looks at cloud shallow moon figure to leave, after a moment, lifted step into the inner hall. At a glance, he saw the night sky tilt with the bottle in his hand. He raised his eyebrows and said, "is it from sister Yue?"

"Well, it's gel!" Night sky inclines way.

Night day Yu suddenly laughed, "seven younger brothers seem to be completely crazy!"

"Yes, absolutely mad!" The night sky nodded and sighed. His face darkened and said, "but I'm afraid it will be the same for you and me. How has your sister treated him in the past ten years? It can be said that you want the stars to pick the stars, and the moon to pick the moon. I'm used to giving candy to a child, and I won't give it any more. How can he stand it? Now it is so late that he may already know that it is irreparable, and he will snatch it! "

"It is still unknown who will win. What's more, there's a king Shizi who can turn the clouds and rain. " Night day Yu smile way: "today you are calculated by the father, but did not see the cloud palace that good play."

"Well?" Night sky raises eyebrows.

Night day Yu will cloud palace things simply to night Tianqing narrate again.

After listening, yetian thought for a moment and said, "today, this is about what seven younger brothers did. It chills sister Yue's heart. If you do something else, sister Yue won't come to me. Seven younger brothers have always been rigorous, and do not fight a battle of uncertainty. Also will not take the matter which does not have the shadow empty talk frame. In all likelihood, the twin is true

"Well, I guess so too!" Night day Yu nods.

"It's a pity that the seventh brother came across a returned King Shizi! And Wang Yun found nothing on him. It seems to have been cracked in secret. " Ye Tianqing analyzed it carefully, and after a moment asked in doubt, "but why didn't the father check the concubines in the cloud palace? They have been with Uncle Yun for many years. Should they know if he has birthmarks? ""Can you find out? Even if those concubines said they didn't, as long as they couldn't find it from Yun Wang's uncle, the father and the emperor could do nothing about him. My father knows this too well, so he won't do anything unnecessary. " Night day Yu smiles, "in addition, how do you forget that uncle Yun Wang never lights a lamp when he falls on the couch where he serves his concubine? So they can know? The affair of the twins in the cloud palace is now secret. It is known that it is a big crime to destroy the family. Since the old prince knows this, how can he let him neglect this trivial matter? But it's hard for uncle Yun Wang for so many years. If you don't light a lamp, you can treat all women as princesses. "

"There is such a thing. This matter has never been a secret of the cloud palace. People in Beijing say that uncle Yun is cowardly and spineless, and he is still persistent in the matter of Princess Yun." Night sky suddenly.

"No, those people in Beijing have been taking this as a joke all these years, especially Prince Xiao. How many times have they secretly laughed at Uncle Yun? Occasionally, he asked if he knew whether the man lying in his bed was a man or a woman? Uncle Yun Wang is not angry. Now I think, isn't it just in line with the birthmark? " Night day Yu smile way.

"You're right!" Yetian nodded, "everyone thinks uncle Yun is infatuated with the late princess, or has a special hobby. I don't know it's to cover up the birthmark. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!